Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Luca Thorne

The Admiralty
Luca Thorne
"I am Jack’s smirking revenge."
Basic Information

  • Name: Luca Thorne

  • Faction: The Sith Empire

  • Species: Modified Near-Human

  • Age: Early thirties.

  • Height: Average

  • Build: Athletic

  • Eyes: Brown

  • Hair: Black

  • Force Sensitive: No
Strengths & Weaknesses

(+) Harder, Better, Faster... through a combination of cutting-edge genetics and subtle Sith Alchemy Thorne's body and mind has been enhanced to above the limits of mere mortals. His punches hit harder, he moves faster, thinks quicker and can withstand a lot more punishment in short.
(+) With Age Comes... Thorne's seen and lived it all. He's got the experience of a war veteran and grizzled mercenary, there ain't much in the Galaxy that would faze him.
(~) Ain't Got No Magicka... Contrary to seemingly so many people he doesn't have access to the Force. Minus: He can't make things explode with his mind. Plus: All that time others spend mastering the Force Luca used to learn how to kill people the old fashion way.
(-) With Age Comes... Thorne has seen it all and lived it all. This has left him quite... unstable at times, usually with medication it's controllable. But you don't always have that opportunity in the middle of a war-zone. All of which doesn't even describe the possible side-effects of genetic splicing, Sith Alchemy and medication.
(-) The Mitochondria is the... His body is in overdrive-mode the entire time. Meaning he needs a lot of substance to keep on going.


“If I may ask, my Lord. Why did you pick him?”

<< Background noise: steady tapping of fingers on a datapad, the rhythmic churning of the machinery and bubbling of chemicals in the vats.>>

“He was the only one suitable, doctor.”

“But, my Lord. Ramirez was stronger. Holly faster. Dex smarter, I could go on like that. There were dozens of candidates who were objectively better than Thorne.”

<< Silence. Footsteps as someone approached the recording device. A booming laugh followed soon after.>>

“You are right, of course, doctor. But are they loyal? Yes, yes, their service record is unimpeachable, they have served dutifully. But we are creating a weapon here, doc, a threat and so we must be sure that this weapon won’t be used against us.”

“I… see.”

“He was with me from the beginning, doctor.” << The voice seemingly belonging to the ‘Lord’ grew wistful.>> “All the way. Once he even took a saber to the arm for me. We patched him up, of course, but that kind of conviction is hard to find. Very hard to find.>>

<< A pause as the footsteps started to walk away. >>

“How is he?”

“Bone density has increased by about-”

“Doc, spare me the technical details. Is he ready?”

<< A heavy sigh followed. >>

“More tests will need to be performed, but we think so, yes. We extrapolated the work done on Cherek-01, but moved away from the cybernetics in favor of heavy bioengineering.”

<< The doctor paused, before sighing again.>>

“We basically made him stronger, faster, more intelligent, all those keywords you were looking for without grafting a ton of external crap on his body. Better?”

“Immensely, thank you. When do you think he will be ready?”

“I… think we will need a week or two, but it might be more if any complications arise.”

“Very well, doctor. Good work and carry on.”

<< The heavy footsteps passed the recording device. A hissing sound followed by the thunk of the door closing signified the departure of the Lord.>>

“Damnable Sith. No appreciation for the finer details of the art.”

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