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Faction LOTS │ A Growing Cabal

Dromund Kaas, The Estate of Darth Xanesh

Maliphant had been given a brief overview of the Sith Lady he was to visit. Tasked to it by Qual'al-Selim, the Eye of the Emperor, the assembler though he would be an 'enticing treat' to bring her into the embrace of the Worm Emperor's creed. The Sith Lord hated such a juvenile attack, but after his sound defeat at the Worm Emperor's hand, he didn't have much choice but to take the abuse while it lasted. There would come a reckoning, no doubt, and he would see the entire Dark Council put to the spike.​
The ship, marked with various false flight logs and plans, landed on the pad with a satisfying thunk before engines cooled and tibanna was expelled. Slowly opening, the landing ramp found traction just a moment after Maliphant took his first steps into the light - covering his eyes from the bright sun Dromund above him. He'd been flying for hours, and could feel the stiffness in his legs, leave alone the slight headache from the smell of dried blood. No doubt a leftover from when they stole the ship.​
"Come, we have a surprise meeting to attend.", Maliphant offered the others with him as he began walking towards the building, taking no time to wait for anyone to come and greet them. Following in his wake were the prototype for his new personal guard - Praetorians, muscled and intimidating, they looked every part synthetic soldier as they needed. Bits of exceptional matte black tech sticking from their neck, head, and hands there was little doubt that they could do damage despite the plain suits they wore now.​

It was happening. They were going to recruit Darth Xanesh.

With Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar having gone curiously silent and many of the late AMCO AMCO 's old associates opting to either serve his family or go their own way, Xanesh was all that was left of the significant Primyn Group Archons. If her two personalities swore allegiance to the Worm Emperor, the Primyn dream would continue—but under new management.

Messala wouldn't have missed this for the world. He showed up not in armor, but in one of his billowing cloaks, a black hood hiding his face for now. Though he had brought his lightsaber just in case, he was deliberately not dressed for battle. As far as he was concerned, this was a friendly (if unexpected and unannounced) house call on an old colleague.


Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Xanesh wasn’t worried about the Primyn Group for a moment, considering no one was specifically the leader of the group. Prospero may have been the First Archon because he founded and sacrificed vast fortunes on it, but the other Archons did the same. Not to mention that many other active people were present. There was Curse, the Sith Lord, who is one of the leaders of Spear. Among other things, the Anubian Sand Demons could be attributed to him. Then Darth Vyrr, who was the husband of one of Carnifex's grandchildren. Both men have been among the Archons for a long time. And there was a bright star who had only recently earned the title of Archon, Lady Stuztala. Xanesh had a great time with the woman's name as she means Lady of Progress. Spoken name.

But that didn’t matter now, she got a call early in the day, for @Darth Maliphan and some of his acquaintances to visit her. Didn't really get details, but what she had heard of the man Xanesh found him very interesting, so said yes and invited the man to herself. At the agreed time, the company arrived, a protocol droid was waiting for the arrivals on the runway and then ushered them into the building.

By the way, Xanesh’s estate was far enough away from everything in the depths of the jungle and could be called a pretty imposing building. Xanesh loved being able to work in a way that no one bothered. The droid ushered the visitors into the woman’s library, which was both a museum and a library. Countless sculptures, paintings, relics and archaeological finds could be found on display. Xanesh was waiting for company here at a table. As soon as the duo and their entourage arrived the woman stood up.

"Darth Maliphant, Lord Messa, we welcome you! What do we owe your visit to?" asked in an inquisitive voice.



Dromund Kaas, The Estate of Darth Xanesh

She reeked of the Dark Side, but Maliphant had grown accustomed to such things during his various visits to planets such as this. His crucifixion on Bastion, his enslavement, the wounds he suffered on Dromunnd Kass; the stench of Sith had long become something he was used to. Though it still made his lips curl.​
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Darth Xanesh.", Maliphant said, offering her his hand in a delicate shake before motioning to his travel companion.​
"Darth Transitus and I have come on behalf of someone you probably don't know, but someone you perhaps should.", he offered with a carefully crafted smile.​
"The Worm Emperor sends warm regards. Could we come in?"​

"Hiya, Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco ," Messala greeted informally, his tone indicating friendliness rather than disrespect. Maybe a bit too friendly, but he enjoyed busting down social barriers as well as physical barriers. "How have you two ladies been?"

