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Lost Island

[member="Honoko"] [member="Eirin"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"]

The island it had been her home all of her life and when the Silver Jedi had managed to find it, to find the old beacon they had it had oepned them up to something different. Sorel Crieff and Orihime Ike had said more would come and they did another jedi with a guard for the tunnels. Offering them the simple amenities that jedi might need and for a village to survive. They didn't need hundreds of thousands of people but having slightly stronger tools that were fixed yearly or old wood for the structures. There were ways to improve the condition of life without becoming some massive modernized juggernaut which was the point. Morrigan had been one of the first allowed to go out to join the Silver Jedi and returned with a few interesting things. Mostly how they had managed to improve and help people so she was glad of that.

There was also the chance thanks to A'tuin her custom saotome turtle freighter to come back home and see her family for lack of a better term. None of them had her blood, she had been rescued from a lab but they were family. She was here to explore the island and offer everyone who was coming with her, the newly assembled and hopefully lasting padawan pack. A group of padawans who might not have all of the tools would get a chance to show their skills here with the island. Its many tombs and dangers where they would be able to explore around. She had arca there on the ship as the tiger was getting a chance to sit around with her and knew they were home as the feeling of the force around them.

The nexus of the island off there if you knew how to feel it before the small island just off the main one was letting the pilot droids. She knew a few things on the island might surprise the others there when she wondered what their reactions to learning about Binky on the darker side of the island. The mountains temselves had some of the older structures few others had seen and one of them was a castle some of the taung had made for defensive purposes once upon a time. She was looking for a chance for the padawans to explore the island and there were tombs there. Jedi, some sith and a chance for other force users who might be a danger, there were creatures on the island here that others dind't see often.

Morrigan stood there and looked at the attire, the skillful design with the duraplast that she could wear while fitting it on and the sheaths for her blades. One of the blades of sorrow that had been offered for back up in the field. She hadn't realized what it was able to actually do compared to many of the other weapons the jedi had for support. It could come in handy she had figured and wore it on her hip next to one of the training lightsabers. The same for the sword she had been given by Junko as a gift. To be protector and watchwomen of the island. The force nexus here was important to the jedi and the village a place where the jedi were hidden. With a small look she secured her hair buttoning up.

Negative Prime

Space Elf.. its a thing apparently.
Honoko sighed she needed to work on an armor. at the moment it was combat gear she was wearing.
and well as a Mandalorian if you were not under about 50kg of metal strapped to your bottom.
still here she was on a bloody island. great the out doors.
she hated the out doors it was outside the outside was unnatural. that was why thay made inside to get away from it.
As part of the newly reformed 'Padawan Pack', Jadis would join her fellow Jedi on a humanitarian mission on Shri-Tal. From there, the Silver Jedi had made contact with a native who seeked to improve the quality of life for her people. Jadis had come ready and willing to do whatever she could to help. Her stated expertise was in the healing arts and medicine, and xenobiology. She wasn't exactly sure if this skillset would be of any benefit to a population so small, but at the very least she knew her way around a hammer and nail. Jedi of the Nidhog system were well versed in craftsmanship and other trades as they were expected to all participate in maintaining their communities.

She remained quiet during most of the trip to Shri-Tal from Voss. She wasn't much of a chatty type, spending much of her time in quiet mediation. Arisa was here among the padawan as their chaperone on this assignment, and she was doing her best to avoid her former protégée. While she wore a new face, Jadis feared that her speech and mannerisms may betray her with any extended conversation. It was hard, so close to the one she loved like a daughter, but so far away. She could only imagine what Arisa thought of her now as she had failed to ever reach out to her after the war between the Galactic Alliance and the now defunct Domnion of Atrisia. Did she think of her as a monster like the Sith she had fought with? Perhaps she would never know, and that pained her like little else.

As they landed, Suravi was one of the first to disembark from the ship. She was dressed plainly in traditional Jedi garb, but she had traded in her heavy outer coat for a long cream tunic. This island was strong with the Force. For a while, she stood by herself, becoming in tune with her surroundings to strengthen her connection here as she began to work with the others. When she was done, she returned to the group, awaiting guidance from Ms. Jeth on what to do next.

[member="Honoko"] [member="Morrigan Jeth"]
Arisa had only one job here accompanying the Padawan, and it was simply to sit back and observe them figuring out how to best serve the people of Okishima. She would be around to offer assistance at any time, but only if they made the request. Otherwise, she would only intervene in matters in the event that the Padawan encountered a life threatening situation with the local fauna - Shri-Tal was known to be host to some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy.

That said, she wasn't planning on hanging around the ship the whole time. For the young Knight, Okishima presented an opportunity for her to relax a bit during the rather laid back assignment where she expected no conflict. For the past few months, it had been dealing with run raid after another with several investigations in between. She couldn't really she had taken much of a break during those times.

