Chains Unbroken
Wulfngard, Kalidan-Lysenia...
The Empress's halls were, as usual, full and busy with administrators attempting to keep a hold on the nearly endless buearacry of a regime that ruled with an iron fist. Even more with the growing conflicts through the galaxy - notably the rising civil war of the Sith Empire, fractured and broken between Imperials and the some-assume failing regime of the Zambrano Dynasty. Even now, as they failed to stop the advance of the Imperials in a tangible way, the Galactic Alliance had begun to strike out in tandem; revenge against them for their treasure fleets and looting of the Core.
It was in this that the Eternal Empire got dragged in - through uncountable diplomatic promises eventually coming back to hold the Empress to a new standard. The Eternal Empire was embroiled in war, but it was not their own; much to the dismay of many. Even now, as the Empress found a single moment of quiet in the grand halls of the Emperor - as they once were called - she would not find solace from the harsh reality of politics, dogmatic rhetoric, or the drama of the Sith Empire.
The moment the door to the central planning chamber sealed, a new figure would appear. Without so much as a noise, the air warped and through a wake not disimilar to water; before a black, liquid like, smoke formed in the epicenter. In a blink, the smoke had transitioned into a massive, multi-masked figure with electrum masks and dead eyes behind them - void like and empty, they seemed to stretch infinitely into the multi headed monstrocity before her.
Alone with the creature, it offered the Empress a single low groan before a small bow was offered - his voice, thick and bassy, echo'ed on the inside of his mask as though the cloaks were empty;
"Greetings, Empress.", the voice echo'ed.
"I understand you've been busy."
"So busy..."
"... So tired."
"Always working.", voices of different tone and gender followed up the lead male voice in a slowly descending volume. The last was nearly a whisper, a woman's whos voice seemed both a hundred miles away, and inside Ingrid's mind itching at her skull.