"Darth Transitus and I have come on behalf of someone you probably don't know, but someone you perhaps should. The Worm Emperor sends warm regards. Could we come in?"

"What blondie said." He inclined his hooded head toward Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean with a grin. "Bit rude, if you ask me, showing up unannounced. I'd at least have called in ahead, but they insisted it be a surprise.

"As for these fine gentlemen." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the Praetorians. "Fancy new bodyguards. Maliphant here made 'em, I think. Did you make them, actually? I'm sure she'd love to hear all about them."

The Praetorians were products of alchemy, which both Xanesh's personalities were very interested in. Messala figured Maliphant would use honey rather than vinegar to attract her to His Worminess' cause, but just in case the platinum blond was dumber than he looked, the Lord of Doubt hoped to nudge him in the proper direction.

Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

It is true that Xanesh stood on the dark side, but the “smoking” was only the result of a shape-shifting, it had nothing to do with the Dark Side. This has been felt by the neutral, Xanesh consciousness as the most homely lately. Nothing more. In it she was like spirits, souls, a state she could not reach otherwise. Due to the ritual that caused the twins death, she could not be part of the Netherworld. If she dies like this she cannot possess someone or be attached to an object, will die forever. Unpleasant!

Darth Transitus; the last time the man objected was when she wanted to call him Lord or Darth. One must have now seen a tremendous change in the deeds, words, and movements of Messala compared to the way the man behaved on Tintagel. Which was the real Messala? The other seemed much more like than this surreal had just seen. Meanwhile, looked at the other man.

"It sounded quite like when young religious converts are trying to gain admission. Please! Come inside and take a seat."

Accepted Maliphant's hand and returned the handshake, then pointed to a more ornate table and the chairs around it. Worm Emperor. The name was not at all familiar to either Benûwia or Ireria. Looked through the bodyguards Messala had just introduced. Did the man deliberately betray so much of the other? It was a great question.

"They are impressive!" said, then turned to Maliphant. "We haven't heard from the Worm Emperor so far. Why we should know its Majesty?"



There was a split second Maliphant fully intended to end Messala’s life - quick, painless, a simply slash through the neck to stop his drivel; but he resisted, even managing to stop himself from making a pained expression at holding himself back. ‘Blondie’ was not an insult he would take kindly, and Messala would be taught a lesson when they didn’t have someone to impress before them.​
Then he chose to undermine his Praetorians by offering his explanation of them. Not something he would do on a whim, closely guarding most of his secrets - forcing him to finally look Messala in the eye. Golden iris moved like lava as he felt his jaw tense up -​
I’m sure she would. Perhaps another time, in private.”, he said, holding himself back as he glanced back to Xanesh.​
I apologize, I don’t think my partner is as well versed in the art of ‘diplomacy’ as most.”, no doubt paired with Maliphant on purpose.​
Qual’al-Selim was notorious for trying to insult those that didn’t work for her and her intricate web of spies.​
Maliphant followed her into the abode and found himself a seat - the guards following to stand near him, rather than Messala. A small inclination as to where their loyalty lay.​
Simple, Darth Xanesh, the Worm Emperor is the answer to the weakened state the Sith find themselves in.”, he offered.​
Did he believe it? He wasn’t sure - as it was obvious the Zambrano lineage had led the Sith into a dark shadow of its former power, but was the Worm’s call to war against their fellow sith truly an answer he could be behind? Did he even care what happened to the Sith?​
Not as though it mattered, the Worm had made a deal to let Maliphant live in exchange for his service, so he would obliged. For the time being.​
Surely you’ve noticed the encroachment of the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order into the Empire’s territory. The Worm Emperor knows this to be the result of the Rule of Order, stealing the ambition we once held for the sake of ‘unity’, which in itself is a subtle way to keep those of ambition from challenging the Zambrano dynasty.”, he said with a shake of his head.​
After hearing of your exploits through the grapevine, he hoped to encourage you to break free of these chains. To claim what is rightfully yours - and asked Messala and me to convince you of such.”​

While Maliphant visibly seethed, Messala barely stifled the urge to laugh. Oh, but it was funny, seeing a grown man get so upset over a schoolyard-tier insult like “blondie”. Was he also fussing privately over his remarks about the Praetorians? Did Maliphant really think that Xanesh, an alchemist herself, wouldn’t recognize them as artificial? Get real. If anything, he was simply giving credit to the artist.

