Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost but not forgotten wookie child of Wasskah

As Siriwook's Y2K Freighter pulls out of the atmosphere of the 'Doshan hunter moon, Wasskah, three things become immediately apparent. First, Siriwook's total lack of experience will make survival unlikely. Second, since Siriwook is relying on autopilot, she has no idea where the ship is going. And, finally, there is a 'Doshan ship approaching, and not from the direction of Trandosha, but from the surface of Wasskah. Almost certainly, hunters are aboard.

"Rrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuu! [expletive deleted]"

[Continued from ]
“Bleep, Bleep, Bluuuuuup”

“What do you mean there’s a problem? What kind of problem? Try to be specific for once, would you” Ben yelled groggily as he was rudely awoken from his nap.

“Beep, Buup. Woooooo!”

“A trandoshan… vessel? Oh! A trandoshan vessel! I can’t kriffing believe this!”

He rolled out of his bed and ran toward the cockpit where his droid was busy piloting the ship. “Get us out of here, now!” he yelled as he ran.

“Booop. Boooop, Wooo!”

As Ben slid to a stop through the door to the cockpit he asked, “What? It’s chasing another vessel?”

Just then, the tradoshan ship opened fire with one bolt landing a direct hit, causing the ship to shake and all manner of warning klaxons to go off.

“Com’on man! This is a rental! Baku Saleem is going to kill me for this…”

Then, looking out of the view-port he exclaims, “Oh druk, they are chasing someone," And knowing the trandoshans as well as he did, that someone was probably trying to escape from slavery. And that meant he had to help them.

Siriwook notices... someone. Someone who cares is outside. She has her hands on the controls to the ionic cannon. What should she do?

"[Remain calm. You know where to aim]" the inner voice of hope spoke to her. She thought of the weapon on the Trandoshan ship. She saw it clearly in her mind.

"Wyaruagh.Ruagh.Wyaaaaa. [So I will act and preserve life.]"

She squeezes both handles.

The cannons let out a stream of bolts that strike the Trandoshan ship. It is barely damaged. But... perhaps it is enough.

Looking around, Siriwook finds the ship to ship communication. She doesn't know how it works, but she hopes it's set correctly. Pressing the button labeled "Omni Directional", she speaks into the device.

"Aruuu oooghaaaaaaaay? [Are you okay?]"


B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
(OOC: Same character, I just forgot to post using him the last time)

The ship being chased loosed a string of bolts on the trandoshan vessel, a direct hit, but Ben knew it was probably mostly absorbed by the shields. Still, it was good to know the chased ship had blasters, and that someone in side was willing to use them.

“Shorty, see if this rust-bucket has anything we can use to fight back, and if so, get ready to use them. And why the kriff aren’t you taking evasive action? Do I have to tell you to do everything?”

“Blooop, whistle, bloop.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know I said I was the supreme captain and pilot of this vessel, that’s still no excuse, you’re going to krong this up and get us killed.”

Shorty’s uplink to the ship twitched this way, then that, and they started bobbing and weaving. Just then a voice came over the com, “Aruuu oooghaaaaaaaay?” Having spent years with wookiees, he knew the language well, though he couldn’t speak it. A trandoshan vessel chasing a wookiee, there was no doubt what was going on.

Responding back over the com he said, “Yeah, I’m all right. Are you alright? We need to give that ship everything we’ve got, it’s our only way out of this mess.”

“Beep, whistle.”

“We have laser cannons and torps? Perfect, fire the cannons and aim both torps at the engines!”

A burst of red lasers flashed from the ship, most missing the trandoshan vessel. Then, as it was successfully dodging the first proton torpedo, the second exploded against the main drive generator and it began to spin and slow.

As the allied ship fired upon the Trandoshan vessel, Siriwook's vessel continued moving on its pre-programmed and automated course. She spoke again into the communication device.

"Aaaaywwwwwm! Wooru... Urarara. Gharooo. Arugh. [We did it! Uh... I don't know how to fly to you.]"

Siri got up from the gun controls and walked over to the pilot's seat. There was another communication device there. She spoke into it.

