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Lord Vittor


NAME: Lord Vittor. Carnel Vittor.
FACTION: The Sith Empire.
RANK: Lord. Sith Intelligence.

SPECIES: Sith pureblood.
AGE: 37.
SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: 6'10”.
WEIGHT: 168lbs.

EYES: Red Irises with black Sciera.
HAIR: Black hair shaved and styled.
SKIN: Deep crimson.



General Strengths:
  • Carnel is an extremely talented individual. he excelled in most areas of his extensive education from combat training to programming and sciences. he can do extensive repairs on ships computers and systems and understand and perform various scientific and medical and scientific duties.
  • He is an excellent pilot and is very skilled in space combat.
  • As a member of Sith intelligence he is skilled in computer hacking and slicing.
  • In general he is very good and fast at learning new skills, putting his sharp mind to any task nearly always brings him success.
  • His extensive training and practice has trained his body greatly in agility, and strength. and he almost always trains to become even better.
  • He has a cybernetic spine that he was forced to bring back from his travels, which allows him for a wider variety of movement and strength.
General Weaknesses:
  • While his many talents can aid him in nearly any situation, there is still much that he cannot master. while he can repair a computer, he cannot repair anything beyond a basic knowledge of engineering when it comes to damaged hull or major construction or technical damage.
  • While he is a skilled pilot in space, he is cautious when flying within gravity.
  • While he is confident in his abilities, he doesn't see every situation as worthy of his attention, if there is a viable chance of failure, he will generally not take that chance.
  • Even though he is very skilled and athletic, his recent travels have warned him that he is not invincible and cannot push his body beyond a certain point before he begins to make potentially fatal errors, but he tends to do so anyways in spite of the risk for making a mistake.
  • As a reward for his one such mistake made in a time of weakness. His spine is cybernetic, which allows him for a wider variety of movement and strength. But, even though it is shielded against it, it does make him vulnerable to electrical, magnetic, and Ion attacks. and it's there as a reminder of his own weakness. it's not a replacement, but he could not operate very well without it.


  • He is emotionally a mask. He has the demeanor of someone who is calculating and measured. He does not show emotion because he has learned to channel every ounce of it to fuel his dark side powers and abilities to the point that he doesn't feel the need to show or express what he does not have.

  • He tends to treat everyone with courteous respect, but will usually become annoyed with drawn out social interactions.

  • The only person he seems to truly respect and revere is the Dark Lord himself. to the expense of relations with anyone else.

  • Due to his lack of emotion. He does not intimidate easy, if at all, because of his lack of care or worry about his own safety or the safety of others. Threats and taunts do not phase him.

  • His lack of emotion keeps him from caring for his own safety or the safety of someone else. He doesn't seem to mind either way if he wins or loses a fight, only on serving his Lord and master.

  • While he tolerates his peers in The Sith Empire he sees them as bickering power hungry machines, only useful when directed by the Dark Lord, otherwise a danger to the Empire.

Combat Strengths:
  • He keeps a short lightsaber on him at all times, he is masterfully skilled in its use in forms 4, 5 and 6 but it is not his main weapon.
  • His main weapon and the focus of his combat skill is in the cortosis monofilament wire that he brought back from his journeys beyond the unknown regions. He combines this weapon with his already mastered forms of combat and uses them to deadly effect.
  • He is all but immune to mind altering effects of the force due to his own clarity of mind due to his emotional channeling.
  • Due to his general skill in channeling, he is more than competent in defending against other force attacks.
  • From his training with Sith Intelligence, he is skilled at stealth and assassination.
  • He is a fair shot with hand blasters and snipers.
  • His posture is always relaxed, but ready for action at the slightest hint of trouble.
  • he is usually able to judge very quickly if an opponent is weaker or stronger, but he usually accepts both victory and defeat as opportunities to grow and will rarely back down from an encounter.
Combat Weaknesses:
  • He is not good with effecting people, which effects his ability to command troops in combat. preferring to act alone and without a word to accomplish the goals of the Dark Lord. Or to act by the orders of whoever has been placed over him.
  • When placed in a situation of giving orders, he is forced to let his reputation and his position as a sith to inspire people to follow his orders, using little persuasion and only issuing monosyllable commands.
  • His spine is cybernetic, which allows him for a wider variety of movement and strength. But, even though it is shielded against it, it does make him vulnerable to electrical, magnetic, and Ion attacks.
  • He is usually intensely guarded against letting any emotion escape him, but there are still ways to break that defense, the chink in his armor is closely guarded. but it "could" be his undoing if he is not careful.

