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Approved Lore Lord Contii's Subjugation of Gefängnis

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  • Planet(s) Chosen: Gefängnis
  • Name of the Government: Heiliges Welt
  • Relationship With Overlord:
    Spoken from the perspective of a civilized inhabitant of Gefängnis: "Lord Contii's rise to power was sudden, yet inevitable. When the greater communities reacted to his proclamation, dissenters were flooded out of their communes. Nobody was prepared to reliably divert the torrents of water into the pockets we installed to catch water caving deep into the planet. Besides the forced union of all our communities, Lord Contii still maintained a new larger government where all the tribe's individual cultures can be expressed. I suppose Contii was willing to eliminate rebellion swiftly to instill some sort of new utopia.

    But regardless of his actions, after he came into power, all the outsiders who tore us from our homes and harvested our resources suddenly stopped coming.."
  • Type of Government: "It's a dictatorship, that's obvious to everyone, but for the most part our communities are left to our own devices. We harvest, barter and operate in our communes at our own accord. The difference being Contii serves as the protector and ambassador for the planet and comes for a fee every so often. He'll pack his service droids into the EX-L 1 extraction point, send a mining ship down and begin collecting minerals and plants... Sometimes he captures a strange looking creature we haven't seen to analyze."

    "Some of us hold disdain for him due to his initially violent subjugation of the planet and will attack his service droids while they work. They don't react, so some of them are covered in dung or other violating substances. Some of us worship him for all he's done - he's provided medical technology that we don't fully understand but help us overcome our inherited issues. I've personally taken a vial from a package he deposited in our commune, and I started coughing up something white for a few hours. After I was stabilized by a few trained medical "professionals" in the commune, I found my breathing to have cleared up after years of an invasive growth constricting one of my lungs. The keratin melted into a thick phlegm... I had coughed it out! I was cured..."
  • Symbol: "Contii has started branding his tech with a symbol. Three silver hands gesturing with three fingers up, bordered with a silver triangle."
  • Role: "Our planet was seized mostly for the exotic resources the depths hold... But I also believe Contii took the reigns in order to protect us in the only way he knew how... Subjugation. Other than that, he leaves us be."

    Perspective ceases beyond this point of the post.
    • Leadership: Vergessen Contii - Lord Contii
    • Capital: A commune located upon entry of the EX-L 1 extraction point named "Heimland".
    • Notable Assets: Multiple mining stations operate within the depths of the planet. These serve to produce minerals for the purposes of implementing into biomesh cybernetics to reinforce designs. The planet also hosts a variety of strange wildlife that have evolved strange defense mechanisms.
    • Important Members: Lord Contii, "Stakeholders"
    • Government Stability: Relative peace has been indoctrinated into the many communes by Contii. His violent entrance prescribed fear, while he simply handed back most of the reigns of control to the people. Life goes on as it did with Contii's presence and occupation of his workers, but some still hold a grudge that might reemerge later.
    • Wealth: High. Contii has begun to invest the earnings from his open-market products and services into providing his people with more advanced technology. Prosthetics for the more fragile instances of his species, medicine to cure invasive keratin growth in their species, and countless delivered packages of food and other varied supplies.
    • Freedom & Oppression: The people live as dictated by the rules of their commune. Due to Contii's expansionist plot to unify the great communities however, some melding pots have developed that fight among themselves over ideals. Contii leaves this alone however. Whether this is irresponsible or courteous - Contii doesn't dwell on it.
    • Imports: Imports of food have begun being supplied directly to the Der'vergeben people. The middleman being a fleet of service droids that attend to the planet's extraction locations regularly.
    • Exports: Exotic fauna specimens, unique chemical mixtures ripe for studying, plants and creatures with venom holding varying effects.
    • Military Strength Rating: Low. The planet is lesser known throughout the galaxy it inhabits, and only known about through word of mouth. For the common crook, any benefit that can be derived from visiting the planet is moot. While some factions have attempted to abuse the helplessness of the developing primitive Der'vergeben in the past, Contii has maintained contacts with powerful allies and has also equipped every extraction zone with small militias of combat droids. Anybody that wanted to get into the planet that badly would also face the wrath of Contii himself, after being personally notified by the service droids surrounding the extraction zones. If a powerful fleet or military were to attack the planet however, it would be subject to their greater military might. Contii hopes to eventually arm the planet further once he accumulates more riches.
    • Military Force: The government military forced are localized groups of service and combat droids. Communities within the planet have their own primitive methods of defense through tunnel warfare.
    • Military Role: The communities maintain their own laws and punishments inside of the planet and within their separate communes. While most of the communes have amalgamated into a greater body, "lines in the sand" have been drawn, leading to "districts" across the planet.
    • Military Installations: EX-L 1-1, EX-L 2 & EX-L 3 are all heavily armored locations with respective militias of droids.
      Contii's violent subjugation of the planet was born out of self-perceived necessity to civilize, unite and free the race from outsider oppression. He desired to bring his people all closer for the sake of advancing the species, providing the primitive race with supplies and cybernetics that could cure their individually inherited illnesses. Some resisted and held grudges, some embraced the new step forward for their species. Contii now farms the inside of the planet further for resources, leaving the greater communities of his species alone for the most part.
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