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LoTF Special Forces

Tarika Sadow*

Shadow Fleet Commander | Rule Breaker
Special Forces elements of the LoTF fall under three divisions.


There are three active Deathsqaud divisions numbering a hundred men each. These individuals are strictly former Deathwatch Commandos who served under RC 212 and have been re-tasked from the original RC's Raiders. The typical Deathsquad is called in under heavy fire and specialized in hand to hand as well as heavy weapons and Assualt missions. These men and women also conduct infiltration, sabotage and unconventional warfare.
Members can be adopted by the Deathsquads if they prove their worth in battle...

The Deathsquads are led by a Praefect the highest attainable rank within the unit.

Typical Deathsquad loadouts include, the following.

Mandalorian Armor
Wrist rockets
Flame throwers
Mandalorian Assault rifle
Deathwatch Rail Rifle
Various explosives....


Naval Special Warfare Division One...

Nav Spec one holds both the ODT and Ghost Units under its roof. The Ghost units however respond directly to the Grand Executors and Fleet commanders...

Orbital Drop Troopers.

Orbital drop troopers are a large division of volunteers, numbering in the hundreds that willingly "hot drop" into battle zones via pods. ODT's are kept in reserve for situations where immediate reinforcements are needed. When activated this unit drops directly into combat via Orbital drop pods and engages the enemy toe to toe.

Tactics are conventional, this is a shock trooper force.

The ODT is open to all volunteers.
Typical ODT load outs include the following

Armor of choice

DH-93 Scattershot
Concussion rifle
Slugthrower Rifle
Side arm of choice
Grenade of choice.
Vibroblade- Knife or Sword.

GHOST units.

GHOST units are classified black ops mission elements. There are a total of three teams, with four individuals, which operate solely at the discretion of the Grand Executors and the Fleet commanders. These units are deployed on sensitive missions which are never spoken of, or sent to the battlefield to snatch far flung objectives and turn the tide. Selection for GHOST operatives is done from within the group itself...

No one knows much about Ghosts except that they exist are if you meet one, you'd probably never know it......

Red Team-
Red One-RC 212
Red Two- Silas Blackstone
Red Three- Sylvia Vau
Red Four- Karren Erckhart

Green Team-
Green One- Terrapin Greer
Green Two- Salia Sarkin
Green Three- Wedge Valson
Green Four- Tas Welmont

Blue Team-
Blue One- Calvin Darkheart
Blue Two- Saelia Darkheart
Blue Three- Rex Valtross
Blue Four- Terra Morrison

The load out GHOST units operate under is the following.
Mandatory items.

Thor Class armor
Smart Pack
FireHawk Rifle
Slughthrower Pistol
DH-93 Scattershot

All other equipment is of choice...

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