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Approved NPC Lord Azel Moran, Bladesmith of the Aksifas

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Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows

  • Intent: An overdue sub for an old PC turned NPC. People associated with the Pomojema can use this NPC at will, within reason. (E.g. visiting instructors like Valik Valik , Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , and Cato Fett Cato Fett , or students like Avalore Avalore , Mercy Mercy , or Cord Cord .) @Cerita Sarova too, due to the whole Dark Forge thing.
  • Image Credit: Konstantin Petrov
  • Role: A leading blacksmith and alchemist among the Aksifas and an instructor on the Pomojema.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Azel Moran
  • Age: Early sixties as of 874 ABY.
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Near-human
  • Appearance: A mountain of leathery scars.
  • Name: Lord Azel Moran (AE-zel mo-RAN)
  • Loyalties: The Aksifas, the Pomojema
  • Wealth: Moderately wealthy after decades of unscrupulous, high-quality work for generous patrons.
  • Notable Possessions: A superb set of alchemical blacksmithing tools and other alchemical apparatus. A massive and unwieldy angle grinder with blades made of Svolten rhyolite composite, capable of shearing through alchemical metal, beskar, etc.
  • Skills: Azel is a highly experienced materials alchemist and metalworker.
  • Languages: Basic, Ancient Sith
  • Personality: Curmudgeonly, obsessive, demanding, misanthropic — but friendly and downright chatty when talking about blade geometry with anyone interested, often the hapless poisoner Saavat Kishan.
  • Weapon of Choice: A nearly-indestructible blacksmithing hammer, or one of his many swords.
  • Combat Function: Moran is not primarily a combatant, but is a reasonable swordsman and an unusually durable individual. He is not especially mobile and has no particular ranged-combat skills. He would be an outstanding tank, monopolizing attention while others make the kill.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Superb at Sith alchemy (materials, not biology/beastmaking), tapas, and tutaminis.
  • Excellent physical strength, endurance, and durability for a man his age.
  • Top-tier alchemical bladesmith with a long career.
  • Superb mental toughness and discipline.
  • Low dexterity. Forge assistants and senior students handle much of the detail/finishing 'whitesmith' work on his pieces.
  • Limited ranged-combat options.
  • Low maneuverability.
Azel Moran is a Sith Lord, Master of Ren, chief bladesmith of the Aksifas, and a senior alchemy instructor on the Pomojema. Starting in his early thirties, already a respectable Knight-level alchemist, he worked for Akure Executive Leatherworlds and later Akure Executive Interstellar. Like most AEI alchemists, he lost much of his relevant memory after the company's implosion.

By the early 850s, Moran had regained his alchemical expertise painstakingly under the enigmatic Legate of Basileus. He was sometimes associated with the resurgent Confederacy of Independent Systems, helped scavenge the ruins of Mandalore, and explored the Jaquenta in search of unique ores. He also worked as the senior alchemy instructor at a Dark Jedi academy. During this period he crafted the Academy trap rings, the sword Clarion, Corellian broken-back knives, Gryylarc's Sith spear, Thephina Knight's doonium knuckles, the Eyes of Sariss, Hirou's Sith rapier, the Krath Itak, the Mecrosa longsword Danzatore, the Yavinese Kambantuli, the Kar Vastor Banyal, the Tremayne daggers, and the Daritha Xim sword.

In the late 850s, he accepted an offer to work exclusively for the Catharian Hegemony. During this period, under the Hegemony's direction, he led the creation of the Dark Temple Breastplates and the grotesque Catharian Radchoppers, as well as historical Sith Shields and Khashyun Swords. In return for his years of service he was given Jurgoran Forge in the Unknown Regions, a location the Aksifas still use.

In the late 860s, he accepted an offer to lead the materials alchemists of the Aksifas, the so-called Golden Sith. He served as such well into the 870s. During this period he crafted Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf 's personal sword and Ashin Varanin's maces: Kotsirluuk and Khovesk. He also played a major role in realizing Ashin's vision for the Angakut training tools. In return for his service he was given unrestricted access to, and primary guardianship of, the hidden Dark Forge of Aza'zoth. In this role, as it happens, he is the successor of Rave Merrill — who was responsible for both his instruction and his onetime loss of memory.
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