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Faction Lothal's Lost Legacy Fellowship + Jedi


The Jedi Temple on Lothal, once a symbol of hope and enlightenment, had fallen into a state of disrepair. The ancient stone structure, nestled amidst lush forests and rolling hills, now stood as a silent sentinel of a bygone era.

As the sun of Lothal cast its warm golden light upon the temple's weathered spires, a small group of individuals gathered at its entrance. Among them was Jedi Master Tirin, his presence here driven by deep concern. He had been plagued by increasingly vivid visions, visions that foretold a dark prophecy.

The eerie sentiment from his visions echoed within him as he stood in the presence of the Force Nexus that was this temple. The words he had heard in his dreams seemed to resurface, haunting his thoughts.

"In the forgotten stretches of the outer rim, a darkness stirs, ancient and unseen. Born from the echoes of turmoil and hate, it gathers silently, fed by the cold void. This rising shadow, a whisper among the stars, heralds a shift in the balance. The echoes of power, long dormant, are waking. In this twilight of worlds, fate shall be shaped by those who walk the line between light and shadow. Their choices will guide the path of what is to come."

Tirin couldn't shake the feeling of dread and worry that clung to him regarding this temple. The glimpses and flashes of it in his visions left him with more questions than answers. What could it all mean? As he stood there, vexed by the elusive answers, he knew that the journey to bring this temple to renewed life held secrets and challenges beyond his imagination.



Lothal, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


"Well, I suppose we can't just stand here in the entrance twiddling our thumbs."

Aalto wasn't quite sure what this meeting was. He had wound up here on a whim, the Will of the Force he would say. A meeting of Jedi he had found, one that he kind of just became a part of . That was fine, of course. Aalto prefered it that way. He liked random chance and confusion.

"Name's Aalto by the way," the knight noted with a grin as he took off his rice hat, beginning to shuffle into the ruins of the temple. "So, y'all some kind of secret society? Folks don't really come out here, not even the lightsaber-wielding kind. Last I was in here the only inhabitants were a few skeletons. I... would imagine some funeral rites are in order for them."

Better a couple thousand years late then never, right?

The Nautolan honed in on Tirin, a far more serious look appearing if only for a moment before his smile returned. The man was, if nothing, abnormally cheerful. Still, this momentary shift would be rather odd.

"Seen something, brother?" Aalto asked. "In my experience eyes are only so heavy when burdened with visions."



Aalto Rhune Aalto Rhune

Tirin's keen senses perked up, and his silver eyes widened as he heard a voice that seemed both familiar and foreign, like a long-lost melody finding its way back to him. His brow furrowed, and then a smile, a flash of joyful recognition, graced his lips. It was as if he had found one of the missing pieces to a puzzle he had been trying to solve for ages.

"Ah... so that's where you went, my little lost blueberry," Tirin remarked with a tone of amusement and intrigue. The voice had a soothing quality, a resonance that resonated with something deep within him. "Interesting. Yes, in a way, I suppose. We are curators of the past, cultivators of the present, and protectors of the future."

As he spoke, Tirin's voice took on a gentle, almost purring quality, like a seasoned diplomat who had seen much but still held a sense of wonder. He extended a welcoming hand, his eyes locked onto the source of the voice. "It's a pleasure," he continued, his smile warm and inviting. "I'm Tirin, and it seems our paths have converged at this moment- I'm pleased I didn't actually have to hunt you down. And yes... some burial rites would be in order. This temple holds dangers of the mind and body so be cautious."
There was a familiarity to the situation as Vulpesen stepped into the room. The Dark Hand had met in ballrooms and castles, but they still operated in the shadows, their roster never written down and their members scattered throughout the galaxy. But the Hand was gone. Now, the Galaxy faced a new threat, and the force had once again called him to one of the galaxy's remote congregations to combat it. "Vulpesen Torrevaso, Valde of Veradune, and Arch Wilder." Introductions would certainly be necessary if they were to work together. Still, there was a bit of discomfort with his present company, though he did his best to hide and ignore it. These were jedi, the most well known guardians of the galaxy. He was a wilder, a man suited to protecting the natural balance, usually in his home forest. Yet here he was, ready to jump back into a conflict that spanned the stars.

