Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lorcan Nanu


NAME: Lorcan Nanu

FACTION: The Mini-lorians

RANK: Mini'alor

SPECIES: Patitite

AGE: Adult

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 0.4 Meters

EYES: Bioluminescent blue.

HAIR: None

SKIN: Blue with lighter blue bioluminescent stripes.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Diminutive Size
Gargantuan Ego

Not even half a meter tall with blue skin and bioluminescent stripes of a lighter blue. Wears a set of light blue beskar'gam.

Nanu was born and raised on Patitite Pattuna. He hated living under the tyranny of the dictator, "Big" Hay-Zu, so he left, not ever knowing a certain pair of droids would accidentally squash said dictator.

He stowed away on a freighter, only being discovered when someone accidentally stepped on him. He survived, but not without swearing up a storm and threatening everyone aboard the ship. The crew still healed him in a bacta tank, which thankfully muffled his cursing.

Fully healed, he demanded to be let off at a bar, where he proceeded to pick a fight with a Rodian thug. Instead of killing Nanu outright, the Rodian froze him in carbonite and kept him as a console ornament, being passed down through generations as a family heirloom.

Eventually, the ship containing the heirloom ornament was destroyed by a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Salvaging what he could from the wreckage, the Mando found the frozen body of Nanu and thawed him out. Despite being blind, Nanu immediately began swearing up a storm, cursing the Rodian who put him on ice and his descendants. That is, until he found out from the Mandalorian that that had already been taken care of. For once, Nanu was pleased.

Sensing a fire within the diminutive Patitite (and also just thinking the idea would be hilarious), the Mando offered to train Nanu in the Way of Mandalore (though he never actually invited him into his own clan). Thus, Nanu became a Mandalorian, naming himself Lorcan, because having two names just sounded twice as cool.

He now travels the Galaxy in search of other "Mini-lorians" to show that size matters, and the smallest are the greatest.
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