At the white-haired drama queen’s comment on his inexperience with diplomacy, Messala gave Xanesh a small smile and stayed quiet. To tell the truth, he was just happy to see her. She was a blessedly familiar face after all the crap he’d been through over the past few weeks. Losing Tintagel to the horde of homicidal crab-people, losing contact with his last surviving biot, losing interest in the stagnant Sith Empire, losing, losing, losing…

He deliberately placed an empty chair between himself and Maliphant, taking his seat with a flourish of his cape in order to avoid sitting on it. A flick of his claw dropped his hood behind his head, and he looked around the chamber.

You have a lovely home,” he said. “This room in particular is very tastefully done.

Maliphant then gave her his sales pitch. It was very well-written and professional. Messala’s own induction into the fold had involved being mind-raped by a lake monster, so he was quite impressed by how relatively gentle and soothing blondie’s take on it was. That said, he couldn’t resist tacking on his own stupid comment.

We’ll eventually be allowed to kill each other over who gets to sit on the Worm Emperor’s throne.” He winked. “It’s going to be fun.

Call him crazy, but the promise of fun was the best diplomacy he knew of.

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Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

The tension was felt between the two men. Maybe this is exactly what Messala wanted to be forced to kill the other man? Xanesh felt like she was among five-year-olds, they behaved exactly like that, hadn’t been in the age to deal with kids this age for a long time.

"Please, if you want to kill each other, gentlemen, do so outside the building. Don’t be so disrespectful you do all this in the house of your hosts."

All this, in a kind, flattering, and motherly voice, said to the men. Didn't want to go into the topic that Messala wasn't like that, he was just playing with the man. It wasn't her business, if the other man didn't figure it out, he wouldn't be worth anything. Listened intently to the man; she had already seen the Sith as weaker than that, all they needed was good leadership, Benûwia was also a member of the Dark Council at the time.

"Has the Worm Emperor ever learned history? We’ve seen the Sith almost fail before and then get back on their feet. This reign is better than what we were part of, the last years of Vitiate’s reign, those were much worse."

After that, watched and kept listening, nodding several times at Darth Maliphant's words. Yes, it really was, they have lost a great deal lately. Interesting point of view.

"So the Worm Emperor wants a rebellion against the Zambrano dynasty like we did when Vitiate's sins were revealed? If so, the Worm Emperor needs to achieve something very big for everyone to wake up and work together against the Zambrano dynasty."

After that, turned to Messala and smiled, accompanied by a nod.

"We thank you! We tried to make it as aesthetically and practically as possible, which suits both of us. You may believe that this is not the easiest job."

Messala's words, however, revealed something very different from what Maliphan had said. Xanesh raised an eyebrow and straightened her dress as sat down in one of the chairs.

"So… what do the gentlemen really want from us? To join the Worm Emperor or help to kill it?"



"Vitiate sin's were not far separated from that of the Zambranos.", Maliphant mentioned.

He had learned much from the Telos Holocron - and the words of Revan on the Sith Emperor rang true in his mind. A man who cared not for the Sith teachings, only to recreate the galaxy in his own image; massive and bloody conflict to mark his seal. There would inevitably be a time when even the Zambranos has so nuetered the Sith of this era that they could believed themselves gods. Maliphant just assumed it was a matter of time.

"If you've concerns about the how, I would ask the Worm Emperor themself.", the Sith said with a slight down turn of his expression.

The issue with sending someone indebted meant they didn't always agree with what they said, and Maliphant didn't much care to argue on the Worm's behalf.

