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Approved NPC LotS │ The Worm Emperor

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  • Intent: To create a submission explaining what is known about The Worm Emperor.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: The Worm Emperor is the enigmatic leader of the Lords of the Sith, and will serve as the centerpiece for the Order and its new take on Sith Darwinism.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Lords of the Sith
  • Age: Unknown
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Unknown
  • Appearance:
    • The Worm Emperor is oft cloaked in a heavy black burka as Sith have for millennia; however, the difference is that where most Sith have only one mask if any, the Worm carries five. Each has unique carvings in electrum, carrying words like 'Passion' or 'Power' along with archaic High Sith few have the opportunity to decipher. This is often due to the distance at which most view the Emperor, and how most are dead that get closer. While his form is shrouded, he stands nearly three meters in height with the masks situated at various heights - the lowest looking more similar to a child despite standing eye level with most tall Sith as is.

      For those who view the Emperor from within the Force, they would see a shifting set of facts and figures beneath the robes - faster than they could understand. A thousand faces, a thousand species, a thousand eyes that look aimlessly into the void. There is no set form the Worm seems to keep, be it an illusion he forces upon those that attempt to understand him, or truly his nature as an every shifting amalgamation of spirits - there is danger in even looking upon him, like staring into the sun at high noon.
  • Name: The Worm Emperor
  • Loyalties:
    • Lords of the Sith
  • Wealth:
    • While the technical answer is that the Worm Emperor holds the entire wealth of the Lords of the Sith, it isn't nearly so straightforward. Any wealth at the LotS receive, either through taxation or pillaging, that finds its way to the Emperor's own coffers gets almost instantly sent back out. This is often believed to be the case because the Emperor does not need credits or electrum, instead of handing it back to his administrators to ensure they have the funds they need to grow their empire.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • Besides the various electrum masks, it is not actively known what the Emperor owns. While it is rumored he owns massive space-bound pets, ships of indiscernible size, and even ancient legendary force artifacts - the Emperor has never been seen with any of them, nor has anyone actually been able to confirm is the Emperor's Trove is truly something that exists or is apart of the mythos that is The Worm Emperor. He has not even been seen using a lightsaber before, despite being the leader of the Sith.
  • Skills:
    • It is unknown what limits the Sith Emperor actually has, as those who have matched the known level of the Worm Emperor are quickly surpassed by a new skill. However, it is known he is a zealot - absolutely stalwart in his traditional beliefs of the Sith, and dangerous in his ability to lead his people in enacting it on a galactic level. A ruthless administrator, he seeks to improve all of his followers through the fire - keeping them on their toes and ensuring none have an easy path to victory.
  • Personality:
    • The Worm Emperor is known for his many voices. Women and children, angry men, a thousand voices who find home behind his masks all speak in unison or apart - making a symphony of tone, or at worst a cacophony of overlapping voices crying out in pain. Each of these voices carries a different personality, from the mocking child to a coy waif - there is little to understand in the madness of a thousand words. However, despite this, there seems to be one leading voice that rises among them all.

      A voice that the others follow, it has no name besides 'The Worm'. It is brutal and cutthroat, deep and commanding - the Voice carries with it the weight of all Sith throughout history. It is The Worm that decides what the Sith Order does, and it is The Worm who leads the Sith from the front. To even meet this voice is often terrifying, as it carries with it a nagging strain to the brain who listens to it.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force
  • Combat Function:
    • The Worm Emperor, like all Sith, is a dangerous combatant in battle. However, the Worm Emperor embodies his Darwinistic theories on the Sith more than any other; for he leads the Sith through fear, and to scare the Sith requires a monster to show itself whenever necessary. In this, the Worm Emperor has met a thousand kaggaths with little damage to himself - never even taking out a lightsaber in his efforts. A thousand sith follow him for his strength, and soon a thousand more will as well - all brought to heel by a stronger Sith and a stronger warrior.

      Often, this is done through his tactical prowess to pillage entire planets, but in personal combat, it is done through his dominating presence within the Force. Carrying a natural aura of fear, able to absorb the Force when concentrated, and a master in most dark side powers - the Worm Emperor has few limits, but even he fully expects someone to meet him in combat as an equal soon. It is, after all, his entire theory that he should die when the Sith grow stronger than him.
  • The Worm -
    • Unknown in his nature, the Worm's presence is absolutely terrifying to those who witness him. With a Force potential few can match, the Worm serves as a figure to strive to match - but also one that debilitates his enemies in sheer presence. A thousand whispers from the darkness, an imposing titan that exudes force like a mass shadow; there is little one can do but feel fear when presented with the some-proclaim Left-Handed God.
  • Single-Minded -
    • While the Worm Emperor carries a wide variety of skills or assumed to be so, there is little to show he has anything in mind beyond the expansion of the Sith, and his own eventual death. He shows no proclivity to garnering allies, only accosting Sith for allowing themselves to be lead by the weak - often followed by telling them to kill him themselves. The Worm fully intends for those he breaks free of their shackles to hate him, return and end his existence - as it is the only chance for the people to experience what being a Sith is truly about.
  • The Force -
    • As any seemingly force sensitive being, The Worm is affected by artifacts such as Voidstone or Ysalamiri, often even restricting his movements to outside the fields. A simple solution to an unknown enemy, there have been few who have actually tried to do so yet however.

Never before seen on the Galactic plane, it wasn't until the invasion of Korriban that the Worm awoke from a deep slumber - or as the stories seem to imply. Quickly after, Sith began to report of a massive 3-meter figure visiting them in the darkness - five electrum masks and a thousand voices greeting them from a deep sleep. He would tell them of his goals, to strengthen the Sith, and even fight with those of a more violent proclivity. Maiming, killing, he made a swath of destruction through the Sith both tide to the Sith Empire, and independent of their rule.​
After a short time, he had collected a Legion for himself and followers loyal to his goals. The Worm Emperor began to raid planets on the border of the Sith Empire, New Imperial Order, and the Bryn'adul's space; where he collected weapons, armor, resources to lead his army until it was able to find a stronghold somewhere else in the galaxy. It was in this moment his legion became formalized, and the dreams of his Empire became tangible.​
Now, the Worm Emperor bides his time as his strength gathers - bringing new Sith into the fold of his philosophy by the day. To encourage Sith to fight, to gain their own Imperiums, and to be led by the strong; some have begun to refer to him as the Sith'ari, the Left-Handed God, that which will destroy the sith to make them stronger. The Worm, however, has never claimed such a title; despite the truth that seems to come with it.​

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Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

This is a great sub but there are two things quickly.

First, you forgot to add the hyperlink for your image credit.

Second, I do need you to add the appropriate weaknesses as this this NPC is a force user and susceptible to measures that nullify the force.

Tag me once you get that and we should be good!
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