Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Loran Nera-



NAME: Loran Nera
FACTION: The Horde
RANK: Rogue Padawan
AGE: 21
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: approximately 180 lbs (all muscle)
EYES: Greyish
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Tanned/Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


Powerful Mind/Honed Mind: Lorna has practiced his whole life into obtaining a powerfully strong mind, his is almost completely incapable of being influenced by the force.

Dedication: He is very dedicated to his training and cause, his training as a samurai has allowed him to hone his martial arts and has allowed him to prosper.


Confidence/Arrogance: This can be a weakness since he can be a bit overconfident and over arrogant.

Loner: He has been on his own all his life, He feels he does not fit in anywhere but also wants a home to call his own, he desires to help whenever he is needed, but finds it hard to become close to others.




Lorna has come a long way since his days as a child, he has grown quite a lot, when he was young his parents were murdered and he was forced to watch it happen, he was taken in by a cult of people and was trained in the ancient art of war within the code of the samurai, he was trained to be a Juggernaut among the samurai and was trained as a battle warden, as he grew in age his skills also grew within his own cult, some time after his training was to end he tracked and killed his parents murderer which gave him closure but not salvation, as he always thought killing his parent killer would solve his grief it only added to it, he returned to his cult and when they asked if it had solved his life long problem of being distant he answered truthfully and they informed him vengeance never allowed us to have what we desired and in time only would the path of the righteous pave way to justice being served.

Lorna left the cult and became a wanderer among the galaxy, he bought himself a ship and began to wander among the denizens of the galaxy, he found he became a hermit of space, he always traveled looking for a new life and a place to fit in, he always felt like he had a hole in his soul and the only way for this hole to be filled was to do things for others to help them out, this hole would never be filled but it could be maintained by doing selfless acts for others, his life became that of a warrior without a home and without a true purpose, he had a cause but no loyalty or home.

He wanders around with no home, he knows he is force sensitive and searches for someone to train him in the way of the Rogue Jedi, he searches for his purpose and his life, but knows he possibly will never become hole.

(To be continued.)



Levitate (Specialty)
Force Speed
Force Leap
Force Throw
Force Reflexes (Specialty)
Force Repel


Force Spark
Saber Throw
Protection Bubble
Force Sprint


Hydrokinesis (Specialty)
Force Deflect
Force Horror (Specialty)
Force Healing

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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