Here was her chance. She had a couple personal projects in mind she wanted to finish while monitoring the Padawan with the other chaperones on the trip. Her new lightsaber, fit with crystals gathered from a newly liberated Illum, still needed some tweaking before it was complete. There was also a new hyperdrive motivator she planned on testing in system, supposed to be faster and more stealthy than what was currently available for the SJO and KSU. It may have seemed funny to others that it looked like she was engaging in work on what was supposed to be her time off, but tinkering was a form of active mediation for the Jedi that brought her relaxation like nothing else (except watching her Seoulian Drama holo-programs).

Before she got to any of that, she joined Morrigan and the others outside to exchange greetings with the island's local leadership, see where the locals needed help, and restrictions would be placed on SJO activity here if any.

"Happy to be home?" she asked Morrigan as she came up beside her.

[member="Morrigan Jeth"] [member="Honoko"]

((Hey [member="Sorel Crieff"] would you mind using this particular thread as a chance to chill and catch up in the background while the paddy pack does their thing?))
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko had heard that a group of fellow padawans were planning on going on a mission of their own to the planet of Shri-Tal to offer humanitarian aid. He eagerly joined the group as he wanted this chance to get to know some of his fellow padawan learners; sure he may have been a little older than some of them and he was of a species that hardly anyone had ever heard of, let alone seen before but he felt it was time to blend in more with the Order. He learned that the group called themselves the Padawan Pack, and this amused him, but he felt that it was a fitting name. As he sat on the freighter with the rest of his fellow padawans he looked around at each one of them; he was eager to get to know each one, and was hopeful that he would be able to build lasting friendships. Tyluko was accompanied by his highly customized B1 Battle Droid, OOM-7795 or Oomy for short. His droid companion insisted that he come along as assurance that nothing would happen to Tyluko or his companions. He had noticed that his droid companion had been rather over protective since the Sith attack on Midvinter where Oomy had saved him from being cut down by a Sith warrior.
"I have looked at the data for this planet master, we are going to an Island called Okishima that means there should be plenty of water for you to utilize your watershaping in case you are atacked." The droid whirled.

Tyluko turned towards his droid and smiled at him, "I appreciate your concern Oomy, but I am sure that there is nothing to worry about, I will not be alone on this journey" He said as he gestured towards his fellow Padawans. "Now how about you close down for a bit until we get there, I think I am going to meditate for a little bit" Oomy simply responded with a nod and shut himself down. Tylukio smiled as he closed his eyes and prepared himself to meditate. As he began to meditate, he used the Force to draw the water out of the flask on his hip and formed it around himself in a sphere shape. Tyluko liked to use his hydrokinetic abilities to make his own personal water meditation orb, because he felt so much calmer while under the water. He was sure that the other Padawans would be staring as he did this but if he was going to get to know his fellow learners, he must not be afraid to show his peers about who he was.

He meditated for the rest of the trip, but eventually the freighter reached the planet's surface. As he concluded his meditation session, he put the water back into his flask and stepped out of the freighter with the rest of his peers. He had brought a simple cloak to wear over his armor, hoping to make himself look more the part of a Jedi. On his back his Protector Blade was safely in its sheathe. He then joined the others.

[member="Morrigan Jeth"] [member='Honoko'] [member='Suravi Teigra'] [member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Honoko"] [member="Eirin"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Tyluko Dubykee"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Morrigan was looking at them when they were all coming around. The island was many things that they would be able to use, there was a part of the world that she knew was more accessible to the jedi and this island was here. Usually only accessed by the underwater tunnel that was far off. The village itself was off in the distance as well when she saw some of the others who had arrived wit them. One another sephi while Morrigan obscured her pointed ears under her white hair, another who was more aquatic and she spoke seeing the ones who were assembled. "Welcome to my home.... there are a few things about it that should be known. We've only really explore the southern sections of the island. The north has a large mountain dividing it from the rest."

She was pointing towards it and there was a small area visible while it kept going up. "It is where our elders placed a shelter in case of storms and it is mostly farm area for food with the village. The area of the island we are going to is the northern section where some of the tombs have not been explored." She stayed there for a moment looking over towards the island but touched absent mindedly the scar on her face while the tiger arca moved up next to her and growled with a look on its face. She was moving to get to a better vantage point and crouched down while she was pointing it ot. "You can see it though right here, some fo the creatures over there if you look closely enough."

Morrigan was pointing towards the northern side of the island with her finger extended as it went a little off to a small island off the side that was getting closer in the mist as the Har-Ah-Da let out a small roar towering over things where it could be seen. Morrigan was looking at other parts of it as the creatures on the world were here. They had managed to get through here though when she turned her head and heard a man speak. His voice aged but it was also deep and resonated when he was in jedi robes. "You should know better Padawan Jeth the Northern mountains divide the sides of the island. From the pristine southern side where life thrives from the northern most tip where horrors that barely fit the definition of life writhe."