"As far as killing the Worm -", Maliphant said with a glance away, avoiding rolling his eyes at the mention.

"He has asked for all Sith in his Legion to someday strive to kill him. Considering the rumors that he has brought the likes of Other Space Kaiden Other Space Kaiden and Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin into the fray, I'm not too inclined to believe three strangers in a dinner hall have much better chance. Though, if you want to try your hand - I'm sure the Worm would welcome a new empress to take his place.", Maliphant said with a subtle smile.

Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

"So… what do the gentlemen really want from us? To join the Worm Emperor or help to kill it?"

While Maliphant answered Xanesh’s questions (simply and succinctly, to everyone’s relief), Messala had stood up and wandered slowly around the room, giving the Praetorians and any of Xanesh's guards a wide berth as he explored. Much of the furniture was antique, and all of it was as elegant as its owner.

In other words, both,” Messala said cheerfully, turning from the white-haired man to the two-women-in-one with a grin. It looked grotesque on him, but that couldn’t be helped. He was just that ugly. “His Worminess will rise in order to fall to the next strongest Sith, and eventually they will fall, and on and on without establishing any dynasties or nepotistic oligarchies. The Worm Emperor is not a man, with selfish needs and desires to fulfill. Especially not the kind that lead to a family tree with more branches than bones in Kaine Zambrano's body. He's not a Carnifex, a Vitiate, a Palpatine or a Krayt for that matter—so much as he is a means to an end.

He gently ran a finger across a time-worn wooden surface—not a speck of dust, though he could feel the wood grain beneath his fingertip. A melancholy sigh escaped him, but he stifled those emotions quickly.

Even if we could convince half or more of TSE to defect, where's the challenge in that? We want to create something new, something that will rival what Zambrano and his ilk have built, don't we?" He gave Maliphant a significant glance. "If we're just going to cannibalize the Sith Empire—especially when it’s so close to being crushed between a genocidal lobster horde, a bunch of douchey Jedi warmongers, and, uh, that one faction that exists for the sole purpose of destroying the Sith—then I agree, why should Darth Xanesh or any other Sith bother with us?"

It was a not so subtle hint: tell her what she stands to gain by joining LOTS, beyond jumping from a sinking ship into a tiny lifeboat. They had already made a few accomplishments worth bragging about, right? Right?


Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Xanesh was living just at the time both twins were at the peak of Vitiate’s madness and after his expulsion as Valkorion returned. True, the entity had been dead for decades by the time the twins died, yet they remembered very well what was during the reign of the emperor. Nor did they have any doubt that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex did not yearn for retirement, but withdrew from his Imperial title for ulterior motives. He was made for something bigger.

"Yes, we agree not far separated. But the Zambranoes have not yet crossed that particular line from which there is no going back. It may just be a matter of time. We have no illusions… we are confident enough the former Emperor is still weaving the threads and his resignation… was just a gimmick to focus on something else from the background or shadows."

Chuckled softly in response when Maliphan mentioned if necessary, he would ask the Worm Emperor. Meanwhile, she also watched Messala as the man set off to look around the library. But in the end, turned back to the blond-haired man. He did not call the mysterious ruler a man like Messala, but referred to “him” in the plural. Interesting, very interesting!

"It’s not necessary, we’re not the kind of specifically concerned."

A predatory smile appeared on Xanesh's lips when the two men really mentioned the killing of the Worm Emperor as well. What Messala continued to talk about moments later, she received confirmation. In fact, the half-bothan was much more outspoken than the other man. Answered both of them.

"So the Worm Emperor wants to use the real Sith method to get the person who can defeat him to take his place. Ironically, in this regard, the Eternal Empire is more of a Sith than the Sith Empire, though they do not consider themselves to Sith."

Said sarcastically, alluding to the fact that in the Eternal Empire it is not certain that L’lerim’s children will be the next ruler, but the person will be who the one best suited to take over the Empire after the Empress’s death. Xanesh loved to be aware of the political situation in the Galaxy, especially considering the allies and enemies of the Sith Empire.