"Yaruru. Ruuuuarugh. Aru. Ruargh. [The ship is flying itself--I don't know where]"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
“Yeah baby!” Ben yelled as he watched the second proton torpedo hit the trandoshan ship’s main drive generator slowing it down and spinning it out of control. He pumped his fists in the air and danced around in a circle, “That’s what you get, you lizard brained bantha fodder!”

His celebration was cut short, however, when the wookiee came back over the com. Can’t stop? Don’t know how to pilot? The ship is flying itself? Oh, boy, he thought, of course it wasn’t going to be that easy.

He spoke into the com, “err, well, is it on auto pilot? I think… yeah… in that model the auto pilot switch should be two up and four over from the com switch. Try turning it off. Did you steal the ship? Because you might have triggered it to fly to its owner and that, my little fuzzy friend, could be bad.”

“Shorty, see if you can slice into the ships mainframe and take control.” Just in case the latter option turned out to be the right one.

Siriwook was about to comply, when, suddenly, the hyperdrive engaged. The sky turned white with stars. The last message sent out over the coms was, "Ruuuuuuuuuuuu-- [Noooooooo]" Siriwook fell to the floor of the ship.

When the ship stopped, Siriwook found the navigational panel. "Rrrii ghar [Phindar]?"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Before Shorty was able to slice into the other ship’s mainframe the hyper drive engaged and it was gone in a flash. A howl burst from the com for a few moments before the ship was out of range.

“Beeeep, beep”

“Yeah, I see that” Ben said with a mixture of bewilderment and frustration. Clearly, the wookiee really hadn’t had control, and now it was taking her somewhere through hyperspace. It didn’t, or rather did, bode well for his theory that she had triggered the ship to return to its owner – but he couldn’t know for sure. He scratched his head as he thought, and slumped into the pilot’s chair.

“boop, whistle, whistle, beep”

“Well, no, I wouldn’t exactly say she’s out of trouble”

“Beeeeep, whistle”

“The spice is going to have to wait a little longer, we have to make sure she’s not heading back into captivity”


“I’m the captain, you mobile trashcan, and I say we follow her, just to make sure. Start calculating her hyperspace trajectory and warming up the hyperdrive.”

“bleep, boooop, whistle”

“Phindar? Great, more lizard people, just what we need, alright then, punch it”

The hyperdirve engaged, the stars elongated, and they inexplicable found themselves on their way to Phindar.
Siriwook has disengaged the hyperdrive between calculated jumps and ended up near Phindar. She doesn't know much about Phindar, but she knows what a hail is, and she is getting one, from the planet Phindar.

A face appeared on her screen. A lizard-like face that immediately begins its hissing and squacking. After it becomes clear Siriwook doesn't speak the language, the lizard creature flips a switch and the voice coming out is in Basic.

"Unidentified Mandalorian vessel--once again, you must present a valid hunting license, shipping license, or warrant before being allowed to dock on Phindar. What is your stated purpose?"

"RuuuuuuuUUuuuuuUUUuuu! [NnnnnoooO!]"

"Ahh... Wookiees. Delicious! No need for a permit, Mandalorian vessel. Please, feel free to dock!"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Coming out of hyperdrive, Ben located the wookiee’s ship in the distance.

“The good news is she seems to still be in orbit, the bad news is…”

Over the com, someone spoke a reptilian language that he couldn’t understand. Speaking into the com he said, “Yeah, about all that, it’s safe to say I don’t have the foggiest clue what you’re talking about – over and out.”

“Beeeeeeep, whistle, whistle”

“Obviously, genius, I got that part, I’m trying to get them to speak to me in a language I can actually understand.”

Through the com, the same voice spoke in basic, “Unidentified vessel, you must present a valid identification or license in order to dock on Phindar, do you copy?”

Like I want to dock on your planet, Ben thought. He activated the com, “copy that.”

Then, dialing up the same channel they’d spoken through before, Ben said, “What the druk is going on? Are you heading for Phindar?
@B'enor (Ben) Benjeel

Siriwook panicked. "Ru! Raaghroogh wooru raaaa. Raaghroogh ruagh aru? [No. I want to run away through space. How do I run?]"

