Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Loyalty in the Chaos community

I've only been on Star Wars: Chaos for about a week, and already have the basic outline of an understanding to the factions, open role-plays, and community of the site. There has been one thing pestering me as of late, though. People as I've seen create factions and groups of people, then suddenly leave because of school or work. I understand real life comes before playing with light swords, but still, it's not all that cool to create something when you know you'll be busy in the near future and just leave completely.
[member="Roxy Lalonde"]

Some of a pride in that we think we can work on something and then keep it going even if we have that work . And then we realize it's more than we thought or we get hit with an illness or personal problems. Yes it sucks but in the case of factions the members should be able to press on if they love the faction so much. A faction is not one person but many. Waiting for dinner and making it yourself are in this same situation. Would you rather sit and wait, or work on it and create something of your own invention ? Just my two sense.


Active Member
Roxy Lalonde said:
I've only been on Star Wars: Chaos for about a week, and already have the basic outline of an understanding to the factions, open role-plays, and community of the site. There has been one thing pestering me as of late, though. People as I've seen create factions and groups of people, then suddenly leave because of school or work. I understand real life comes before playing with light swords, but still, it's not all that cool to create something when you know you'll be busy in the near future and just leave completely.
[member="Roxy Lalonde"] I agree completely, they shouldn't make things and join them if they do not have the time to play with them and completely abandon threads and other such things.

Do you see this commonly happen? I do realize there's a few handfulls of people in Chaos that I see now and then actually remain loyal to whatever they started, but there's far too many places where I've seen the opposite.
There is responsibility on the part of members to be active as well. The creator is not necessarily going to come up with every story for you. This is a major one. I ditched a major faction because it came down to me having to do literally everything with no one helping or posting actively unless they wanted something. Frig that.

Plus quite frankly when you're here long enough you get a sense of which factions are going to sit around and which are doomed. You just don't join doomed ones, or you know what you're getting into when you do. You enjoy the ride and then it's done.

No one has an obligation to anyone at the end of the day. Is it nice if they can stick around? Yes, but this is for fun. For everyone. No one HAS to do anything or stick with anything.


Active Member
Roxy Lalonde said:

Do you see this commonly happen? I do realize there's a few handfulls of people in Chaos that I see now and then actually remain loyal to whatever they started, but there's far too many places where I've seen the opposite.
[member="Roxy Lalonde"] I have only done 3 other forum rps. Two I abandoned because people abandoned me, I started threats and stories that people had fun in for a while, but after a week people never joined or the person writing the story's I was in straight up left and I was never able to continue and would have to remake a new char. The 3rd one I left simply because I made no friends there. ( idk if it was just me or what but I tried )

Although I already kinda made a friend first day here so I should be sticking around for a while unless peeps straight up abandon me =-= ... again

Thanks for your input. I'm not sure if Chaos is right for me after all, seeing as people don't want to work with others to keep things alive, instead keep running to whatever seems cooler. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was having trouble.
People leaving due to RL purposes takes place in every community. People abandoning threads because of that as well. These places are for fun, not because people have to be here. If somebody has to leave, there's nothing making them stay. It's the internet. If a thread gets abandoned, you move on. If a faction's leader leaves and you're loyal to the faction, you continue working on it. That's how it works.

Also, I would suggest listening to the advice older members of the community have. We've seen the place in its best and its worst. And believe me, if you write your stories, seek to write with people you like, you'll enjoy your stay here. It works that way in every community.


Active Member
[member="Roxy Lalonde"] Once I actually make a damned character I would love to roll a game with you :p It would be like kotor(1/2) n stuff!
[member="Roxy Lalonde"] Despite the fact that people do end up leaving, they some how manage to come back or someone picks up what they've started. Everyone builds off of each other and there is just somethings that come up in real life that we can't control and must abandon the small fun stuff to deal with the big adult things. A good chunk of our member base is in their mid to late twenties so that factors in college, kids and work. As a fellow writer you just need to understand that and be somewhat forgiving. We all can't be glued to our screens, despite the desire and the want.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] the thing is I've seen people who know they're busy, and know they won't be on for more than two days and won't post more than four posts, but do it anyways and get themselves trapped into a situation like that where there's no one to blame but themselves for trying to squeeze in every little thing they possibly could and result in getting all their faction trapped with them in a loop of waiting weeks for their word so something can happen with the group.
[member="Roxy Lalonde"]

Even though it can be very frustrating to get your threads hanging due to someone elses inactivity it does happen.
I find it a good idea to ask the other writer(-s) if they have time the nearest time to post enough for a period of time.