Continued to listen to the two men speak as she thinking. When they both finished what they wanted, Xanesh spoke after them:

"We do not intend to be an Empress. We never wanted to. Ireria has always stayed away from such matters, she prefers archaeological finds and excavations, away from any Sith. And Benûwia won the title of Dark Councillor. It can be managed much better and more effectively from such a position. You are a leader, but you are less mindful than as Emperor or Empress. We can handle this to this day. We will not betray the Sith Empire because we have ambitions here, but we may be willing to support the ambitions of both of you for and against the Worm Emperor as long as it serves the interests and benefits of the Sith Empire and of course ours as well."



Maliphant cocked an eyebrow.

"Have you ever heard the story of Darth Ideara?", he said suddenly, in such a casual tone it almost betrayed the conversation any of them were having.

"It was said his Empire was once powerful, built to satiate his thirst for wealth and power - ruled from Wild Space, mapped it as none before him had. Once, he had a dream himself of his ambitions - of his Empire that he had built. In it, he was shown a guide - a figure with many voices who ushered him through sprawling deserts to a statue amidst it all.", Maliphant said with a wave of his hand, as though trying to recollect the story itself.

"The statue was of him, powerful and stalwart as always - but was made of many matierals. Atop, the head and crown were made of gold, thick and intricate with design. The chest hard as iron - blackened from its smith work; but the legs were made of wood, showing signs of damage from the wind. And the feet?", the Sith asked with a glance to his hand, inspecting it for some damage that wasn't there.

"Made of clay. Soft, brittle, an unsuitable foundation."

"Ideara saw this foundation weakness, that his statue was built strong at the top and weak at the bottom - for the first time witnessed that his ambitions were built on something failing. He pleaded with the spirit, asked him what he could build atop his statue to let it remain."

"Do you know what the spirit told him?", Maliphant said with a quiet glance to Xanesh.

"Let it burn from the foundations. Let it burn and be replaced with iron - smaller, but more stable, able to be built up once more with a better mind for design. Of course Ideara didn't agree with such, why would he? The statue was his after all, he could fix it.", Maliphant said once more with a dismissive shake of his hand.

"But alas, nobody remembers Ideara anymore. My mother always told me that one when I was a child.", the Sith mused for a moment with a nearly unnoticable smile.

"Apologies, I'm ranting. Me and my pointless stories.", Maliphant chuckled.

"I'm sure the Worm Emperor is waiting for our report of failure. Is there anything else you wish to say, Inanna Harth Inanna Harth ?"

Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco

“I'm sure the Worm Emperor is waiting for our report of failure. Is there anything else you wish to say, Messala?"

Messala was torn. On the one hand, he was more annoyed than ever that Maliphant was giving up so easily—on the other, Xanesh had more or less given them an ultimatum. She stood to lose far more than she could possibly gain from betraying TSE and joining the fledgling LOTS. Though it wasn’t about him, Messala couldn’t help but see this as yet another loss.

Yes.” Messala turned to Xanesh. “I congratulate you on your promotion. I’m sure you’ll make a fine Dark Councilor.

He pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows, creating new furrows in his leathery forehead. “I hope you won’t think less of me for this, but I can’t help feeling abandoned by the Sith Empire. I lost Tintagel to the Bryn'adûl when they attacked Cophrigin V—I and my family have been in hiding at a Primyn Group testing site ever since. That’s why I’m here with this joker.” He jerked a thumb at Maliphant, then quoted, “The dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.’ But maybe we should do more research before we go barging into people’s houses just to beg for their unlikely allegiance. Choose our battles better."

Back to mischief, he smirked at Maliphant, laughter in his voice—though his tone had an edge to it as well. “That’s all. Still want to kick my ass, Mali? I’d be willing, so long as we take it outside the limits of these two ladies' property.

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Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

"We also know the story, albeit with a different character. Our parents have already scared us with something similar when we were children. We know, and you misunderstood us, Darth Maliphan. We did not say that we would not help, only that we would not betray the Sith Empire. And the two are not equal. Ascension can be assisted without betrayal."