Siriwook looked around the pilot's seat for something, anything, that would give her a clue. She found something titled, "Neural linked Y2K Freighter Owner's Manual"

"Wooowoo arughwoo raaa? [What is a neural link?]"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
A neural link? Oh, that wasn’t the model he thought it was. It’s a Y2K freighter, obviously. It still didn’t explain why the ship was piloting itself. Or, now that he thought about it, how and why the wookiee was on board.

“Umm, well, a neural link is a brain to computer interface… uh, never mind, that’s not really important right now. If it has one, which is rare, there should be a helmet somewhere with a wire bundle linking it to the ship. Find it and put it on, then engage the uplink with a switch on the control panel… I… can’t remember where it is exactly. After that, you should be able to control the ship with your thought. You’ll want to be really, really careful what you think about, though, those things are hypersensitive and can be a damn nuisance for first timers,” he said into the com, then added, “And whatever you do, don’t think about using the weapons systems, that could go very bad for me.”

“Shorty, is there anyway you can splice into the mainframe to help her control the ship?”
Siriwook doesn't like the sound of the neural link. Thankfully though, there isn't one on board... yet. Pressed for other options, Siriwook decides to listen to the voice of hope within, which has always steered her correctly. She sees the wires in the control panel like vines and roots in the jungle. She sees she must take one of the vines and swing it over to another... like when she made traps for the Trandoshan hunters. And she remembered playing with her tools as a girl, being given gentle instructions and encouragement by her father. She presses the com again. "Arugh waaruuu arurururururu wyaaaaruu [If I patch this com into the mainframe, can you jump us out?]"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
“Patch the com into the mainframe, that can’t work” Ben said away from the com.

“Woooop, beep, bop”

“You can?”

“whistle, whistle”

“Huh, why didn’t I think of that? Don’t answer that.”

Over the com, “My droid has informed me that there may be a way to use the digitized com signal relay to communicate with the ship’s mainframe. It just might be crazy enough to work.”

Just then, a voice came over the com, “Unidentified ships, you are loitering in Phindar restricted space. Present the proper licenses and identification, or leave, this is your only warning.”

Ben looked out the viewport and strait at three fast approaching petrol craft heading their way. “Kark!”

“Well, you heard the man, if you’re going to do this you have to do it fast or we’re both druk out of luck,” he said urgently over the com. Then, to Shorty, “I really hope she knows what she’s doing…”
Siriwook has already patched the intercom in. She knows it will work. The voice of hope within never lies to her. Or so she believes.

Immediately after, she goes back to sit at the gun. She knows she'd probably have to fire again soon. But she doesn't want to hit anyone this time. This time. She hopes, she can just... a flash of insight.

Knowing the com was being used by the droid, and not wanting to interrupt the data relay, Siriwook decides to use an old hunters trick. She had watched unsuspecting Trandoshan hunters use this to communicate silently in the jungles of Wasskah. She finds the manual external light controls. If she can't use the coms, she'll talk to the other ship in code. Slowly, she codes out the message using flashing lights. If the pilot doesn't get it, the droid surely will.

"S-T-A-L-L P-R-E-T-E-N-D T-O S-E-L-L M-E"

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
“Darn, she must’ve mixed up some wires over there” he said as he watched the other ship’s external lights flicker. “I knew she couldn’t do it. What was I thinking?”

“Beeep, boop, wooooo”

“Wait, you have control? Then what’s that all about?” he said pointing out the viewport.

“beeeeeep, whistle”

“Some sort of message ah? Well, don’t leave me in the dark, what’s she saying?!”

“booop, whistle, whistle, beep”

She needs more time, he thought to himself. “The ol’ pretend slaver trick is it? Alright then. We can play along.”

Ben spoke into the com, this time to the approaching ships, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot. I have something you might be interested in. I found her escaping slavery near Dosha. She severely disabled her captor's ship and jumped here. I temporarily have control of her vessel, but I don’t know for how much longer. So, are you interested?

