Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Lowlifes, You and Me

exist with fierce intention

It was a beautiful day in the Old Town of Canto Bight.

Sonti pulled open the arms of her glareshades with her lips as she stepped onto back onto Cabranga Street from the doorway of Café Raduli, then slid them onto her face by the time she took her first few steps down the footpath. In one hand, she help a jumbo cake pop cased in dried bright pink icing and dusted with fine white sprinkles that almost sparkled in the sun. After carefully considering how to take the first bite, and bringing her free hand to catch any crumbs that would be dislodged by her action, she bit into the pastry. She had just enough time pull her head back from her treat before her entire body jerked to the left and.

The cake pop dropped out of her hand and smushed under her boots as she was pulled forward.

A snap echoed through the air close to her ear and then she was falling towards the gilded duracrete.

She managed to just call on the Force enough to cushion her impact, but pain still shot through her limbs. With a groan, she also managed to look up through a shattered lens to see a humanoid man clutching her leather crossbody and running through a confused, parting crowd of pedestrians.

Canto Blight was a place to get lost in, literally lost in. Not the size, but the activities that one was able to do on the planet. While there was extravagant fun happening there was always something happening to someone here.

Kiran knew he wasn't a supreme defender of Justice and righteousness in the galaxy. He too had committed crimes of a grisly nature. The key point to those crimes was hidden from the public eye. There was just the act itself that branded the young man a murderer.

Because he did what he thought was right. That was almost three years ago, and here he was. Doing what he did best, to make sure what happened to him.

Everything.....that happened to him and his family.

Never happened again to anyone, that he could help. He couldn't be everywhere, but he would help who he could. Today, was a store owner that was being harassed by a local gang of misfit kids. There were those that were called up to help him, and they did nothing.

"Why me?"


"I mean, why me?"

"Why not you?" Kiran said with the smallest of smiles, barely even one if you could call it that. He hadn't smiled very much these days. Not on the outside anyway, but when he did something good like this. He could almost feel as if he was returning to a former sense of his old life. Then that feeling was ripped away by reality.

And it was off to help the next person, people, whatever it was.

"Take care of yourself."
Kiran nodded his head with a small look of determination before walked out of the shop. He entered the crowded streets and it was then his next appeared before him.

He saw from just a few feet away as a young woman was knocked onto the ground. The individual had stolen a satchel of sorts and it wasn't just a split second later he was in quick pursuit. The chase ended rather quickly, he tackled the assailant to the ground and delivered a quick succession of blows to his abdomen before he relinquished the purse of sorts. Typically Kiran would've waited but he wanted to check on the woman to make sure she was okay. Several civilians assisted in holding him down as local enforcement squads would show up.

He quickly jogged back to where the woman was.

"Are you okay?"
Kiran inquired as he knelt down and held his hands out to help her. "He's been taken care off." Kiran stated to put her mind at ease.

Sonti Delst Sonti Delst
exist with fierce intention

Sonti took the man's hands and used them to help pull herself up into a seated position. Then, she let go of them with a grateful smile and braced one of her hands behind herself. "I'm okay," she said. "I just need to sit here for a while."

She held out her free hand for her purse. "Thanks so much." In addition to thanking him, she thanked the Force that the lightsaber within hadn't activated when the purse was being manhandled.

"I'm okay,"
"I just need to sit here for a while."

"Okay, are you sure you aren't hurt?" He spoke, however he quieted down his own concerns and didn't want to further press her. "I'll stay with you, just to make sure you are good."

Kiran wondered if she had hurt herself as she chose to remain in a seated position, however he didn't want to question it. And in all honesty it wasn't his place to pry since he had just met this girl. He did note that she had some incredibly wonderful features about her, and her aura was giving off a warm feeling that was giving him goosebumps. He brushed them off, as he wondered what it was. Something elusive to his mind....

He didn't want to look to much into it. The young man just wanted to make sure she would be okay.

"Thanks so much."

"It was no problem at all." He held his hand out towards her to shake. "My name is Kiran, Kiran Arlos. What is yours if I can ask?"

Sonti Delst Sonti Delst
exist with fierce intention

"Not from this," she answered. "I have bad legs in general. From a childhood accident." It felt funny to say that. She wasn't all too far removed from her childhood. Still, it was technically true to say as much.

