Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Lothar Skyreaver



Alias(es)Boy-Wonder (Elijath Vos)
Remnant (Darth Malvox)
Class(es)Jedi Consular
Jedi Shadow
Personality TraitsCalm
Education TraitsCharismatic Negotiator
Intricate Webweaver
Lifestyle TraitsDiplomat
Rank(s)Jedi Padawan
Faction(s)New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
Language(s)Galactic Basic
High Galactic
Force SensitiveYes
Force AlignmentLight Side
Character AlignmentNeutral Good

  • Chapter I:
    Shadows on Corellia

    The vibrant world of Corellia bore witness to the unfolding of an unspeakable tragedy that would forever shape the destiny of the young Lothar Skyreaver. He was born to Silas and Elvira Skyreaver, two esteemed Republic senators representing their homeworld on Coruscant. Their dedication to justice and democracy instilled in Lothar a strong sense of duty from an early age, as his childhood was steeped privilege and promise. However, his idyllic existence was abruptly shattered when a covert Sith plot orchestrated by the nefarious Darth Malvox led to the assassination of Lothar's parents within the hallowed halls of his own home.

    In the depths of sorrow, Lothar's anguish became a conduit for the Force, a torrent of power channeled with astonishing control, vanquishing his Sith assailants with resolute purpose. In that revelatory moment, Lothar grasped the magnitude of his abilities, his destiny irrevocably intertwined with the revered Jedi Order. Now aware of the immense power at his command, he pledged to wield it judiciously, vowing to tame the tempest within and embrace the Jedi's sacred charge of justice, lest the power consume him and darkness prevail.

    "From the ashes of tragedy, I rise, wielding the Force as my ally and justice as my blade.""

    In the heart of the Corellian sector, the vibrant city of Coronet basked under the golden hues of a benevolent sun, its rays casting an ethereal glow upon the bustling metropolis. It was within this realm of opulence and political intrigue that the Skyreaver family thrived. Silas and Elvira Skyreaver, esteemed senators in the Galactic Senate, had forged a legacy of noble service and unwavering dedication to the Republic. Within the walls of their stately residence, a new chapter of their lives began as their firstborn, Lothar Skyreaver, took his first breath. With a crown of golden blonde hair that shimmered like sunlight and piercing azure eyes that mirrored the endless depths of space, Lothar possessed an air of quiet intensity even as a child. Yet, there was a vibrant energy that radiated from him, an outgoing spirit that charmed all who crossed his path. From a tender age, Lothar's charismatic nature and boundless curiosity drew people to him like moths to a flame. Silas and Elvira, captivated by their son's radiant presence, marveled at his ability to effortlessly connect with others and forge friendships that seemed to defy the boundaries of age and circumstance. In their eyes, Lothar embodied the perfect fusion of determination and sociability, a testament to the power of his upbringing and the resilience of his spirit.

    Lothar's childhood was a tapestry woven with stories of his parents' courageous exploits, their tireless pursuit of peace, and the intricate workings of the Senate. He absorbed their wisdom, growing up amidst the vibrant tapestry of political discourse and the pursuit of galactic harmony. The halls of power became his playground, the discussions of democracy his lullaby.

    Yet, fate, that cruel and capricious mistress, wove a treacherous thread into the fabric of their lives. The shadowy figure of Darth Malvox, a master manipulator and puppeteer of the dark side, harbored a deep-rooted grudge against the Skyreaver lineage. Their unwavering commitment to the light, their relentless pursuit of peace, posed a threat to the Sith's nefarious schemes. The political landscape of the galaxy was marred by escalating tensions between the Galactic Alliance and the State of the Sith Order. Silas and Elvira, recognizing the insidious influence of the Sith, became staunch proponents of measures aimed at pressuring and sanctioning their dark counterparts. Their legislative attempts struck at the very heart of the Sith's power, threatening to expose their malevolent machinations to the galaxy. Darth Malvox, in his twisted quest for dominance and control, saw the Skyreaver family as an obstacle that needed to be eliminated. Their efforts to uncover the Sith's darkest secrets and curtail their influence presented a direct threat to his own aspirations. He understood that their knowledge, their unwavering commitment to truth and transparency, could topple the carefully constructed edifice of lies that the Sith had woven around the galaxy.

