Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost World


The world of Varadune was always a fun place to be as she moved through the streets with a hood from her jacket going over her head. She worked on some of the things while following a woman who was a target... Well her husband had paid her to follow and make sure she wasn't cheating on him. Her nostrils flaring while she was following behind her at a good distance but keeping her within eyesight and earshot just in case of a few things.

The outfit she was in was barely labeled or marked to make her look like just about anyone else before she was checking her chrono for the time. She had time to track this woman and then run off towards the meeting location to meet with a friend of her family that lived n the world. She didn't fully know what she was doing while moving off into the cafe bringing out a camera that could record everything she was doing while she got a drink and snapped the photos.

She had her cheating with a large Kuron male while looking over it and sending it to him with the information to pay her while the apprentice got up after several minutes finishing her drink and taking off to go and meet the former grandmaster of the vitae alliance that for a time she knew her family supported out of friendship arriving in a garden at the top of one of the buildings with a look on her face. She wanted to see this family friend as the half bred zorren looked with golden eyes.
Vulpesen took a deep breath as he laid on a bench. Veradune, despite the natural deadliness of the flora and fauna, was quite peaceful in the capitol city. Especially when you were the planetary leader Sure others might worry about assassinations and the like, but he'd never encountered so much as an insult in the city. At least, none that didn't end with him having to stop a mob from killing the ignorant idiot.

His head turned over to his compatriot, the half a foot tall blue wolf that sat on the arm of his bench. "When did that student say she'd be here?"

Ace gave what seemed like an exasperated sigh before responding via telepathy. 'Should be soon. I told you it wouldn't be long just five minutes ago.'

Vulpesen let out a small hmph in return and returned to resting on the bench, his one good ear flicking to pick up the noises of someone approaching. As he finally heard the footsteps of [member="Kyoko Ike"], he turned his head, his own golden orbs blazing as he looked her over. She looked vaguely familiar and his tail flicked in curiosity. "You must be my new student."

She arrived and well what better way to know someone was who you weree looking for then them telling you. Always made things easier she found standing there. "Yes I am master." She said it with a smile and offering a bow while she stood back up carefully and ready letting her eyes flick over him and... this was who her family trusted as a friend... well shouldn't judge. She was small atrisian and made a cool mass of black hair before she moved over to him. "Thank you for this, when my family heard and they recommended you." She was offering him a smile before finding a nice place to take her hood off and just look around. "I am Kyoko."
Vulpesen's legs lifted up then over, spinning his body around for him to hop to his feet. "You're most welcome." His tail flicked behind him for a moment before holding still for Ace to hop on then crawl up to his shoulder. "Vulpesen Torrevaso." It was, he felt, an unnecessary introduction. With the popularity he'd gained among this planet's people, it would be a miracle for anyone on this planet to not know his face, name, or even what he ate for breakfast with as many people he found outside the gates to his home. "Have you had any other training?"

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She looked at him and shook her head. "Not formal training, I took some classes that taught me self defense and I know how to use the force on the small scale. My aunt made training holocrons for us when we were growing up and got to watch those. You were even on them, though less grey hair and meat around the middle." She said it not as an insult but he had been younger by maybe a few years and recordings of different jedi fighting and using the force was great study material when you used a palm holo to record and pull up information. "My mother though is just very reclusive and doesn't always enjoy the jedi or other force orders."
Vulpesen's eyes narrowed a bit and he let out a hmph. "Liar. The only grey hairs I ever had were these ones." He lowered his head, allowing the silver streak to dangle before him. "And those have been here since before I was a jedi." He stood back up and moved the hair back into place. "Sheesh.... Not all grandmasters are old geezers." Despite the somewhat offended tone, there was quite a bit of jest in his voice, though he did wonder what he might have been used for in terms of training holocrons. "Your mother sounds like the man who raised me. Yet, here we are." He smiled a bit and leaned against a tree. "How would you describe the force?"

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

"Well that is a shame, kind of like older guys." She said it automatically and in a joking tone while watching the grandmaster before she thought about it. "Well for the force I know it is energy, all living things have it and it gives my family our superior memories and thought processes making us living computers. It is why several know how to utilize the force better then others from just watching their masters." She said it with a smile on her face though while working on some of the things and going over to stand next to the man letting her eyes flick over hime. "Come on then, lets go and have some fun."
Vulpesen gave a small nod. "Good start. But that's not what I meant. Different people feel the force in different ways. Its what separate jedi from sith, and Vitae from them. How you see and feel the force. That can affect how you use it." His tail flicked a bit. "As for fun, I think you might prefer the questions for now, but if you're in such a hurry, we can talk on our way to the temple."
[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She was looking at him. "Alright then, lets talk and you can teach on the way to the temple. I'll get you your pudding and get you down for a nap old master." She said it with a smile and now now there was a nickname... well worth keeping it while her hands were in her pockets and she could feel the small tail twitch behind her wrapping around her leg. Eye flicking back and forth while she was walking with almost a skip and a sway. "So well I know how I feel the force, in the air, in life, in breathing as it fills myu lungs but how do you feel it old master?
He rolled his eyes from her nickname. Old. Couldn't really be farther from the truth. "By zorren standards, I comparable to an infant with my age. By human standards, I'm not even middle aged." It was often an awkward moment when during important gatherings, he'd meet with an elder zorren, a man in this one, two, or three thousands, and still be considered as his king. Still, his experience, and ability to look on the new world had been cited as reasons for him to retain his post despite the young age, and he wasn't going to argue that.

