Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character LT Culas Bishop Vile

Culas Vile



  • NAME: Culas Bishop Vile
  • FACTION: New Imperial Order
  • DESIGNATION: Starfleet Command
  • RANK: Lieutenant
  • RACE: Thyrsian
  • AGE: 35
  • HEIGHT: 6' 1"
  • EYES: Brown
  • HAIR: Black
  • SKIN: Brown

    • Superior Technological & Engineering Training
    • Warrior Heritage
    • Superiority Complex
    • Aggressive & Vindictive

    • Culas was born on Generis to a poor working class family. As soon as he was old enough to walk and follow orders, he followed his family in working at the resorts, entertaining the likes of those much more fortunate than him. He was too young and naïve to understand that this life was not the natural order of things, despite his father telling him so. He could not envision a life outside of his own in his young age.

      When Culas was 16, his parents sold him off to a slaver in order to make enough money to escape their own "indentured servitude" to the wise masters of Generis. Culas was taken to be a pit fighter for his new master. He trained, day and night, at his master's command so that he may one day be the champion of the arena. His Thyrsian blood had made him a natural fighter, however he had never seen combat before. During fights, he was tough. Tougher than most with twice his experience. Many victories were achieved by the young warrior. He was nearing the chance to face the champion when his master died of an unfortunate accident. With his last breath, Culas' master set his fighters and slaves free to live whatever life they chose. Culas chose to return home to Generis to find his family. Unsurprisingly, when he got there, they were gone.

      After Culas' return to Generis, he noticed things had changed drastically. Imperials had patrolled the planet in droves and the ecosystem had appeared to gone through an apocalyptic event of sorts. Devoid of purpose, Culas had decided to see a recruiter for these Imperial forces now that he had no path forward in life. The recruiter convinced him of a life among the stars, traveling the galaxy and seeing sights he could only dream of by signing up for the Imperial Navy. And so he did. After signing up, he was shipped on the first transport to the Naval Academy. There, he was trained in the schools of Technology and Engineering to become a Tech Officer. Once out of the academy, the newly christened Ensign Vile began his Imperial Navy career.

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