He is a tall and imposing man. His face is frozen in a look of unsettling disinterest which some may find disconcerting or even intimidating. He always moves with confidence, every action he takes is instantly calculated and thought through. His body is lean and strong with his musculature chiseled and well defined, his body the picture of health and discipline. His face is handsome and charismatic in spite of its lack of expression. He is in almost every way, the picture of the perfect sith, pure and flawless.


Carnel Vittor grew up on the new sith world Athiss and was trained all his life to be a sith. He studied the force and trained day and night ever since he was little, using rest as a reward when he reached his goals. He was taught discipline, and he learned discipline. He was taught to fight, and he learned to fight. He was shown the force, and he saw the force in completion. He grew up never wanting to be anything else. He rose up in the sith academy on Bastion, exhibiting flawless lightsaber and fighting skill and in depth and innovative knowledge and practice of the force.

He was a prodigy besides, putting a sharp mind and superior intellect to surpass his peers and reach for the heights of the sith order. By the time he became a sith knight he had completed all that the masters and trainers expected and more. Every mission he was sent on was fulfilled to the last detail with the added bonus of some creative license and over-achievement on the side.

Those given over to envy or gossip would say he was “the perfect sith” or, “there goes the face of the sith empire”, but he did not lower himself to grasp for fame or fortune.
Long before he became a Lord he had delved deep into the force and achieved an almost perfect technique of emotion channeling, where he can take the emotion while it is still raw and unexpressed and instantly turn it into fuel for the emotion and passion driven strength of the dark side. The learning and developing of this technique is what finally launched him from apprentice to Sith Lord.

Almost immediately upon his promotion to the title, he was given a mission by the Dark Lord himself to investigate what appeared to be a distress signal coming from beyond the boundaries of the unknown regions. He did not hesitate to commission a ship that would take him the distance and stocked it with a carefully calculated supply of all the necessities needed for an extended exploration mission.

Once his preparations were complete, he boarded his ship without so much as looking back and set his ship to tracking the source of the signal. He followed the signal out beyond the boarders of the galaxy... He was gone from the known galaxy for nearly four galactic years. And at the end of the fourth year he returned, his ship battle scarred and himself not unscathed. But he returned with stories that he has yet to share, and artifacts that he has yet to show even to the Dark Lord. He bides his time to reveal all of these things, and the other Lords know it and obviously would want to know why. He does not keep the artifacts on his ship, nobody knows where he has hidden these secrets from beyond the galaxy.

Lord Vittor now spends his days on Bastion, walking the halls of the academy, studying the holos he had not read before and would spend days updating his knowledge. He also goes to the training rooms to spar with droids or sith Lords who want to drive his secrets from him. No one knows why he stays at the Academy on Bastion, but some suspect he is awaiting a worthy apprentice to share his secrets with, and when he chooses an apprentice, they will be waiting for when the apprentice learns to drive the secrets from whomever he chooses.

Lord Vittor uses the X-70B Phantom-class prototype as his personal ship. It was the ship he used to travel the unknown reaches of space. It was built to be comfortable but functional and to appear in every way a civilian corvette, but with hidden weaponry and stealth equipment built into it. Additionally, it was outfitted as an exploration vessel for his mission into the unknown past the galaxy. (




ROLE-PLAYS: Lights Out |

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