She was looking at Ymir when he was there and finished. "There a beast left over from when the oceans were lower waits to maintain the balance on the island and protect it from invaders. The children called him Binky and the name has managed to stick." Hahaha he was laughing watching her as she came over and embraced the man leaning on a cane with a sturdy built female who had dreads before she spoke. "Grandmaster Ymir, master Jarl thank you for seeing us off." She gave a rare smile though as the woman patted her on the shoulder letting her continue. "So yes there are very big things on the northern side of the island and different groups have over the years brought ships full of creatures and tried to establish themselves before being attacked. Also stay in the shallows of the water there are Tova-Ra normally but the deeper waters have Am-Mor-Ah."
[member="Morrigan Jeth"] [member="Tyluko Dubykee"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] @Honoko

The Avogwi had relaxed most of the flight, taking advantage of the emergency rations she had already ripped open two. One she'd discarded thanks to it tasting like it was made of grass but the second wasn't that terrible. Was almost similar to that red meat they served at the academy. Emergency rations weren't terribly new to her but the Trandoshian's she'd worked with before had preferred extremely flavorful rations.

As the ship came down to land she peered out one of the viewscreens. The world seemed pleasant enough and seemed to be covered in a slight fog at ground level. The mountains also created quite a view as their craggy peaks reached for the sky. To top it all off a large body of water surrounded the island seeming to cut it off from everything.

Coming down softly the ship settled nicely on the ground and the others began departing from the ship. Stopping for a few moments she adjusted the com link she'd been issued and attached clipped it onto her left wing. Once most of the Padawans were off she approached the droid. "OOM power up and tell me if you can scan for any large lizards on this island and what sort of range you have on your scanners."
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Morrigan Jeth Honoko Suravi Teigra Arisa Yune [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"]


Oomy looked at [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] for a moment before replying. "Roger Roger Avogwi, I will try to scan for any large lizard like life forms. My scanners are impressive on their own but since I am linked up to the Freighter I am able to utilize its scanners. There does appear to be some creatures that are rather lizard like. Why does this matter to you?" Oomy asked the padawan.


Tyluko was happy that they were somewhere with an environment more similar to that of Mon Cala, though the main similarity was the islands. This planet had a more temperate climate compared to that of Mon Cala, and a dense layer of fog covered the horizon. He looked around at the nearby village and scenery of the Island, it appeared peaceful. However he knew he had to stay on guard for there were many dangerous animals on this island. Tyluko listened attentively as [member="Morrigan Jeth"] told them about the island and its many wonders and dangers. He was fascinated with the amount of life that existed here, especially that of the mighty Har-Ah-Da. Tyluko perked up even more as Morrigan talked about the types of ocean creatures that lived here. "My people were skilled with connecting with other life forms especially more aquatic creatures," Tyluko said with a smile as an elderly gentleman named Ymir and a female named Jarl approached them.
[member="Tyluko Dubykee"] [member="Morrigan Jeth"] [member="Arisa Yune"] @Honoko

"Dinner" she replied and nodded towards her com link which had been attached to a leather belt circled around her stomach. It hadn't been easy to get on and was tight enough to not easily slide off when she was in flight. "When it's about an hour before dark contact me and if you are at the ship, tell me what direction the nearest one is."

Turning she started making her way down the ramp and our of the ship. Spreading her wings she stretched them enjoying the fresh air. Walking towards the group she stood towards the rear eyeing the the locals. Shuffling a bit closer Tyluko she asked, "So what's the plan, was setting up dinner for the group with your droid."
[member="Honoko"] [member="Eirin"] [member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Tyluko Dubykee"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Morrigan was looking at the others and here on the hill she was checking it out. The mist was all around for them with a look on her face. She had a small look though seeing a bird and the others while she was motioning for them to go out and get a better chance to explore the island. All of the padawans here in the padawan pack would get to look around. "We are here looking to go out and explore some of the tombs on the northern side of the island." She got a small frown from the red headed master as she was walking. "Very well then, we will let you head out and explore but be careful, there i not a lot of support there on the other side of the island."

Morrigan could see them and some of the other pathways that were leading as the sounds of the massive creatures in th north that she could follow and prepare to go and see. Touching the sword and dagger though before she had a small saber for herself. There was more interest in the areas they would be traveling to as the massive Dov-Atu the several meter wing span of the space based creatures who flew downt o the planet and got stuck screeched going up into the air along with some of the we. Skittering Ami-Su as well were there and Morrigan pointed towards the more bog like area with the roots of the trees, the water and mud to the slithering Ra-Set dragon that was down there. "Be careful and watch for some of the creatures as well not all are on the northside of the island. Some just prefer it."

Negative Prime

Space Elf.. its a thing apparently.
Honoko climbed up the hillside in her HL-GA it's jerky exaggerated movement mixed with it's weight making the over sized feet sink in to the soft loam.
still she felt the presence of the others, still the armor was in post prototype and still had bugs to expunge.

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