Xanesh was actually a little disappointed that the man had already given up on it. Why did the Worm Emperor entrust him with this? Apparently he didn’t care what the outcome would be, whether he managed to get new people or not.

~ What does the Worm Emperor blackmail you with? It is quite obvious that you are not working for him of your own free will. ~ asked telepathically.

Then turned to Messala. So the man lost Tintagel because of Bryn’adûl and felt betrayed. If the Worm Emperor relied on gathering such Sith next to him, he would indeed find many followers very soon. Whoever he was, he showed up at the best of times and understood very well the way to find which layer to find and convince.

"We’re not the only candidates for the late Darth Prospero’s former chair, Vanessa Vantai also wants that Pillar for herself, though she prefers to use the name Onrai these days. We are sorry to have lost your home, Tintagel is a huge loss. But as we’ve told you before, you can get a lab and a home in any of the university or GenBiotics buildings."

Offered the opportunity again, then looked at the two men.

"Last but not least, we offered our help to both of you. In addition, we can certainly help with something that does not exhaust the concept of betrayal. Is that why we need to ask you; you really want to leave already?"



The Sith simply rolled his eyes, at both Messala and Xanesh. Afterall, he neither owed her an answer to his predicament nor did Messala truly broach any farther than he had. What was a Sith to do with a diplomat who couldn't keep face in front of others, and a Sith Lady who assumed Maliphant would ever trust them on the first meeting?

Either novices to politics, or haphazard attempts at manipulation that Maliphant wouldn't play into.

He sighed before he spoke;

"Obviously your mother didn't tell you the story enough if you're planning on building your ambition on the crumbling pillar that is the Sith Empire.", he said with a dismissive tone.

"And no, Messala.", he said with a glance to him.

"I realized in the last thirty seconds that I'm not going to be goaded by a third rate alchemist. Go back to studying the echo's of my work, and maybe I'll consider it when you have half my reputation.", Malpihant seemed to spit with some venom.

His gaze fell back on Xanesh -

"Don't mistake me, Xanesh, I'm not some pawn who'll lay their tongue bear at the sight of your red hair. I'm not interested in your intrigue, the games you'd hope to play to end the Worm Emperor, nor any influence the Sith Empire would hope to have over the situation. I came here on the behalf of Qual'Al-Selim to speak with the Emperor's authority - and while I have my own aspirations to kill the Worm, it will not be done with Sith I do not know..."

He stole another gaze at Messala before twisting his lips up in disgust.

"... or those who actively seek to be more burden than boon."

One of the Praetorians said something through his armor, translated into demonic gibberish by the vocabulator. Maliphant brushed it away with a dismissive wave of his hand - though he didn't speak to respond to the soldier.

"Are you going to offer me something substantial here, berate me again, or am I free to leave? I have an Empire to burn, Darth Xanesh, my patience wears thin."

Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco

Vanessa Vantai? That chick who considered herself a goddess after one chance encounter with some forest spirit? The new Dark Councilor of Scientific Advancement? Ew.

“...We are sorry to have lost your home, Tintagel is a huge loss. But as we’ve told you before, you can get a lab and a home in any of the university or GenBiotics buildings.”

Now, ladies—” Messala began, only to hesitate as he considered his actual reasons for refusing, then shrugged. “I’m afraid I can’t accept your offer, generous as it is. This is the most fun I’ve had in years, annoying my grouchy companion here. The Sith Empire may be powerful and well-established, but they’re boring. To me, at least. I have no love or loyalty for them. To be honest, I never really did.

Then Maliphant proceeded to insult them both. Messala watched in fascination as a vein in the half-Arkanian’s temple throbbed with anger. Maliphant ground out his words through grit teeth, barely containing his supreme irritation. The sight of it amounted to high art.

“Don't mistake me, Xanesh, I'm not some pawn who'll lay their tongue bare at the sight of your red hair…”

But you will at the sight of white hair, Messala giggled to himself like a teenage girl discovering her best friend’s crush. I guess what they say about being attracted to people who look like you is true. Although Srina is a certified cutie in any case. I wonder if they call each other sappy names in private. I certainly would. “Moonbeam”, “marshmallow”, “silverbell”...