"I wonder if he could tell," she mused, mostly thinking aloud. Perhaps her gait had been abnormal; it got that way when her muscles were tired. She didn't normally notice those changes in her body until someone pointed them out to her, or, like now, she paused to think about the possibility. "Could be why he picked me." It was true that an abnormal gait made it harder for someone to keep their balance, which would make them an easier target for a pickpocket or purse-snatcher, but it was possible it didn't go that deep either. Gender and preoccupation alone could explain her bad luck well enough.

But it wasn't all bad. Thanks to this man—Kiran—Sonti hadn't lost her lightsaber. All else in her purse could be replaced rather easily.

She took of her broken glareshades and set them on the sidewalk before shaking his hand. "I'm Sonti. Nice to meet you, Kiran."

"Not from this,"
"I have bad legs in general. From a childhood accident."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Kiran responded as he casually glanced around, just keeping a small watch on his surroundings before he looked back to her. It shouldn't have been much longer, that the thief would be in custody. He deserved far worse, that was the bad side of him talking. Or perhaps it was because he hurt this girl here. What was bad, was either way he felt he deserved worse. Perhaps worse that Kiran himself had been put through. The young man closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again, looking to Sonti as she spoke again.

"I wonder if he could tell,"
"Could be why he picked me."

"Some individuals like that take pride in preying on the weak." Kiran gave her a small look as he wasn't implying she was. "What I mean is that they chose their targets and study them. Picking out every weakness and move they can make. And if they feel they can be overpowered. That's when they strike." Kiran took a deep breath as he then spoke through gritted teeth as he was frustrated at the thought. "It's a cowardly tactic, he deserves worse that what he got."

He had to remind himself that she said she was okay, and getting mad over the incident wasn't going to help things. It certainly wasn't going to give him his life back, or help her with whatever ailment had plagued.

"I'm Sonti. Nice to meet you, Kiran."

"You as well, Sonti. I like your name." Kiran said quietly, glancing around once more. He truly did, he wasn't sure why it came out.

There was something about this girl....

"Can I get you some water?" He inquired, still pressing over to make sure she was good, despite the fact that she said she was.

Sonti Delst Sonti Delst
exist with fierce intention

"Deserves worse?" Sonti echoed. Her sweet voice had a lilt of surprise. "Well, okay, but I think he deserves better." She looked past Kiran to where the thief was detained by heroic civilians. Canto Bight's police headquarters overlooked all of Old Town, so it really was just a matter of time before they saw the flashing lights of an airspeeder or two. "I mean, like, why'd he do this? Life's probably tough. It is for lotsa beings. Is even worse when you live on a glitzy planet like this one." She glanced back at Kiran directly. "I still don't want him to steal my stuff or anyone else's, but I can empathize."

She smiled when he complimented her on her name. She quite liked it too. Then he asked if he could get her some water. "You're sweet! But..." She opened her purse and reached into the inside pocket where she had loose credits as well as a digital transfer tool. "...what I'd really like is another cake pop. I bought one from Raduli before, y'know." She pulled out seven short, durite credit ingots and handed them to Kiran with another smile. "It's just behind me. I didn't, uh, get far."

"Deserves worse?
"Well, okay, but I think he deserves better."

"Maybe....." Kiran whispered as he glanced back to the scene in the distance. He didn't want to say to much else about that, simple because his stance on it was solid. That mainly had to do with what he had been through and what had happened to him. A thief was a thief, a murderer was a murderer.....

They seemed to get hunted all the same.
"I mean, like, why'd he do this? Life's probably tough. It is for lotsa beings. Is even worse when you live on a glitzy planet like this one."
"I still don't want him to steal my stuff or anyone else's, but I can empathize."

"Hmmmm...." The young man was curious indeed, as he glanced back to her. He had studied law and several other subjects when it came to his time under the Security wing. he had learned so much, but then it all seemed to be tossed aside the more he was out here by himself. Part of him wondered if there was something more for him to do. Something more than what he was doing on a daily basis. Was their a higher purpose that called to him.

He felt part of him died that day with his family, and the other died that day he committed that of justice.