"Not the first secret order I've joined. Assuming I survive it, I doubt it'll be the last."
His tail swished as he lifted a hand, causing the stone of the floor to rise up and provide a seat on which he began to rest. "The wheel turns and evil rises. Someone always needs to stand ready to face it, politics be damned." That was the trouble with jedi. They were more often than not, beholden to some government or another. Sometimes that government gave them free reign, other times they kept a tight leash. Better, he thought, to not take that risk if he didn't need to.

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene Aalto Rhune Aalto Rhune


Tags: Tirin Raene Tirin Raene , Vulpesen Vulpesen


"I am here, yes," Aalto nodded. "I'm not sure where else I'd be. I'm easy to find if you're in the right place."

Cryptic, but it was all that really needed to be said. Aalto followed the wind, and here he was. There wasn't much more to be said than that. Some found it confusing. The Nautolan found it to be simple. Simple was good.

"Vulpesen Torrevaso, Valde of Veradune, and Arch Wilder."

"That is a title," the knight chuckled. "I think I'll stick with Vulpesen. Rolls off the tongue a little easier."

Aalto paused, reaching up to touch his fingers to a cobwebb. It froze on contact, becoming an ornate crystaline formation that was much easier to see and far less likely to get stuck on anyone. From there his hands were back in his pockets and he continued into the structure. He frequented the Outer Rim. These lands weren't exactly like the core worlds.

"Well, you're in luck if you're not a fan of politics," the Nautolan continued. "Most political bodies out here are small, and they're more concerned with keeping raiders off their backs. Collections of farmers and mining settlements mostly, little guys that don't much care who's coming through so long as they're not pillaging. This is a good spot to conduct secretive things, and most places are just happy to have some space wizards roll through to help with their problems. I don't really have a home base, so usually I'm the space wizard that rolls through..."

And they would help, ultimately. Jedi temples operated to protect the light and the people, with or without government supervision. Working out here was just more like the dark times, those ancient hundred years of chaos and disorder. Perhaps those were the perfect conditions for a warrior of light.

"So... what kind of dangers of the mind and body are we talking?" Aalto asked. "I've camped out in here a few times now. haven't experienced much more than strange energy... Though I suppose I never ventured passed the lobby."

OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in.

The vast expanse of the temple entrance reverberated with the voices of the gathered Jedi, their hushed conversations and whispered greetings filling the air. The temple grounds sprawled out before them, displaying that of a bygone era, and there was an undeniable sense of reverence that lingered around the temple proper.

As they stood at the entrance, there was an electrified sensation, like an invisible thread weaving through the very stones of the temple. It was as if the temple itself was reaching out to them, calling them to explore its hidden depths.

A sense of anticipation hung in the air, a feeling that something momentous was about to transpire. It was as if the temple, with its ancient history and untold secrets, was awakening in response to the presence of these Jedi.

But there was more to it than just the surface. Beneath the temple's main floor, in the hidden chambers and dungeons that lay shrouded in darkness, something ancient stirred. It was a power long dormant, a presence that had slumbered for eons. And now, with the convergence of Jedi within its sacred halls, it began to awaken, sending ripples of energy through the very heart of the temple.

He could feel it in an instant, the call of the force. Taking a deep breath, Vulpesen steeled himself and glanced at the others. "Looks like todays your lucky day, Aalto. Looks like we've got an appointment beyond the door." He popped back onto his feet and with a downward sweep of his tail, sent his stone seat back into the ground as if it had never risen out. "Keep your head on a swivel. Jedi temples can get tricky, especially the old ones." His hand idly moved to trace his fingers over the scaled surface of his saber staff. intellectually, it made no sense that he would have reason to draw it in this place, but when you woke up one day to find your fiance dragged into hell by a rip in space and time that had appeared in your bedroom, you learned not to take things for granted.

