Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost but Unafraid

Diana walked through the streets of Corellia, her clothes were ratty, her hair was split and torn, and the scars on her body dotted her almost entirely. Radiation burns peeked out from beneath her clothes and small black blotches of frostbite could still be seen on her arms. There was a notable absence of lightsabers on her hip, the two weapons she had left behind back on Coruscant when talking to the Jedi high council. Still with her however was the Blade Tyrfing, the songsteel sword she had used to end the life of Sith Master Velok.

Even though she looked like a hobo, as though she were falling apart and her very life was coming apart at the seams there was a smile on her face. She was happy for some unknown reason, glad to be in this state.

As she wandered the streets she smiled at children, nodded to adults, and generally was pleasant. Diana no longer had a home. The only home she had known was unavailable to her since leaving the Jedi Order. Luckily she was smart enough to make it on her own, albeit barely. She had worked on a ship for a few weeks in order to buy passage to Corellia, and from here she hoped to do some freelance security work in order to make some money and buy a home...a place she could operate out of.

Once she had that she would begin her hunt. Diana was determined to chase down those who had wronged the Jedi. The Sith who had come to Tython and stolen countless artifacts, and then those that had gotten away with said artifacts after the auction. Diana would find them all, and then bring them to justice. Each and every one would stand trial before the Senate, and each and every one would be thrown into the Pit.

The young Jedi Knight nodded to herself in assurance, and then broadened her smile. This was only the first step.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton was wandering his old home of Corellia, keeping up with the team, visiting old friends, and checking up on old accounts. Once he had finished his business, he decided it was time to get to one of the lower parts of the city, find some bars, blow off some steam. It wasn't the best part of town, but Jaxton always felt better in such places, at least on Corellia. He was born on the streets, as a kid he was just a Zeltron that was a bit bigger and faster than the other kids, nothing more. Crazy how in the scheme of a few years he had become so much more, went pro, joined the jedi, and eventually left the Jedi, after the fiasco at Metalorn.

He supposed not a lot of that mattered now, but he was still felt the urge to help out people where he could, where he saw people needed help. So as he passed through the streets and spotted a rather torn young woman, who despite suffering what appeared to be quite the array of cuts, frostbite, and burns had a rather beaming smile, as if she hadn't a care in the world. He could sense the Force in her, she felt like a Jedi, though she wasn't one he'd seen while he was still in the Order, or at least hadn't remembered. He supposed he might have seen her before her visage became more and more cracked.

Despite her presence in the Force, which was strong enough that it was likely trained, experienced, she carried no lightsaber, unless she was hiding it in some spot he couldn't see, carrying instead what seemed to be a sword. A bit curious, the former Jedi headed over to the young scarlet-haired mistress, and decided to begin some conversation.

"Now, I know Corellia has it's rough spots, but I didn't think they were that rough. Can I help you miss?"

@[member="Diana Moridena"]
Diana looked at the man that approached her with curious eyes. He had pink skin and blue hair, Diana guessed that he was a Zeltron. She observed him for a few seconds, trying to figure out what exactly his angle was. Then again perhaps he had no angle and was simply being nice, she did look like absolute crap right now and she suspected that not everyone was out to get her.

“I doubt it. I'm looking for some work.” She said the words with weariness, but a smile on her face as not to be insulting. She did not notice his lightsaber, the state of her eyes prevented her from doing so in this light. Her eyes of course had been damaged to the extreme in one of her fights with Velok, the force lightning that he had pressed into her body had damaged her corneas in such a manner that it caused her vision to fade.

Now her eyes could only see in the ultra-violet and infared spectrum, she could barely see when a place was flooded with light. Right now that was the case, she could hardly make out Jaxton or the people around her, the light was simply too bright.

But she smiled anyway, not really caring about her disability at the moment.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton nodded as the girl said she was looking for work, visibly smiling yet still also shaken, in overall appearance and also her voice. The young lady had obviously been through some hard times, more than most her age. As he came closer to her he noticed that the woman's eyes were damaged someway, but more than that he could see now how she carried herself. She was a veteran, of sorts, and had seen the ways of combat firsthand.

"Well, if you like sports I've got a few contacts in that area I can refer you too." He started, trying to be friendly. "But before you start heading into interviews, you might want to get a bit cleaned up. I know a couple good doctors in the area that could fix you up really nice. Whatsay we head over and I make a few calls along the way, set you up some appointments?"

@[member="Diana Moridena"]
Diana looked at the strange pink man and raised an eyebrow. He was being awfully generous, and that tipped her off her senses quite a bit. The Jedi order had never stressed the idea of “Stranger Danger” given that one did not really leave the Jedi Temple all that much...and by the time one did you could disarm or kill most anyone. She frowned slightly as she thought things over. Despite the over niceness of the man Diana sensed no hidden malice from him, no seemly intention behind his words. She frowned slightly and then spoke.

“I'm usually not in the business of going to random places with strangers.” She waited for a second and then decided to explain herself a little bit more. “Despite my appearance I actually didn't grow up on the street.”

She paused for a few seconds and then realized something, her shiny bright eyes opened wide. “Not that growing up on the street is necessarily a bad thing!”

Diana had no idea of the mans history, but she did not want to insult him if he was some philanthropist who had grown up on the street and now helped street urchins get their own bearings. For a few more moments Diana said nothing.

“Perhaps if you told me your name? Who you are?” She spoke carefully now, weary of asking of too much.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Jaxton laughed a little bit as the young scarlet haired lady quickly collected herself on the 'streets' comment, as if not to insult him. Jaxton had grown up on the streets, but he knew what the girl meant. His juvenile life was one that, shall we say, 'built character' but wasn't necessarily the safest or cleanest of options. The girl waited a minute as a Jaxton laughed, a bit awkwardly, perhaps in embarrassment, before asking him his name.

"My name's Jaxton." He said, as he extended a large hand to shake. "Corellia's always been my home, used to play ball for a while, but since then I've moved around for place to place helping where I could. Kinda a drifter right now."

@[member="Diana Moridena"]
“I see” She said slowly after observing him for a few more seconds. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion for a few more moments and then finally she relented. She was hungry, her burns were still hurting, she couldn't see worth a damn and her clothes were nothing but rags. If this man was truly offering her all of these things...well then she would be an idiot not to take advantage. “Alright. Take me to your doctor then.”

Diana had never actually played sports, she had never been a fan in fact but she had always liked physical exercise. This was part of the reason she was such a good blademaster. She was quick and lithe, naturally tuned to physical activity. Perhaps this would be interesting, a form of training. Then again she might end up being a secretary or a security guard. Either option was fine with her, she needed money to begin her little quest.

“Lets hope he's not an eye doctor.” Diana tried her hand at humor as the two began to walk.

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