Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Losena Kyru

| Name: Losena Kyru | Faction: Gray Paladins | Rank: Knight |
| Species: Arkanian Offshoot | Age: 22 | Gender: Female |
| Height: 5' 7" | Weight: 112 lbs | Eyes: Pale Blue |
| Hair: White | Skin: White | Force Sensitive: Yes |

| Strengths & Weaknesses |
  • Gunslinger: As a Gray Paladin, Losena has extensive training in using blasters to such a degree that she is able to perform amazing feats with a pair of blasters.
  • Martial Artist: Losena has received extensive training in several forms of martial arts.
  • Pilot: To further strengthen her arsenal of knowledge, Losena has picked up piloting recently and has taken to it quite well.
  • Klepto: Losena has an uncontrollable urge to steal things. She keeps it hidden from everyone as best she can, but she truly has a problem. She'll steal from anyone: the rich and poor, her friends and foes, the young and the old. If they have something she wants, she'll take it.
  • Aquaphobia: Ever since she was young, Losena always feared deep water such as lakes and oceans. IT's not the actual water she is afraid of, but what lurks below that strikes fear in her.

| Appearance |
| Biography |
Coming soon...

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