Lora Rhodes

NAME: Lora Rhodes
RANK: n/a
AGE: 22
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’6”
WEIGHT: 135 lbs
EYES: Blue
Come At Me, Bro: The past four years she hasn’t survived life beneath the firey waves of Mustafar easily. Equipped with her drill and plunge suit, she’s fought monsters beneath the lava and struggled to keep her life for the sake of precious crystals and ore. She’s stronger physically than she looks and willing to put up a fight.
Force At Work: Lora doesn’t know it yet, but she was born with a relative connection to the force. It’s greatly helped her reflexes on the field and sometimes sensing things just before they happen. She’s typically faster than one would expect, though she has absolutely no control over this ability, nor benefits anything else from it.
Bookworm: Lora was homeschooled, which gives her the upper-edge over most other Mustafarians who decided to attend public school. Her mother was sure to give her rundowns on as many subjects as she could, though Lora still knows very little about the Jedi and Sith wars going out just outside the atmosphere. She cares little for the wars, however, and is more concerned about her next paycheck.
Oo, Shiny: Bright lights often make Lora hesitate or even a bit queezy. She’s accustomed to Mustafar’s dark visage, so any sort of vibrant light will likely disorient and blind her momentarily.
Clipped Wings: Lora won’t pilot. Don’t ask her to. Though she knows how to fly ships, she’ll freeze up if tossed the reigns. Lets not and say we did.
Insomniac: Lora rarely sleeps due to work and her at-home studies. This is sometimes taxing on her job and her body, leaving her susceptible and sometimes very sluggish.
BIOGRAPHY: Life on Mustafar is simple, but certainly not easy. Lora grew up the daughter of a mining father and a sickly mother. Due to her mother’s condition, the household was sustained on Hans Rhodes’ paycheck alone. It was a hard life, and with the demand to feed a hungry household, her father was rarely home. Lora’s time was mostly spent caring for her mother, and in return, her bed-ridden mother read to an eager, curious daughter.
Knowing school for human children on Mustafar could be something of a challenge, Lora’s mother chose to home school her daughter. She had high hopes of giving her daughter a worthwhile education, even for the slightest chance to avoid Lora becoming a crystal digger in the future. Thus, Lora spent the majority of her childhood indoors, learning from the books and holovids she could get her hands on. In her free time, it was spent on the tech left behind by her father, whom she rarely saw.
When Lora turned eighteen, her mother’s condition took a turn for the worse. Mustafar’s atmosphere did little to help her health, and against her wishes, Hans paid to have her sent off world. Lora’s family was left with little money after her mother’s hospice expenses. With little other jobs offered, she decided to follow her father’s footsteps and turned to mining. She wasn’t completely useless, seeing as she had researched and watched her father for years previous. But she greatly lacked the physical strength and practice.
Lora started as a pilot for her father’s dropship, watching him below as he mined the precious ore needed for them to make ends meat. As the months progressed, so did the intensity of their work, and Lora struggled to keep up with her father’s requests and instructions. One fateful day, they decided to drop in a rather desolate location. While Hans was mining beneath the flaming waves, his suit came under attack by angered Lava beasts. Their iron hot talons tore into his suit as though it were flesh. Unable to evacuate him in time, Lora was only able to pull his burnt corpse from the river.
This failure changed her. She felt obliged to continue his work, and to continue to support her mother off-world. However haunted by her piloting failure, she took up her father’s work as a digger, and gathered just enough for a suit of her own. For the past few years, she’s been from company to company, risking her life and wellbeing to fund her mother’s expenses, as well as her own. By day, she’s submerged in Mustafar’s rivers, and by night, nose-deep in a book.