Robert Guerrin

NAME: Lord Robert Guerrin
FACTION: Inferetes Empire
RANK: Lord of the Misthold, Druid Force User
SPECIES: Inferetes
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 7''
WEIGHT: 84kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ A potentially deadly force user, though he has not yet harnessed his force capabilities
+ Powerful and skilled swordsman; years of practise has forged him into a dedicated sword-user
+ Smart and intuitive
+ Well liked due to his just and almost kind nature
- Can be perceived as weak due to the just nature of his character by other Lords
- His raw power could potentially destroy him in the future
- Regarded as danger by the royal classes, due to his popularity amongst most lords and the peoples of Inferetes
Robert is a tall man, at almost six foot and eight inches he towers of the lesser men he governs, and is an imposing structure in battle, an unending tower of death and slaughter, all the things that a lord requires. He retains the deep blue eyes of his mother, and the coal-like, dark black hair of his father, and has acquired a defined structure to his face. His stature is strong and wide, further adding to his intimidating status.
Born to the storied House of Guerrin, the fabled Lords of Misthold, he was heir to a vast estate, one of the most powerful on the entire planet of Inferetes. As so, his name carries weight, and men bend easily to his will. All of his life, he has been shaped into an ideal lord, one specifically entailing to the Culture of the Inferenetes, but this is now false. Robert is different to most lords, he is a fair and just man, and the peoples love him, and wish for him to rule instead of the Emperor. He has discovered that he had... talents at a young age, but refused to embrace them; his father would've sent him off to the Druids for being a force sensitive, and so only Robert and a small group know of his force sensitivity.