"I see the force as it flows from person to person. Steady streams that run through and around the citizens of the galaxy. Where it flows, we follow, though we are not forbidden from going against its current. For force sensitives in us, we not only possess the greater ability to defy its flow, but also the innate ability to redirect it. It his we redirect this that marks us for who we are." He offered her an approving smile. "Its good you can identify the force as you percieve it. Many that have come to me for teaching have been unable to do that without aid. Its sad since I also believe that how we perceive the force greatly affects how we may use it."

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She was looking at him while he spoke and the padawan was walking with a grin on her face. "Well I have had aid, my family is full of skilled users who have shared their teaching. We all learn of the good and bad things together. She sent me some datapads with access to the information in Sasori." A smile was on hr face while she was moving through the air and put her hands in her jacket nodding with some excitement. "So where should we start first middle aged master? There is a lot to do and I got nothing but time to learn how to run around."
Vulpesen's ear flicked at the mention of sasori and he turned quickly to look her over again. For centuries now, the Zorrens had been scattered around the galaxy. Full breeds such as himself were incredibly rare, thus he'd taken in her appearance as nothing of note. But now as the rather well known company was mentioned, the fact that her features strongly resembled that of an atrisian was something he simply couldn't ignore. "Hell... you're an Ike."

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She looked at him for a moment as he seemed to figure it out but she spoke with a smile. "No I am a woman." Raising her eyebrows in jest before she kept walking. "What did you expect, our family is big and we like to go out into the galaxy and procreate. Spread and explore new cultures." She was looking around. "Besides it looked cool and we can learn so much more as a family making ties. You should see my sister, she is part zeltrons and her daddy is supposed to be a jedi who sold himself for a ring."
He rolled his eyes. "You're an Ike woman. I swear, there's not a place I go that I don't hear of you." He had to admit, it peeved him that Matsu had never told him about Veradune. He doubted there was any way that she didn't know about it. More than likely, once they were done, he'd go and check what records they had. "In any case, which do you think you are better at, fighting or using your abilities in the force?"

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

Well we have a family motto, be the first to go out and find new worlds, new people and learn about their culture..... and bang them... Well that last part wasn't always true but she could work with it here and there while going over some of the things. "Well we are an impressive family." She was small, atrisian and part fox... like some atrisian demon that could do whatever she wanted and be awesome. "I think I am better with the force, saber wise well I am kind of small and like double my weight when soaking wet."
Vulpesen's tail flicked from side to side as they wandered into the halls of the Vitae and made their way into the training room. "Then perhaps we hold practice with a saber. It has always been my belief that you should be prepared for anything, and with as many foes as I've seen that can neutralize the force, being able to fight hand to hand and blade to blade is by no means a bad idea."
[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She was walking with him and throughout the hallways she could let some of the force energies dance off her skin. She was ready for whatever the master needed her to do before to long. "I agree but I am ready for anything." A look on her face as she was moving through the halls into one of the larger rooms and she stretched while her tail flicked back and forth a little with her bones popping while she got ready. "So what kind of force skills do you want to teach me master?"
Vulpesen offered her a grin as he waved his hand to a large set of doors which then opened. Beyond them was a fairly large training room, various kinds of training equipment were placed around the area, some of which trained acrobatics, some trained strength, others trained both, and some trained strength in the force. While the city was rebuilding, it could at least be said that Vulpesen had placed quite a bit of focus into education and physical fitness. "I want to see what you can do. Just remember one thing, don't die." He reached to a rack, calling a blaster to his hand as he walked to a set of high poles, each of which had disks of varying sizes placed on top of them.

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

She was watching him and looking around the room, what kind fo skills did she have she wasn't really certain while standing there and turning around to look at him. The great master and well one of her species as her tail flicked a little back and forth getting her a moment of attention. "Alright then." She was ready and stood there small, well muscled with her hair in a ponytail before removing the shoulders and back of her outfit. Give herself more flexibility to work with when she moved around grabbing twin training sabers as they activated with a snap hiss of golden blades pointing towards him. "TIme for some fun."
Passing the poles one by one, he made his way to the one on the far end, about ten feet high and topped with a one foot disk. Calling upon the force, he leaped up, landing and balancing on the top. Once he was situated, he pointed to the opposite end of the line, a disk about six feet wide. "If you can, get on top of that one. Then, we'll begin." His face was alight with a grin as he checked the blaster, ensuring that it was set to a non-lethal setting. It would sting, but that's about it.

[member="Kyoko Ike"]

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