“We’ll escort you to our primary facility, you can make your claim there. Follow us”

“That was close” he said to shorty, “say -- what now? To her in your little flashy light trick. ”
Siriwook felt extreme joy that she would not have to shoot the lizard people. They didn't do anything to her... yet, though she was very much upset that they would even consider buying slaves. She flashed the lights again.


B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
“Whoo, beep”

“You don’t have to tell me twice. Set course for Kashyyyk and punch it!” he commanded. Not knowing basically anything about the wookiee, except that she was a wookiee, or at least that's what he assumed, and that she needed help, he couldn’t think of a better place to go than Kashyyyk. She would be safe there – slavers wouldn’t dare go crawling around the wookiee homeward, unless they didn’t like their current limb configuration. “Lets leave these slime balls ogling at my pretty booty, shall we?”

The hyperdirve in both ships began to warm up. Then, just as a voice over the intercom came through, “Disengage your hyperdrives imme…” They entered hyperspace, suns morphed from points of light into long lines of illumination. After some time, those lines of illumination morphed back into points of light and they had a perfect view of the wookiee homeworld on their right.

Ben looked at a clock… he was very late with this shipment, there was a reason he was a mechanic and slicer, not a smuggler. If I don’t deliver this spice, he thought, I’m a dead man. Confident that his new wookiee friend would be safe here, Ben said to Shorty, “Tell her that I’d love to stay and chat, but that we have to run or we’ll be next up for slavery. ”
Saying goodbye to the nice pilot, Siriwook finds herself about where she'd started. She's jumped from Wasskah, and come back to Kashyk. She is in orbit above her home world. She should feel joyful, about to return to the trees of her youth. But she does not. She can't think of a single person she knows down on the planet. She should know dozens of people--and, thinking back, she tells herself she remembers being surrounded by friends and family and going to school and all of that. But she can't name even one wookiee she grew up with. While she's contemplating whether to go down to the planet's surface, Siriwook's ship is caught by a much larger ship and automatically guided into its docking bay.

A human voice comes on the communicator. "Unidentified vessel, we have found your ship adrift and noticed your controls were compromised. Taking you aboard to avoid collision. Do you need a lift to a repair station?"

Siriwook hopes the party on the other line knows the letter code and flashes, "Y-E-S"

"Unidentified vessel, come in. Do you-- oh, I see. Thank you. A security team will be meeting you on your ship shortly. Please be prepared to provide identification."

Siriwook senses no hostility in the announcement, so she just flashes, "O-K" and prepares to be boarded. While it becomes clear Siriwook has no identification or belongings, the security team is able to find a certificate of sale with her name and likeness on it in the ship's computer. Since Siriwook does not recall ever having been photographed or buying a ship, she is confused by the discovery, but says nothing to the contrary. Siriwook is brought before the chief of security, an intelligence officer, to be questioned more thoroughly. But, as soon as she enters the room, the other party orders her release.

"What are you doing? Can't you tell she's a Jedi? Release her immediately."

Siriwook's bonds are undone and she is left alone with the security chief. She's about to correct him when he says,

"Look, I can tell you're not a Jedi. But you could be. I'm here on undercover assignment searching for spies. No, don't worry--I can tell you're not one of them. But I can also tell you're Force sensitive and that you've been through an incredible ordeal--yet remain a good-hearted person."

Siriwook smiles, hoping her teeth aren't too scary.

The spy hunter continues, "We're going to be heading deep into Galactic Alliance territory. If you're not already heading somewhere, why not go there and try finding a master to train you?"

Siriwook shrugs. She doesn't know what a Galactic Alliance is, but she knows Jedi. She's not sure why, but she knows she should agree to see the Jedi. At least it will give her time to find out why she can't remember anyone from Kashyk. Ultimately, she agrees, nodding. The security chief excuses her, saying she must stay aboard her ship for the trip, but to let him know if she needs anything. She walks back the way she came and sits in the pilot's seat.

She will go find the Jedi. For whatever reason, she must. But, to be a Jedi? Siriwook isn't sure she can. To carry around a stick made of light, chop off hands, and cut people in half? That doesn't sound like the life she wants for herself. She likes her hands where they are. And, besides, the light stick would probably be very hot to hold.

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