Aalto Rhune Aalto Rhune Ko Vuto Ko Vuto DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer

Slowly but surely, they made their way through the hollowed-out stones of the lower rungs of the abandoned temple on Lothal. They arrived at a section where Tirin paused, his gaze lingering on an empty space before advancing towards the wall. With a deft motion, he revealed it was merely a visual illusion; another wall stood further back, a secret passage hidden in plain sight. "This way," he whispered, leading them into a stone labyrinth that eventually gave way to a slope, hollowed out and descending further into darkness. In the oppressive gloom, Tirin produced a glow stick before continuing down. The silence of the cavernous seclusion of stone corridors stretched on, their footsteps the only sound in the haunting stillness.


Tags: Vulpesen Vulpesen , Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


With a deft motion, he revealed it was merely a visual illusion; another wall stood further back, a secret passage hidden in plain sight.


A hidden passageway, huh? How peculiar. Aalto continued onward, alert but clearly not disturbed. No, he was not the feint of heart. This was just part of the job description, and wandering the galaxy was a good way to encounter all kinds of strange and mystical things that didn't have an explanation.

"I believe this temple was intended for ancient padawan trials," he noted. "They sure had... interesting ways of doing things back in the day. But this? Nobody's ever told me about secret passages."

It was certainly pecular.

"Did that vision of yours show you what was at the end of it?"

OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in.

As the group descended, the air grew colder, and the walls seemed to pulse with a life of their own. The narrow path twisted and turned, leading them deeper into the heart of the temple. The light from Tirin's glow stick cast eerie shadows on the walls, creating an almost spectral atmosphere.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows up ahead as the narrow hallway opened up. It was an ancient droid, seemingly crafted from stone. its design unlike anything seen in modern times. Its eyes flickered to life with a faint light, and it spoke in a language long forgotten, yet somehow, they understood it.

"I am the Guardian of the Path, keeper of the secrets," the droid intoned. "Those who seek to walk this path must prove their worth."

Uppon closer inspection of teh droid they would find its form is primarily carved from a type of dense, dark stone, giving it a statuesque and imposing presence. The stone is smooth and cold to the touch, with intricate patterns and symbols etched into its surface, reminiscent of ancient Jedi script.

Accentuating its stone structure are details and inlays of electrum, a rare and valuable material known for its use in lightsaber hilts and revered artifacts. These electrum details glint subtly in the dim light, tracing along the droid's limbs and torso, and highlighting its facial features, giving it an air of regal majesty.

This guardian droid bears a resemblance to a holocron in its purpose and design. Just as a holocron acts as a gatekeeper to knowledge, this droid serves as a physical gatekeeper to the secrets and trials within the temple's hidden chambers. Its eyes, inlaid with electrum, glow with a soft light, similar to the illumination of an activated holocron, suggesting a deep connection to the Force.

The Guardian presented them with a riddle, a test of wisdom and understanding of the Force.

"I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?"

As they pondered the riddle, the walls of the temple began to shift, subtly changing the environment around them. It was as if the temple itself was responding to the presence of the Jedi and the ancient droid.

Within the core of this droid, sensed rather than seen, lies a particularly large crystal. This crystal is not just a power source; it resonates with the Force, pulsating with energy that can be felt by those sensitive to it. The crystal's presence gives the droid a sense of life and awareness, far beyond that of a typical mechanical construct. It's as if the crystal itself is an ancient, wise entity, powering the droid and guiding its actions.

The group may feel an immediate connection to the Force, amplified by the droid's crystal core. The air around it seems to thrum with energy, and the droid's movements, though made of stone, are fluid and graceful.

Vulpesen stepped forward, his eyes roaming over the droid with his tail flicking behind him. A part of him idly wondered at the machine's durability, to have lasted so long. Even as he wondered however, there was a hum in the air, and his ears perked at the sudden magnitude of the force around them. In truth, it had almost distracted him from the riddle, the Valde just barely having enough wherewithal to catch and solve the simple question.

