852 ABY
One of the more famous cantinas on the planet of Centares was buzzing with activity that night: a steady stream of patrons either entering or exiting the premises, the silken voice of a singer radiating from the expensive-looking stage, and a multitude of waitresses and bartenders delivering flamboyantly vibrant drinks to customers in exchange for handfuls of credits. Under the wing of the Mara-Parlemian Trade Council, alcoholic imports from all over the galaxy found their way to the shelves of the establishment.Funnily enough, none of that was why Jedi Master Jagen Wren had found himself there, just an added bonus. No, he had come here to seek out someone who he'd been looking for during a better part of a week; at any rate, [member="Kira Vaal"] was a tough person to find, especially when she didn't want to be found. From Jagen's experience, she seemed to have a tendency to hide on uninhabited worlds when things got very bad, therefore he considered himself lucky.
He slipped inside the cantina casually, his lightsaber concealed beneath his dark grey cloak which, when compared to other patrons, was rather bland. Jagen walked up to what seemed to be the main bar, flagging over the tender by waving a credit-filled hand. "I'll take an ale, Forvish. And some information." He began, leaning forward slightly "Can you point me out to a woman by the name of Kira Vaal? She lost a bet and I've come to collect."
The bartender nodded, pointing subtly while he prepared the drink. Jagen said his thanks, dropping credits into the alien's hand before setting off, the glass of ale in hand, in the direction he was told.