Also, you might just have had a stroke of bad luck with people. There are alot of truly chaos dedicated writers on these boards.
Some veteran and other new on the boards but very experienced and reliable writers.

Create a couple of different characters, set them up in different factions/groups. That way you will have several dufferent stories to work with even if one story goes inactive.
[member="Roxy Lalonde"] I post on my days off and sometimes when I get a chance on my break at work. The people I write with understand that, I'm currently waiting on a few threads because a friend of mine decided to take time for his family and his career. Things happen and instead of waiting for people you should take the initiative and do something yourself. Like I said real life just happens and people are busy, but they shouldn't be looked down on because they do want to have some fun in their life.

You shouldn't wholeheartedly depend on someone else for your fun. Create it yourself.


Disney's Princess
[member="Roxy Lalonde"]

I've been RPing SW since 2010 over many different sites. Funny enough, RPing involves people. So let's talk people a moment shall we? Here are a few pictures I like to use to help illustrate.


People are diverse. On this website you will find writing partners from all over the world and in every profession. You will find teenage girls and gritty old soldiers. You will find business professionals and illustrious criminal minds. You will find soccor moms, tiger moms, Army moms, and Twilight moms. You might even find a cool dad, working dad, muggle dad, or a deadbeat dad. The list is endless. Now. You can choose to let this be a negative thing? Or! You can choose to let this be an awesome thing. You just need to embrace a new attitude about people.


People have a life. Here's a picture of all the different types of lives you can find. These are your writing partners. Real people with real lives. And that is what we work with here everyday. Real people. People who are not like you, do not think like you, do not act like you, and do not share your expectations. So when you say: "Well it should be this way." ...No. It probably shouldn't. Because that's not how life works. Life is crazy. Life is random. Life is full of surprises, and sciences, and all sorts of crazy stuff. Many of which you yourself have never even seen or experienced yet. Wow! That's a lot of life out there. Whoa baby. And that's awesome.

The moral of this story [member="Roxy Lalonde"] , is that whatever your expectations are? They're yours and yours alone. You will never find another pair of expectations like them. Especially on the Internet. So just remember, moving forward, that 99% of what happens on this forum; you cannot control. Because that's just life. However, you can choose to be happy, optimistic, proactive, self-sufficient, and helpful in bringing about good change. This is your power. To embrace that life, (and roleplaying), is absolutely crazy.

And that's awesome! Cheers and happy posting! You'll do great! :D
[member="Roxy Lalonde"]

Real life always supersedes my imaginary character and his imaginary ship in this imaginary universe.

Just like most organizations and units have a chain of command, so do factions. Even if a leader was to go away for some time, they'll always notify their subordinates of it because it's simply the right thing to do. Things will continue on as they have been, things will die and things will be born. It's a cycle of a life on an internet forum.


Disney's Princess
Darth Ayra said:
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

That post. LMFAO
First I was like,

But then I was like, wait

She might have meant something else,

But then I remembered,

So now I'm like, ahh. If I could say it in GIFs, I would.
Find a dedicated group, make friends with them, and you’ll always have a core posting company. Then you can expand out if you wish knowing you always have something to do.

As for loyalty, sure, some people flake, often for good reasons, sometimes for bad. Just remember that this is hardly unique to here. Every RPing site I’ve ever been part of has the issue of people starting something, then giving up partway through. This is the same with all aspects of life when it comes to hobbies though.

Find a group which shares your interests and you’ll work out a rhythm which suits you.


Active Member
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Where the hell do you find these imgs at! I NEED YOUR SOURCE! anyway off topic.
Back on topic, its just best to let people know ahead of time but if they dont they are a jerk.

now to leave my mark

Am I cool now guys?

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