Silver Shroud
Nar Shaddaa
Someday. Someday...
Someday I'll never have to set foot on this world again.... the young Jedi mused to himself, strolling along idly, cowl pulled low to hide his.... 'less than humanoid' features. The cesspool of sin, greed, and assorted villainy reeked in the Force, assaulting his senses, both natural and supernatural. His dark robes, and metal quarterstaff, made remaining inconspicuous a relatively simple task, as he strolled through the bazaar. He had sought some rare medicinal herbs, ones not readily available back on Voss.
Countering poisons was no simple task.
But, he'd acquired what he sought, though it did not come cheap. He couldn't risk trying to persuade the dealer down in price, given the Toydarian's mental fortitude. A moments respite was to be had, before heading to his ship to head for home. A cantina, a hole-in-the-wall place. Quiet, and known for a decent broth on the menu. He sidled up to the bar, staff resting just to his side, just in time to witness a near-human female being accosted by a pair of thugs looking for some cheap thrills. A twi'lek and a near-human. Sighing, the cloaked figure leaned slightly towards the three, clearing his throat. "Gentlemen, you can surely see the woman is in no hurry to make further acquaintance with either of you...."
"Yeah, and who asked you?" the Twi'lek sneered in reply, a hand drifting towards a knife, sheathed at his hip, his partner resting a hand on a holstered blaster chuckling along, the two facing the cloaked man fully.
"No one asked, but no one needed. It would be in everyone's best interest if you two just walked away, and found somewhere else to play today." the cloaked man continued, his voice calm, almost soothing in it's richness.
"I think it might be in our best interest if we took you outside and learned you a little something, friend." the near-human replied, his chuckle fading as a cold glare cut across his face.
The cloaked man's drink arrived, one his brother had helped to slowly grow accustomed to. A rich, beautiful, strong beverage, vibrant blue in color. Known simply as a 'Reactor Core'. The drink was downed, and the glass tapped down on the bar, before signalling to the barkeep to prepare another. "First one always quick.... burns like hell...." he muttered, before shifting slightly to face the three. Gesturing to the woman, he'd pause, "I will allow the lady to decide. Should we step outside and speak as men, or shall I turn and walk away, having fully misread the situation...." He shifted his posture slightly, his hood shifting just enough to allow one vibrant, keen, brilliant golden eye, to be visible to the three.
[member=Alice Tarr]