Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tomorrow is going to be a rough day. I'll be taking my mother to the Hospital for a CT Scan and once that is done, we'll find out when they want to schedule her for her Hysterectomy, which is being done due to another medical problem that was discovered a month back when we had to take her into the ER.

This also means that when the surgery is scheduled, I'll be losing my bed due to my Uncle wanting to be here for my mom, and he'll be staying with us, which means even less time to spend on the computer.

This medical scare, along with my own schedule at work is going to be running me ragged and will be sapping much of my attention and energy.

I am still very much interested in running the Val Cluster Campaign; and while I had predicted it to be ready by February 20th, that date will be pushed back to account for the recent Medical problems at work.

I am also very much dedicated to the Order of the Righteous Flame and seeing it succeed and grow.

Thank you all for your understanding in these difficult times. I look forward to working with you during the few moments that I'll have free to be on the site.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Take your time, it'd be highly unreasonable of us to think less of you because of family/medical problems.

I hope your mother gets better.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

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