You're sweet! But..."
"...what I'd really like is another cake pop. I bought one from Raduli before, y'know."
"It's just behind me. I didn't, uh, get far."

"That's probably the last thing I am." Kiran whisphered and then she placed the few coins in his hand. She wanted another one, no doubt it was incredibly good. Well, given that perhaps she might not have even had a chance to enjoy the treat before her day was ruined.

"Here..." Kiran said as he placed the coins back in her hand. "I'll take care of it." The young man stood up and entered the shop of what she had mentioned. He informed the store vendor of what happened and while the offered another one for free. Kiran reached into jacket and pulled out a few coins. As it was enough, he thanked the clerk and was soon back with the treat for Sonti Delst Sonti Delst

"Here you go..." Kiran spoke in a small voice as he knelt back down next to her. "I'll make sure no one hurts you."
exist with fierce intention

Sonti reached up to Kiran, grinning with the excitement of a kid for her replacement treat.

"Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, y'know," she said before taking a small bite of icing and cake. She continued speaking after she had chewed and swallowed. "I'll be fine..."

She looked back towards the croup gathered around the thief, suddenly struck by the realization that she actually didn't want to stick around. The police could likely press charges just fine without her statement, as there were plenty of witnesses to the incident. That was, though, if they could be bothered. The voice of Damris played in her head:

"Police corruption here is even worse than it is in some districts of Coruscant."

"Actually, I'm just going to go home." After readjusting herself, Sonti pushed herself up with her free hand and began to stand.

"Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice, y'know,"
"I'll be fine..."

I wish that were true....

Kiran thought in reference to the lightning striking twice as he slowly stood up as she enjoyed her savory treat. He had never had one before. After today he made a mental note to try and get one before he leaves Canto Bight. He glanced back as the thief was being taken away. The young man took a deep breath as he then looked back to Sonti Delst Sonti Delst as she began to stand up.

"Actually, I'm just going to go home."

She had mentioned several times that she was going to be okay. He had to remind himself of this as he was about to offer to escort her home. Then again, perhaps it was best that they parted ways here. He would be leaving soon, and there wasn't much else keeping him here.

"Well, I suppose this is goodbye." Kiran extended his hand once more to Sonti. "Take care of yourself, Sonti." Kiran cleared his throat as his nature kicked in again. "Just for peace of mind, are you sure you are going to be okay?"

She said she was fine, but that word meant so much and so little at the same time.
exist with fierce intention

Something tugged at Sonti's heart at the word goodbye. She knit her brow slightly, confused at the feeling and its meaning rather than Kiran and his.

Was she just nervous to walk all the way to the guesthouse alone given the shock of what had just happened and the unreliability of her physical strength, or was there more to it? She also had never liked parting much, but she hadn't had a problem with leaving a stranger.

"Actually," she began, "I could use some support. I won't lean on you too much but..." She trailed off, guilt momentarily stopping up her words. Though she actually did feel some soreness and tightness in her legs that she knew would cause her trouble walking, she also knew that she was mostly asking for his help mostly to prolong their interaction. But then she forced it aside and spoke up again, following another train of thought. "That is, if you're free." He was here now but that didn't mean that he didn't have somewhere else to be. "A-and willing." Yes. That too, though his helping her so far made that seem a given. Still, she tried not to make assumptions, even with ample evidence.


That word, at least to him conveyed much heavier emotions than what was conveyed. While he could feel that there was something else that was troubling her, or perhaps her past injuries were giving her more struggles than she cared to admit.

"I could use some support. I won't lean on you too much but..."
"That is, if you're free."
"A-and willing."

"That isn't a problem at all." Kiran voiced with a calm serenity probably one of the first times his voice had sounded like such. When he first caught his own tone, he hadn't talked in that voice since his family was still alive.

"I can...I can carry you." Kiran said as he took a step closer to her. The young man had a hidden strength to him, it wasn't just that. He didn't get tired easily, his movements and such were quicker than the average person. And that was without the aide of the force. He couldn't explain it, some hidden strength within him perhaps. "Don't worry about me, do you want me to carry you in my arms? Or would you prefer to climb on my back?" He inquired, it would sound silly to others but he was trying to find the best way.

"Whatever causes you the least distress, Sonti?"

Sonti Delst Sonti Delst

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