Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lora Onone

NAME: Lora Onone
FACTION: One Sith/Black Rose Formerly Current: Imperial Remenant
RANK: Commander
SPECIES: Human - Kuati
AGE: 30
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’11
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Reading the field: Lora is good at reading the battlefield even in space knowing where things are going or how they are acting out. She can play with the fates of ships and read how best to use their various abilities. In battle she is highly capable of knowing what to do and where and with what.

+ Iron Will: Lora has a will that refuses to be broken even under some of the attempts by force users granted she has never had some of the master level manipulators try her so it has only been the wayward acolyte or knight who has dared try to probe her mind and found a wall. This has also lead her to be hard to command if the officer in question fails to gain her respect.

-Tinge of Arrogance: While not debilitating her self confidence has lead to a small level of arrogant behavior which has cost her in some situations when she refuses to give up in a fight or situation where it would be much wiser to cut ones losses. While not always something she faces it is a problem she has suffered from.

-Hatred of Nobles: Born to a more low level of society she grew to despise nobility for it’s sense of entitlement, this however meant she has never gotten along well with nobility even on the most basic level. While able to work with them in war time in battles outside of it there seems little she can stand of their attitude of being better. This has lead to a bias in her own assistants picking those who worked hard but had less Noble lines over those with nobility even if they were still fine officers. This is deemed odd as her own house while by no means a great house is technically nobility. In the end it is an oddity that crops up occasionally.

Appearance: Tall for a woman she is of strong build and in wonderful physical shape, her uniform typically is of a gray or black dress uniform with a typical officers cap. Her hair is usually cut rather short and clean kept. She is usually seen wearing black shoes or boots shined perfectly and similar colored leather gloves.

History: Born on Kuat to a middle class family she dreamt of being a ship captain all her life growing up she strived to be the most physically fit, the smartest, best that she could be. While the nobles got into places easy she had to struggle through the baseline ranks of her peoples military until she joined the one sith as a whole and began her rise. Here she still strove to learn as much as possible about the ships the forces and the goals of the one Sith finding their Ruthless view point compatible with her need to be the best. To her Failure was not always bad she could learn from it even if he angered her immensely to lose. From a fighter pilot she began to learn to lead on ships first in the lower decks then moving up to a Commissioned officer. Now she seeks her path to command and ultimately her dream and beyond.

Ships: Currently in Command of a Victory IV Class Star Destroyer


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