Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Loud Entrances

To say things had been bizarre would be an understatement, just like it would be an understatement to say Anduir knew how to fly this stupid floating box. But she had trudged along regardless, the distant and flashing memories of a distant world called Geonosis pulled her through the great void of the Galactic North all the way to the tip of it’s South. A handful of blaster wounds burning fresh along the way, minor injuries, in comparison to those inflicted upon her and her siblings during their training.

Geonosis was ugly, that was the first thing Anduir noticed. Some mixture of red, and orange, and generally seeming hot and uncomfortable: “her” memories made sure to confirm that suspicion. Just as they told her of her destination, some “Golbah City” on the planetary surface. And so did Anduir follow these vague and hazy memories, just as much as she followed what seemed to be the most amount of traffic funneling itself off the ugly-rock, swiveling and twisting her ship all the while: whatever remained of it’s precious cargo being dispensed out into the void on it’s long trek.

Though as she made heading, in the worst possible fashion, a buck hit the vessel. Judging by the flashing lights and warnings, Anduir assumed something had exploded. The vessel shook wildly, and through basic logic she then assumed one of her engines very likely was now floating in orbit of Geonosis, or hitting some poor sod in the skull about now. Frantically flicking switches and smashing buttons with no real clue what they actually did, the comms burst to life.

“Unidentified Fuel Ship! Fix your heading!”

Slapping a few more buttons, Anduir finally figured out how to actually speak to the rather annoyed man on the ground.

“I am crashing this ship. Please do not stand in the way.”

After some profuse amounts of cursing, and shouting at the little Sephi. Her ship finally broke into view of the city, with hunks of metal flying off into the wind. She turned her eyes to the closest flat plane, and with that in mind and a wickedly sharp turn of her vessel. In true Ka fashion she made the proper graceful landing, thudding against her impromptu landing bay and ruining a handful of carefully managed trees and shrubbery. After hopping out of the smouldering wreckage of her transport, the sephi brushed off the dust and stepped away from the jagged scraps only to be met by a...warm, and large, welcoming party of various security forces. And so began, the equally bizarre issue of Anduir having to tell her story. With property damaged, a lot of dead plants, and a growing headache. Reinforcements needed to be called Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan unfortunately being the first one chosen. When entering the scene, being greeted to various security forces being near-ranted at by a large, muscular, and angry Sephi. And just to complicate matters, all of this new awful pilot’s appearances, and even genetics, had matched up to a long “dead” Confederate “War-Hero”

Security Sweep

Location: Crash Site on Geonosis​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Anduir Ka Anduir Ka
The scene on her arrival was visibly tense fortunately she was known well enough by the security forces that she was able to pass the perimeter of the crash scene with ease, being known as both the student of Áine as well as a Knights Obsidian squire was sufficient to get her through most security of late. Her latest adventures had been many and different trials, her thoughts passed idly to the ball of ice in her pouch as her attention was divided between it and the task Aine had set before her, it would not melt not to lose focus, it was at times maddening but she would not lose to this challenge.​
When she had finally pressed through security finally she focused her emerald eyes on the one who had caused the scene, to begin with, she did not know the woman, but she had heard of her species before though she had never met one to her recollection, the young Knight approached Anduir Ka calmly and deliberately, her lightsaber prominently positioned on her belt if needed though she was hoping it would not be necessary here.​
"Hello there are you alright? That was quite the crash." if she were indeed a war hero of the Confederacy she would not have known, she would only know what the security forces could validate but they were whispering among themselves with confusion so there had to be some truth to it. "My name is Taiia Mataan with the Knights Obsidian, they tell me you are Anduir Ka. Can I perhaps be of help to you?"

After running through the story for what felt like the 50th time, the Sephi was visibly annoyed. Entirely brushing off the attempts of medical droids to examine her various wounds, aggressively so: though she had no weapons, the creature oozed a dangerous aura, one of a killer. While she was not obviously the vat-born warrior she was, it was impossible to escape such a feeling with a creature so entirely bred for the art of murder. Turning two icy blue eyes over to the newcomer, she immediately perked up. A slight twitch seeming to shake her body for the briefest second.

Knights Obsidian. Whatever the hell that meant. The word coursed through her brain, and false-memories appeared within her: those that were held by the Schutta she called a Gene-Mother. Pushing aside a tired looking security guard, Anduir stepped forward. Planting two feet firmly into the ground, the look was resolute, unsurprising from someone who had been shot, barely eaten, and had crashed her ship just for good measure.

"I am Anduir Ka. I am here to join your Confederacy."

The wounds were many, it seemed three blaster burns had pierced the plain garb she wore: a dull grey, revealing only the slightest notion of the compound she had known as her home for her brief existence within this Galaxy. Blood stained some, and a visible gash of moderate size appeared on her arm. Meaningless things, for she had suffered far worse at the hands of training.

Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan

Security Sweep

Location: Crash Site on Geonosis​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Anduir Ka Anduir Ka
If she was intimidated at all she did not allow it to be shown, she stood there and folded her hands behind her back a rather relaxed posture actually, and one that denoted she did not sense danger or else her lightsaber would be already in her hand. Instead, she studied Anduir Ka, remembering the time not long ago that she herself had landed on Geonosis, perhaps in a slightly more gracious manner, but she had been treated with caution but kindness.​
"Well then, if indeed you are here to join us nobody here will oppose that." unfolding her hands from behind her back she signaled the guards to fall back and give Anduir Ka space to breathe at least. "Before that, you should let our medics take a look at you, and while they do you can tell me about where you have come from and why you wish to join us." there was no tone of distrust or doubt but rather genuine curiosity as to what had happened to have Anduir Ka arrive in this state, she motioned a couple of medics forward.​
The red-haired woman watched expectantly with studious eyes, clearly something had happened to cause so much damage to Anduir Ka and even to the ship. Most likely she was fleeing from something or someone, in particular, either way, they would need more information. And cooperation was a very good indicator of sincerity in these kinds of situations where intentions may not be what they appear.​

It came to little shock that she was readily accepted into the fold, the Phantom-Memories told her that such a thing was already likely: but regardless of that fact, Anduir kept her guard up. This was a strange place filled to the brim with strange people, and it of course didn't help that she had technically committed a crime already. Despite the current kindness of the Confederates, she looked to the guards as they moved...she could've killed them, all of them, right after she had landed. Grim thoughts, if one could even call them that, it was much closer to programming.

"Irrelevant injuries. I have suffered worse."

Lirka, in her small little tenure of minor "fame" as a warrior in the Confederacy had become rather known for being so hard to put down that it surpassed all logic: it would seem her "spawn" had followed suite in that regard, though it may have just been simple genetic modification: hell if Anduir actually knew that much about how her body worked. With a mixture of curosity and caution, the two icy gems that were Anduir's eyes turned to the woman, giving her another brief look over. Couldn't hurt to share the story of her brief existence.

"We were grown, myself and my kin. Once 4, now three. Tools derived from my Gene-Mother, she served here once: though I know not her name, she is the desolator of the Barbarians of Moridinae. Or so we were told. We disagreed ultimately on the path of truth, I desired to meager attempt to grasp for freedom, to ultimately choose my own path. I am aware of the child-like naivity in that, do not fret. My sister, near-insane as she is, guided by her visions of flame sought to bring about the end of the Galactic Power structure as we know it. I am unaware if she survived our escape, I had shot her a good handful of times. My brother, ever the prodgial tool, remained an Imperial bootlicker; I ultimately doubt the validity in that, he was...the most cunning of our dysfunctional trio. I have no doubts though that he seaks to tear our Gene-Mother from her very own plans and assert himself as Thustra's King."

She cleared her throat, suddenly feeling an uncharacteristic embarrassment.

"I, apologize, for the briefness. I have not existed in this Galaxy for very long."

Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan

Security Sweep

Location: Crash Site on Geonosis​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Anduir Ka Anduir Ka
She gave a nod of understanding to Anduir Ka, they were not dissimilar in many ways she too had not existed in the galaxy for long either as her time in the enclave had been one of seclusion and isolation there was much she did not know about the wider galaxy but already in her time with the Confederacy she had learned much.​
She gave a small smile as she nodded once again "You have nothing to apologize for, also there is nothing naive about wanting freedom for yourself. The Confederacy believes in giving that choice to any who ask for our help or any of those who suffer within our borders anything that restrains their freedom, as for your sister and brother perhaps they can be helped down the road. As for you, you are more than welcome to join us Anduir Ka"​
She would then step to one side as a signal to her to walk with her before turning to walk from the entrance back to the main part of the city proper. "Are you familiar with Geonosis at all? Perhaps I could show you around the city if you like. Or perhaps some food and a good nights sleep is more in order?"​

She'd be tempted to laugh, maybe this Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan was the truly naive one. Anduir knew there was no such thing as freedom in the Galaxy, true freedom: her perspective on things had been dark, sullied, utterly warped in the depths of some dark Imperial Laboratory that had consumed her early months of living. But she did not voice her cold and nihilistic humor, merely giving the woman a nod. Of course, until she mentioned "helping" her pod kin, that caused only a scoff.

"They will be helped when a bolt in placed through their heads."

The familial loved just oozed out, nothing quite like wanting to murder each other.

"Phantoms, nothing more. Hazy pictures of this place, that is all I know. But do as you see fit, I am a visitor on your world at the end of the day."

She didn't really expect anyone who wasn't a clone to understand the horrendous side-effects of Flash-Memory Training, and it of course didn't help that Anduir was painfully inept at describing things without a stereotypical Sephi flourish.

Security Sweep

Location: Crash Site on Geonosis​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Anduir Ka Anduir Ka
She nodded to the scoff with a slight smile as she shook her head, family was always complicated cloned or not clearly this 'Gene-Mother' may not have been the best candidate to draw from for such experimentation though she would have to admit her knowledge of cloning was nonexistant.​
"Well, I suppose in some circumstances that can be a help." so they continued to walk until they arrived at the local cantina and she moved to go inside. "I don't know about you but I could use a drink. If I may you said you wish to join us, in what way? Do you plan to just live your life or will you seek to fight those who hurt you?" she motioned to Anduir Ka's wounds the few that remained that she would not let the medics near of course.​
"Either way, you are welcome here" she was sure Anduir Ka felt she was too trusting but an old expression held firm in her mind, let out enough rope for them to hang themselves. She was the friendly face yes, but if Anduir Ka turned out to be a threat of any kind Taiia would be the least of the worries.​


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