    Thus, within the tumultuous storm of political motivations, the seeds of the plot to assassinate the Skyreavers took root. It was a calculated and sinister strike, carefully crafted to unleash a chilling message upon all who dared challenge the iron grip of Sith authority. Under Darth Malvox's malevolent command, the assailants descended upon the Skyreaver residence, their actions a macabre dance orchestrated by their twisted ringleader. On that fateful day, the halls of the senators' home reverberated with the echoes of treachery. Silas and Elvira, once beacons of reason and justice, were abruptly silenced, their voices forever extinguished. A shadow was cast over the vibrant tapestry of Lothar's life, forever staining its once vivid hues with an indelible mark of sorrow and despair. The young boy, thrust into a world devoid of his parents' guiding light, found himself adrift amidst a treacherous sea of grief and uncertainty. The once vibrant garments his parents wore now bore the unholy stain of blood, a grim testament to the violence that shattered their once-peaceful existence. Their eyes, once brimming with warmth and love, stared vacantly into the abyss, leaving Lothar with a searing imprint of loss and an unyielding thirst for justice.

    As Lothar stood amidst this tableau of despair, little did he know that the assassins, their eyes burning with malicious intent, watched his every move. They reveled in their cruel victory, their darkened hearts yearning to snuff out the lingering flicker of hope within the young Jedi's spirit. The air crackled with the palpable tension of impending doom, as they readied themselves to strike and extinguish the last remnants of the Skyreaver legacy. But fate had other plans. In the depths of Lothar's grief, a dormant power surged forth, a testament to the indomitable spirit within him. The Force, the wellspring of energy that flowed through all living things, surged through his veins, intertwining with his overwhelming grief and righteous fury. It was a moment of extraordinary clarity, where he called upon the Force with an uncanny control that belied his youth.

    And in that moment, the room was transformed. Time itself seemed to slow as Lothar harnessed the power of the Force with surprising control, his trembling hands becoming vessels of untamed might. The assailants, once cloaked in darkness and malice, recoiled in shock as they beheld the magnitude of their target's unleashed potential. The touch of death, the ancient Jedi art known as Morichro, unseen for centuries, manifested in his hands, its chilling power casting a morbid symphony upon his adversaries. One by one, the Sith assassins succumbed to the icy grip of mortality, their life forces extinguished by the overwhelming might of Lothar's command. In that harrowing moment, the balance of power shifted, and the boy's destiny was forever altered. The Force, once an intangible concept to him, became an intrinsic part of his existence. The boy who had known only grief and loss now stood amidst the aftermath of his own triumph, his senses heightened, his spirit both enlivened and burdened by the weight of his newfound abilities.

    Within the echoes of the fallen, Republic honor guards, drawn by the spectres of struggle, arrived to find a scene of carnage and tragedy. They found Lothar, his body trembling with grief and newfound power, lying amidst the wreckage of his home, his parents' lifeless forms as stark reminders of the merciless act that had stolen his world. Their hearts heavy with sorrow, the honor guards cradled Lothar, their arms offering a fragile refuge against the tempest of his emotions. Tenderly, they bore him away from the shattered remnants of his home, embarking upon a solemn journey towards the sanctuary of the Republic's heart: Coruscant. It was there, amidst the towering spires and bustling throngs, that Lothar found himself standing at the threshold of destiny. Elijath Vos, a wise and battle-hardened Jedi Master, was chosen to shepherd him through the treacherous currents of grief and loss. Master Vos, ever vigilant, recognized the weight of tragedy etched upon the young Padawan's countenance, understanding that his path would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices.

