Baifa Monü Zhuan
The Silver Jedi had been rather successful in their endeavors, prepared to work on more things here within the Caldera where they could make a difference when Junko was going over things herself. To add an eye of discern to all of it and to also allow the Silver Order a stronger foothold here as they had a number of worlds to prepare for. They needed to be able to go over to each one and be prepared for problems but they could also use it all to set up outposts and their number of new prefab bases that would serve a stronger sese thanks to factory ships. Junko herself was using the will of the force and monitoring stations to allow herself to coordinate it with the other ships. They had the hellcat AI and thanks to their biodroids they could deploy the large flowers around the systems. Which was the plan, to go along the routes and sections of the caldera now and for a good while to handle each of the worlds themselves.