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Lucan Sirrad

Elijah Brockway

[Insert Clever Joke Here]
Captain Lucan Sirrad

Personnel File: IN-9691

Name: Lucan Sirrad
Rank: Captain

Species: Human
Age: Thirty-one
Gender: Male
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Pigmentation: Chestnut Brown
Hair Colour: Light brown
Skin Complexion: Pale

Occupation: CIC Navy
Primary Allegiance(s): The Core Imperial Confederation
Current Status: Active
Homeworld: Rothana
Known Residence: None available
Languages Known: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Huttese
Languages Spoken: Galactic Basic, High Galactic

Force Sensitive: No.

Face Claim: J. Scott Browning

Distinguishing Features:
  • Close-cropped haircut
  • Stubble
  • Vibroknife scar on left thigh
  • High devotion to Imperial ideals
  • Excellent commander
  • Extremely perceptive
  • Strictly hierarchical
  • Extremely "By-the-book."
  • Vindictive streak
Ship Assignment: Captain of the Allegiance-IV class Heavy Star Destroyer INV Ixion.
Formerly: Captain of the Pilum-class frigate INV Existentiality. Has since passed command to his 2nd, with the Existentiality remaining with the Ixion as a support vessel.

Behavioural Assessment:

Lucan is a man who can almost be considered the ideal for an Imperial Navy officer. He is intelligent and perceptive, he is a very devoted and capable commander of his vessel, and his commitment to Imperial ideals is high enough that combined with the previous - were it not for unfortunate situations brought on by some poor decision making - he would likely be advancing through the ranks far quicker than he is now. Unfortunately, he is not above making mistakes like any other man, and some of his mistakes appear to have cost him significant time in his career.

Lucan unfortunately has a soft spot for luxuries in his life, and a higher appreciation for free time than most other officers like him would possess (indeed, many of them are likely workaholics, as Lucan might call them). He is a bit too strongly drawn to women, wine, and wealth; this wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for his penchant to go after such things from the wrong sources or in the wrong way, such as was the case shortly after graduating from the naval academy but prior to being assigned on a ship. However, his operational record - both as an enlisted recruit and later as a Captain - has not suffered from any of this, nor did his marks in the naval academy.

While he is strictly hierarchical and very concerned with preserving the pecking order, he can also be called a father to his men - his devotion to the people he serves with, both those above him and under him, is nearly as strong as his devotion to the ideals he serves. However, he will brook no disobedience on his ship, nor is he disobedient to his commanding officers - unless they should turn on the Galactic Empire.

Operational Record:

Lucan Sirrad's operational record is rather unremarkable. As a young 18 year old, he enlisted in the Imperial Navy, eventually serving aboard a frigate not unlike the Existentiality that he now commands. Due to his impeccable record while serving as a crewman, as well as the camaraderie built up between himself and the captain of the ship, he was recommended to officer training school.

It was while he was in the officer training school at the naval academy that his penchant for the aforementioned women, wine, and wealth came to be noticed, due to the increased scrutiny upon him; he eventually became known for his numerous extracurricular pursuits. However, since he was causing no harm and his performance wasn't suffering, he was allowed to continue with his fun - with a light warning about being careful who he pursued. Lucan - who may or may not have been rather hungover when the warning was delivered - agreed to choose his partners carefully.

Then, shortly after the graduation ceremony at the naval academy, just before he was to be assigned to a ship, he was discovered with Admiral Tuspin's daughter, by Admiral Tuspin. A small scuffle ensued, during which Lucan gained the vibroknife scar he has, before he was thrown out. Shortly afterwards, his orders came in, with some hasty edits made. While he was to be assigned to Tuspin's fleet the entire time, where before his marks had nearly guaranteed a position on at least a cruiser, the previous assignment had been crossed out and replaced with a position on the Existentiality, as an aide for the aging captain of the ship (while he was still an ensign), guarding the furthest rimward border of Imperial space. A position wherein he'd see next to no action, no opportunity to make a name for himself; it was, essentially, to be an early end to his career, stuck in a dead-end position. Lucan obediently followed the orders to the position, where he has remained ever since, eventually rising through the ranks and becoming the captain of the ship himself when the former retired.

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