    And as it stood, the galactic stage also quivered with unrest. The loss of the Skyreaver family, an embodiment of hope and justice, cast a dark pall over the corridors of power. The Galactic Senate, shaken to its core, grappled with the repercussions of this heinous act. The tension between the Galactic Alliance and the State of the Sith Order reached an all-time high, as whispers of conspiracy and betrayal echoed through the hallowed halls. The void left by the Skyreaver family's absence was palpable, creating a vacuum that threatened to swallow the fragile equilibrium of the galaxy. The weight of their sacrifice bore down upon the hearts of those who remained, stoking the embers of resistance and renewing the determination to see justice prevail.
    Chapter II:
    Towards Destiny (Current)

    Under the watchful guidance of Jedi Master Elijath Vos, Lothar embarked on a transformative journey as a Jedi Padawan. The halls of the Jedi Temple became his sanctuary, and the teachings of the Jedi Order his guiding light. With each passing day, Lothar's connection to the Force deepened, and his skills as a Jedi flourished.

    Master Vos recognized Lothar's innate potential, a raw power that resonated with the echoes of his tragic past. Through patient guidance and unwavering support, Master Vos nurtured Lothar's abilities, helping him to navigate the delicate balance between light and dark within himself.

    As Lothar delved deeper into his training, his lightsaber skills took on a refined elegance. Master Vos instructed him in various combat forms, allowing Lothar to find his own unique style. The agile movements of Ataru, the precision of Soresu, and the tenacity of Shien became threads woven into Lothar's combat repertoire. However, Lothar found great resonance with Vaapad, a unique and intense form known for its fluidity and adaptability. Under the continued tutelage of Master Vos, Lothar's journey as a Jedi Padawan took on a distinct path, as he embraced the power and philosophy of the seventh form, shaping him into a formidable warrior in the ongoing battle for peace and justice.

    "Through the crucible of training and introspection, you plumbed the depths of your own soul, unraveling the intricate tapestry of light and darkness that resides within. It is most intriguing, as I see you dance between the echoes of your past and the boundless possibilities of the future."
    -Master Elijath Vos

  • Notable Skills

    TypePowerProficiencyLearned FromThread
    ControlAlchaka██████████Elijath Vos-
    ControlArt of Movement██████████Elijath Vos-
    ControlBreath Control██████████Elijath Vos-
    ControlCenter of Being██████████Elijath Vos-
    ControlForce Body██████████Innate-
    ControlForce Valor██████████Innate-
    ControlForce Stealth██████████Elijath Vos-
    SenseInstinctive Astrogation██████████Innate-
    SenseForce Sense█████████Innate-
    SenseForce Sight█████████Innate-
    AlterAlter Damage██████████Elijath Vos-
    AlterMind Manipulation██████████Innate-
    AlterForce Deflection██████████Elijath Vos-
    AlterForce Barrier██████████Elijath Vos-

    FormNameProficiencyLearned From
    Shii-Cho██████████Elijath Vos
    Makashi██████████Elijath Vos
    Soresu██████████Elijath Vos
    Ataru██████████Elijath Vos
    Shien/Djem So██████████Elijath Vos
    Niman██████████Elijath Vos
    Vaapad (Preferred)‎ ‎█████████Elijath Vos
    TypeSkillProficiencyLearned FromThread
    SpiritualMeditation██████████Elijath Vos-
    TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
    Bathed in the soft glow of hope, Lothar's padawan lightsaber shines with a vibrant green hue, symbolizing growth, learning, and the potential of a new Jedi.
    Built it himself.

  • Traits




  • Story Arcs

    Years after his parents' assassination, Lothar must navigate the delicate waters of the Galactic Alliance while uncovering a horrific plot that traces back to their deaths. As he delves deeper into the dark underbelly of the galaxy, he must confront the echoes of his past and strive to achieve true inner peace and balance, building upon the significant progress he has already made over the years. With each trial he faces, Lothar grows in power, wisdom, and compassion, emerging as a new beacon of hope.

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