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Character Lord Ikrarbytec




L O R D - I K R A R B Y T E C

  • Faction: The Sith Order
    Rank: Sith Lord | Spellweaver of Rishi
    Species: Rishii
    Age: 150 years old
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'0 tall
    Weight 500 lbs2
    Eyes: Orange
    Hair: Purple
    Skin: Light Purple
    Force Sensitive: Yes

    Appearance: Lord Ikrarbytec is a large rishii sith, with a large yellow beak. His orange eyes have a glowing quality to them which allow him to be spotted within the dark quite easily. He is normally covers himself in many layers of robes with armor underneath to provide him protection from injury. His feathers are dark purple with light purple skin underneath. His wings are within his large robes which allow him to fly in the sky without the force. Weighting around 500 ibs make him a little bit fatter than a normal rishii, separates him from normal rishii warriors. His strange coloration makes him an outcast from rishii. He typically wields a pair of sith swords within his hands but are hidden underneath his large robes.


  • S T R E N G T H
    • Master Force User
    • Knowledgeable
    • Experienced Sith

    N E U T R A L
    • Reserved
    • Observant
    • Studious

    W E A K N E S S
    • The Light Side
    • Over-Analytic
    • Fragile Bones

  • Lord Ikrarbytec was born on Rishi during the Age of the Pentastar Alignment. Born to a mother and father, the young rishii would be different than anyone else due to his unnatural coloration of skin and strange appearance. The Chieftain within the tribe urged them to kill the child but they would not do so. Instead of killing him, they would give him over to the Pentastar Alignment once his force sensitivity was discovered. Serving within the Great InQuestors of Judgement as an operative growing up, Ikrarbytec would serve underneath the Imperial Government rooting out traitors within their ranks. Although he left the Pentastar Alignment when they were merged with the Imperial Remnant. Returning to Rishi with a vengeance he slew his entire tribe for the abandonment. Building a mighty fortress among the spires that they once called home.

    Delving into the dark side of the force through stolen literature that he had managed to liberate from the InQuestors of Judgement. Ikrarbytec would begin experimentations with the dark side of the force, although careful not to delve too deeply into the force for fear of corruption. Looking through the scrolls and manuscripts, the tales of darths and their armies reached deep within him. Although he had already the power of a Darth within him, he personally took up the title of Lord as a way to difference himself from the other sith lords within the galaxy. Sacrificing small animals and travelers to Rishii to the dark side of the force allowed him to extend his natural life span, along with regular bacta treatments to keep him strong and healthy. Looking to join the Reformed Sith Empire from the One Sith. Lord Ikrarbytec would travel through the galaxy, looking to join up with the Sith Empire. Although he did not arrive until after the Sith Empire had been defeated due to crashing on a distant moon for several decades.

    He eventually joined the Sith Order underneath the Worm Emperor, serving as an oracle of sorts. Allowing him to foresee events and predict the outcome through certain mediums. Although many dismiss him as nothing more than a fraud, his predictions have a bit of truth to them. This is due to his abilities within Darksight taught to him by a renegade sorcerer of rhand. Lord Ikrarbytec now 150 years old, would venture out into the galaxy once more to provide insight to the Sith Order.


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