On a more sober note, Maliphant was right. Xanesh was arguing against what they were asking of her (and not without good reason; one of Messala's gripes with the Sith philosophy was its tendency to generate paranoia, antagonism, and infighting among its followers, which wouldn't create a basis for a long-lasting or stable form of governance. Hence why Palpatine had simply killed all the other Force Users in his empire and let the normies run things), but she seemed to underestimate just how much TSE was hated by its numerous traitors and outsiders. They had degenerated into complacency and sleaze, whining about how they were being slowly chipped away at by their enemies, even briefly calling upon the Jedi for help. Hell, were they even worthy of being called Sith at this point?

Maliphant having concluded his verbal assault, Messala thumped his fist against his chest. “You’ve evaporated me to the core, Mali. Everything you said was absolutely correct—with one exception. I don’t seek to be a burden. I seek to be a nuisance.” There was no sarcasm in his tone. He knew his faults and shortcomings well, and he enjoyed annoying those who took themselves far too seriously. “You’ve certainly earned my trust in your assessments of people. I believe you when you say we have nothing more to be gained here, and that this is a hopeless cause… although now I have a question.

Why are you involved in this, Maliphant? I thought you had a cushy spot in the CIS. Is the Worm holding something over you? Blackmail? A favor owed? Or did you make a deal with the devil?


Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Location: Xanesh’s estate, Dromund Kaas
Equipment: Polyweave dress | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland | G1 OmniLink
Tag(s): Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

Xanesh nodded, knowing exactly how this was the end of the story, though the statue collapsed earlier in her story, but that didn't change her opinion she wouldn't commit betrayal as long as there was another option. Still, it was bad to admit, but with her life she belonged to Kaine Zambrano, the man could have killed her instead of letting her go. Last but not least, the woman’s most promising descendant was just one of Carnifex’s grandchildren as well. And can reach the girl through the former Emperor.

"The red hair belongs to Benûwia, but you're talking to us now, Xanesh, Darth Maliphan, we don't have hair in this form. Going back to your words, we are aware that you are not just a pawn. Yet we see that others want to control you like a puppet…"

Maybe just because of the behaviour; she knew there were more in the man, she saw news of him and also read a thing or two. Why did he try to make himself weaker than he was? Did he hope he could foul and deceive everyone with this? What did he hope for? Sighed at the end.

"Always impatience. This is one of the biggest mistakes of young people, as well as that of the Sith. They are impatient, they want everything immediately but immediately. And if they do that, they will accumulate more and more mistakes. Try learning a little patience if you don’t want anyone to look at you as a pawn and think of you in such a way. Of course, if that’s not the stated intent, Darth Maliphant."

A motherly is good advice rather than a mocking remark. Saw the potential in the man that there was an opportunity in him. He could even be a good disciple…

"We can offer financial resources, laboratories, relationships that cannot be linked to us in a subsequent investigation, as well as resources. But if you’re not interested, you can leave the same path you came in. We will not beg you."

Then turned in the direction of Messala; even luckily, the Primyn Group operated not only within the Sith Empire but also across borders, so at least there was no fear that the collaboration would end. Messala was a great ally and a great scientist, nodded at the man's words.

"It is your decision, however, as you know, both the university and our other company operate as subsidiaries of the Primyn Group and are not under the control of the Empire."

After that, said nothing, rather watching the continuation of the interlude between the two men. Messala also seemed to see the same thing Xanesh and asked the same question, only much less discreetly than the woman.



"The difference is trivial.", Maliphant offered Messala in a cool tone.

He had only the moment of teeth grinding and anger though it was hardly at Messala. More at Qual'Al-Selim for putting him up to such efforts - knowing that the person she had paired him with would no doubt undermine his efforts; creating the situation he was now in. Instead, Maliphant had reverted to something more common for him - an apathetic expression of boredom.

"Well, you see -", Maliphant began in a sarcastic overture.

"- it all started when I was young..."

"Don't overestimate your worth to me, Messala. There is no explanation I owe you, nor any I would trust you with. Consider how you act if you want to learn things.", a lesson he didn't think he'd have to explain to a Sith Lord, but apparently one he had to. Maybe it would make good practice for when he finally had kids of his own.

