exist with fierce intention
It was a beautiful day in the Old Town of Canto Bight.
Sonti pulled open the arms of her glareshades with her lips as she stepped onto back onto Cabranga Street from the doorway of Café Raduli, then slid them onto her face by the time she took her first few steps down the footpath. In one hand, she help a jumbo cake pop cased in dried bright pink icing and dusted with fine white sprinkles that almost sparkled in the sun. After carefully considering how to take the first bite, and bringing her free hand to catch any crumbs that would be dislodged by her action, she bit into the pastry. She had just enough time pull her head back from her treat before her entire body jerked to the left and.
The cake pop dropped out of her hand and smushed under her boots as she was pulled forward.
A snap echoed through the air close to her ear and then she was falling towards the gilded duracrete.
She managed to just call on the Force enough to cushion her impact, but pain still shot through her limbs. With a groan, she also managed to look up through a shattered lens to see a humanoid man clutching her leather crossbody and running through a confused, parting crowd of pedestrians.