Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lord Tooka

NAME: Lord Tooka

FACTION: Sith Order of the Sith Empire

RANK: Sith Knight and Procaelus of the Sith-Imperial Starfighter-Korps

SPECIES: Sephi subrace

AGE: 30
SEX: female

HEIGHT: 138 m

WEIGHT: 34 kg

EYES: Amethyst violet

HAIR: light blonde

SKIN: light with a touch of purple


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+highly powerful with the force
+pilot ace
+master melee duelist
+catlike reflexes
+loyal friends
+“nine lifes“: a stubborn will to survive by all means necessary

-disorder of multiple personalities (somewhat mild because Tookas personalities know another and are more or less cooperative)
-not completely convinced of the dark triad and secretly fostering longing for empathy, kindness, and love.
-loyal friends
-deeply ashamed of her fall from grace, dishonoring her species, culture and family by becoming a filthy sithspawn to survive

A small androgynous figure in sleek black amor with a smooth featureless visor, moving without a sound and having a feline grace. Often clad in a dark cloak. Never without a classical red lightsaber used in an aggressive style. Known to use a wide variety of other weapons not normaly associated with sith. Lord Tooka wispers with a low voice.

Without armor Lord Tooka has a completely different appearance: a small, petite and fairylike girl with blonde hair, often worn in a braided style, and big soulfoul vilott eyes. She has elven ears and a fair complexion with the purple tint of pureblooded Sephi royality. The image of pure elven innocence... until she speaks with cynical and profane malice that would shock a seasoned space pirat.

Once in a time Lord Tooka was only a young starfighter pilot of the thrustra-realm of the sephi, born as Monka into an esteemed family of noble pilots, bred to be a subspecies of pilot aces, small and with superior spatial awareness and reflexes over the generations.

She was captured in a fierce battle with the evil Sith Empire, enslaved and sold to the hutts as a "dancing girl", but soon ended in the gladiator pits because of her bad temper and rebellious nature. There she survived against all odds because of her force sensitivity and the hutts getting more and more unconfortable with her, even as she was in high demand as exotic dancer and fighter.

Because of her cultural and noble background it was expected of her to take her own life before become a digraced slave. But she could not do it. Her will to survive and her longing for freedom was to great.

And so like a dark moth drawn to a redhot angered flame she came to the attention of a visting sith who bought her, brought her to the sith academies and put her to the grueome training, only a few slaves survive.
Her matyrdom was not over yet. She cought the eye of a mighty old sithlord obsessed with prolonging his miserable life. Again she was made a slave, a dancing girl of an shrivelled old creature, destined to be leeched of her powerful sephi-lifeforce by sadistic agonizing sith alchemy.

Then she finally snapped. Force lightning was unleashed on the creepy old sith and reducing him to ashes. Like the sith of old the crazy broken girl claimed his lightsaber, ready to make a last stand for murdering the monster in human disguise.

But the enigmatic sith who came, only said: „No body, no crime!“, scattering the ashes of of the dead lord aproaching the shivering sephi and lifting her chin. „Through Victory my chains are Broken.“

The girl answered promptly: „The Force shall free me.“

A fine gift for the princess!“, was all the enigmatic figure said.

And so, she was spirited away to complete her apprenticeship and finally became the „Hand“ of the Princess Joycelyn.

She began to call herself „Lord Tooka“, ashamed to ever use her real name again. Sometimes she awakes screaming from a nightmare were she is exposed to all of Thrustra as the sithspawn and hutt chik youngee she has become.

Her personality is... complicated. She is not disfunctional, but her traumata had pushed her beyond the breaking point and her mind is shattered like a broken mirror, reflecting in the shards the predominant parts of her personality. So the person she is in one moment, may not be the person in the next, making her a creepy, unpredictable conversationalist if you are not familiar with her.

Lord Tookas armor and mask is not only a fashion statement, but a tool to hide her insecurity and fragile soul.
On the other hand she really enjoys life and living and find a pleasure in fighting and killing.

At short: she has become excately like her nickname as a sith: a tooka cat.

She uses an advanced version of the Sith-Imperial TIE/K Superiority Fighter
stationed in wartimes on the Ferrataclass „Dogged Hand“

Lord Tooka´s Hand:



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