His gaze fell back on Xanesh in turn;

"Immediately?", he mused.

"Patience?", he asked incrediously.

"Financial resources?", he said with a guffaw to accent his words.

"You offer me little and less, and expect me to simply lick it up? There is nothing you have to offer me, no help. You have nothing to offer me but a warm body the Fist of the Emperor can cut down before they have a chance to come for me. Laboratories, Relationships, all of which are useless to me.", he dismissed with contempt.

"While you offer me electrum trash, I have a no name alchemist insulting his betters behind me; and this is how either of you hope to learn something from me? To forge an alliance to better the Sith Empire that I am considered a criminal within? Either you both need a strong lesson in negotiations, or Qual'Al-Selim set this all up before hand just to insult me."

Maliphant stood up and the Praetorians took a step back.

"So I'll, finish with this - Darth Xanesh, the Sith Empire will die. It is dying. Die defending it, I care not, but I offered you a chance to not be victimized by the Carnifex's dynasties poor attempts at relevancy. If you want a reprieve for the carnage that is coming, then seek me out; but do so with better manners than my partner."

His gaze fell back on Messala for a moment -

"And if you truly seek to die today, I will oblidge you. Nuisance or not, I can smell fear on your words - can sense the weakness in your stance. You speak like a child, and I can already tell you fight like one - but I have no issue with killing children, Lord of Doubt. The Worm and Qual'Al-Selim are far from this landing pad, and they can do nothing to save you from my wraith if you truly seek it.", he said before spitting on the Sith's boots.

"The ship leaves in thirty minutes. You either come out with an apology if you seek to leave with me, or you die and I bring your body back to the Eye with my own apology. Make up your mind, and make it quick."

Maliphant offered Xanesh a final glance before walking towards the exit he had come from - and while his Praetorians moved to load into the transport once more, Maliphant idled outside, removing his outermost layer to allow the most freedom for combat; if it was truly what the Lord of Doubt wished.

Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

"Well, you see—it all started when I was young… Don't overestimate your worth to me, Messala. There is no explanation I owe you, nor any I would trust you with. Consider how you act if you want to learn things."

For me, personally, it all started when I was born,” Messala replied, happily playing along with Maliphant’s passive-aggressive sarcasm. By the Force, this man was hilarious. They needed to do this again sometime.

Blondie berated Xanesh some more about how she was useless and of no help to them. Messala started to grow bored. He sat down in his chair again, propping his head on his hand, until he felt something soft and furry brush his leg. He looked down to find something that looked like a cross between a cat and a caterpillar on the floor. It looked up at him and meowed, demanding attention.

Maliphant would turn to Messala to continue his rant—and would find the no-name alchemist completely preoccupied with the long cat, stroking and scratching the pet as it purred contentedly. Messala didn’t bother to stand up as the white-haired Sith spat on his hooves, nor when Maliphant stomped out of the room, having issued (kind of?) a challenge. Once he and his guards were gone, Messala looked at Xanesh with an apologetic shrug.

Bit of a child himself, isn’t he?” He gave the cat one last pat before he stood up. “Well, this has been one helluva meeting. I hope you aren’t too offended by us, ladies. He’s clearly got other problems weighing on him.” Bowing to Xanesh, he added, “Goodbye, Darth Xanesh.

He left the estate and strode out onto the landing pad, where he saw Maliphant waiting with his shirt off. Suppressing a hysterical grin only by biting his knuckles, Messala paused at the edge of the pad to collect himself before he spoke.

Maliphant, you’re too much. I’ll fight you without weapons or the Force, if you’d like to blow off some steam—I used to spar with my eldest son whenever something got him riled up—but this is getting out of hand.” He gestured to the half-dressed Sith. “Why are you so angry? It can’t just be me calling you ‘blondie’ that did it. You’ve got something building inside you. Something big. I don’t think it’s just the Worm Emperor screwing you over, either. You’ve been pissed off for a long, long time, and it’s finally getting to be more than you can stand.

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