Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lords of the Fringe

The Admiralty
Post by Ashin Varanin.

If you're too violent for the Vagrant Fleet-

Too wild for Black Sun-

Too uncivilized to ever find a place in the known universe-

This is the place for you. The terrors of the dark can only be controlled and killed by the wildest and most audacious.

Two proven conquerors rule here, but freedom is yours. The only law is survival -- survival at the highest of prices. When Yuuzhan Vong, Abominor, Lugubraa and Ssu-Ruuvi warfleets crawl out of the darkness, we take from them everything. We guard our worlds as fiercely as we raid and conquer others. Other governments hunt pirate crews and bandit brotherhoods; we call them brothers and sisters, and welcome them for as long as they want to fly with us.

Do you have what it takes to kill the most deadly threats in the universe? Do you want a shot at the treasures of the Unknown Regions, the loot of a thousand worlds? Can you build a new world in your own image -- and a wall against the darkness?

Welcome aboard.

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