Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lord Commander Ashloth

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Name: Lord Commander Ashloth
Loyalties: Shadow Force
Role: As the face of an NPC group hunting and kidnapping force sensitive's. This group and character have a planned beginning and end. However, context to both have been yet to be created.
Development Thread: None currently
Age: 41
Species: Human
Force Sensitive: Yes, powerful but not to the level of a master.
Appearance: Ashloth's appearance is that of a worn out man past his prime, and thus wears a garment like that of an assassin.

Personality: That of a man obsessed with capturing force sensitive, jedi or sith and turning them into thralls to drain life from.

Weapon of Choice: A standard saber with a red crystal as the focusing crystal.

Wealth: Considerably wealthy, as he is able to maintain an organisation and the equipment to subdue the minds and powers of force wielders.

Combat Function:
Ashloth is a master of makashi, using precise and complex lightsaber work to cut down his enemies quickly before they can overrun his weak defences.

Ashloth's main force abilities are force and life draining, his abilities extending to the capabilities of draining those weak in the force so much that he is able to subdue them into his service using physiological manipulation, thus being able to manipulate the weak minded into becoming his thralls.

+Excellent Duellist:
Ashloth, after extensive time as a Sith in war has gained mastery of the form of Makashi, becoming an excellent duellist.

+Extensive knowledge of the force:
After many years of training, his efforts have come to bear fruit as Ashloth is capable of draining the force from other force-sensitive's and even over time drain others of life to sustain his own.

-Weak defences:
Due to a crippling injury, Ashloth has less than competent defences when facing against trained saber combatants and mostly relies on dealing lethal strikes before the battle can progress.

-Saged, Rusty:
Ashloth has not seen combat in many years, and thus likely thinks himself a much more competent fighter than he truly is.

-Unfit, unwell:
Ashloth is a sick man, who has seen no combat nor exercise in years and thus has lost much of his physical prowess and relies almost entirely on the force for strength.

Other Notes: Ashloth uses neural technology to ensure the continued servitude of his thralls.
[member="Eskel Tyvia"]

Alright. Normally a trained force-user NPC requires a dev thread, so before I ask you for one I'd like you to please expand the NPCs strengths and weaknesses in the combat function or skills portion of the template. Just so I and others will know how to gauge him in terms of strength as a force-user.
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