Stepping forward, he lifted a clawed finger and tapped it lightly against the chest of the automaton, his lips simultaneously forming the answer to the riddle, "Esk." The fifth letter of the aurebesh. Thankfully, it seemed that language had not drifted so much that the riddle had ended up unrecognizable. "Assuming the rest of our challenges are this easy, we'll be in luck."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene Aalto Rhune Aalto Rhune Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Ko Vuto Ko Vuto


Tags: DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer , Vulpesen Vulpesen


"I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?"

"Huh," Aalto reacted. "I've never been great at riddles..."

What was the riddle neccessary for? A test of worth or logic? Perhaps. Whatever the droid guardian was protecting, perhaps they wanted to better understand the character of the individual before allowing them further. The Nautolan tucked his hands into his pockets and began to pace. He watched the shifting walls as he pondered the riddle. Vuplesen stated that it was 'Esk,' the letter. It... couldn't be that simple, could it?

"Ah, clever," the man grinned. "End of time and space. Wordplay."

These riddles were, perhaps, made to be overthought. They simply need to keep a clear mind about them.

OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in.

The droid whirred and there was some clicking sound from with in its' chest. It's glow briefly intensified before it's voice spoke up slightly altered as if it was out in to a different mode.
"In tongue of yore, where heroes dwell, and couplets ring like ancient bell, Hear now the quest, in riddles cast, three puzzles deep, from first to last. Thou hast surpassed the initial trial, yet before thee lies a path of denial. Solve me three riddles, each harder in turn, if forward thou yearnest to journey and learn.
  1. :
    In the dawn's light or evening's shadow, I fly without wings,
    At your behest, I vanish; to your silence, back I spring.
    What am I, that dances with neither foot nor string?
  2. :
    I stand not still, yet through the ages, I walk unseen,
    In every book, yet never read, in places I've never been.
    What am I, that marks the passage unseen by queen or teen?
  3. :
    From deepest earth, or highest throne, I can be born,
    Yet hold no breath, nor life, and by many, I am worn.
    What am I, that in your triumphs and defeats, am sworn?"

Quietly there may yet be a discernible sound from behind the group as if something or some one was lingering after.


Well the jig was up, there was little chance they had not heard that. He was better than this, yet curiosity, as was always his great weakness, had brought them far too close to them. To some degree, it was necessary to be close, this Temple seemed as dangerous to him, as them, as unknown to him, as it was them.

And well, curiosity meant quickly following them to gaze upon all the intricacies of the architecture, all the secrets and knowledge built into its design, that he could not hope to know.

There was risk still, yet he took it, as was his way through the world, risky and filled with reward... or at least that was the hope. Moreover, there was a more personal reason... Aalto Rhune Aalto Rhune was here.

The annoyingly aloof Jedi he had met on this very planet, the one... Malum was unsure of, if the Nautolan knew who he was, or more importantly, what he was.

Yet risk or not, it was not as if he could simply miss the words that the droid spoke, words that he needed to know to progress.

And as he crept closer, he made his mistake.

He needed to move quickly.

The cloak fell as he made sure the concealment stood, revealing Malum with blue eyes, and an apologetic look on his features, "My apologies, the Jedi Council sends its regards, Knight Malum at your service, one of the Shadows," He lied easily enough, explaining as best he could, as his blue eyes rested upon the Nautolan.

He would be the one that would make things very difficult, or very easy for him.

"The Council heard of matters stirring here, and dispatched me to make certain..." His vision flickered to who he assumed was Tirin Raene Tirin Raene , only to offer a blink, wasn't... Master Raene a man? He assumed by the name... but he...

Another one to confuse him he supposed.

"...To make certain that all proceeded well, and that there is no interference from the darkside."

DM Player-Slayer DM Player-Slayer Vulpesen Vulpesen

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