Luce Withsay
Beauty In Simplicity
[SIZE=9pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce Withsay (Originally Luce Kel Dor)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]RANK:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Neutral Knight[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Anzat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 26[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 6’1”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 67 kg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Yellow[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Jet Black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SKIN:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Pale, smooth[/SIZE]
- "What's the point in ruling the world? You're not going to live long enough to see it through."
- "You have a really bad habit of being loud and annoying.."
- "Your laugh is so... Interesting."
-[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Luce was born with a retinal condition: leaving his left eye to be permanently off-par with his right. Meaning in most cases an object or creature’s distance would be uncertain for him. Straining his eyes can also lead to temporary blindness in his less than functional eye.[/SIZE]
-[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]A key weakness in Luce’s person is his inability to feel or understand the concepts of emotion, sarcasm, or even common decency, due to an abusive, mind breaking past. This leads to him having very flimsy relationships with others, and even more terrible social capabilities. His honesty is one of his biggest flaws. Peaceful communication could be immediately hostile just with a simple slip of his tongue. [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Aside from being blunt; Luce is also known to be a pessimist. Always over analyzing situations, and taking even the most subtle spark of hope out of the equation, leaving any of his companions and acquaintances demoralized in pulse pounding situations. Which he never seems to be affected by himself. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Due to Luce being unable to express emotion, he has a very tough time in commanding the dark side of the force when in situations that deem an iron fist necessary. His severed connection between his anger and his blood lust is also a very big hurdle towards learning any new techniques, or even bringing his abilities into fruition.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is capable of controlling both sides of the force, even if his control over both may be limited. His power is mainly piloted by his locked up emotions; which rarely show themselves if not given the proper push.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is manipulative, and very intelligent about it. Although he is desensitized to his own emotional capabilities: he has still studied people enough to know what makes them tick. He could read you like an open book with a single blink. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is naturally a very determined man. He has trained this quality to the point of stubbornness[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]. Luce will never give up on even the [/SIZE]simplest[SIZE=9pt] of tasks. Even [/SIZE]mind breaking challenges are barely enough to stop him! He's already broken anyways.
[SIZE=9pt]Luce boasts a broad upper-body, and smooth handsome facial features: complimenting his unnaturally white skin. Luce is also riddled with various piercings all over his face and ears, and has Dathomirian tattoos all the way from the neck down; which gives off a rather hostile presence to most. His hair is jet black, and his eyes are partnered with deep orange irises. When Luce isn’t almost completely nude: he is seen in baggy blue slacks tailored similar to those on Coruscant. Otherwise, he’s fitted with his signature brown hooded robes, which have unintelligible sentences scrawled out onto them, laid out in scroll like patterns down the sleeves. Although he owns a very stoic body, he's still prone to constantly slouching as he walks, almost as if he is in a deep brooding session with himself as he stares into the ground. His slow shambling and his athletic appearance are very contradicting things. Luce will almost always find a nice flat patch of ground to sit on if he’s not in a hustle, or moving to his destination. But in the heat of a battle, his body miraculously springs to life like a sporadic puppet; keeping complete and utter focus on his enemy, and keeping them on edge.[/SIZE]
Mannequin -
A home-brew style developed by Luce in the desperate outskirts of Taris. A mix of the basics of traditional Ataru, and a variant of Zui Quan (Drunken Fist). The user is constantly juggling between swordplay, and low sweeps and kicks, to keep the target on a lower guard, and to surprise them with high cuts to the jugular, and shoulders. This stance also requires a lot of acrobatic technique, and quick reflexes to avoid any limbs from being cut in the process of a move. The user also uses the force to keep themselves balanced, mobile, and to trick the target into taking single and subtle movements that could be fatal for them.
[SIZE=9pt]Unpredictable and always nonchalant: Luce is usually advertised as cold and unforgiving; blunt and never subtle. Uncaring, and unmotivated to do anything. But in actuality, he’s a broken mess that has yet to be fixed. But amidst all the chaos in his brain is a temple of peace. Leading along a tightrope that balances him between the forces of the light, and the dark sides of the force. An occasional ripple in the firm rope will take him off balance, revealing a semblance of humanity in him from time to time. Most of these sudden outbursts of power stem from the dark side, due to his terrible past experiences. Although, he will open himself up, and show respect to those who take their time and patience with him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]To be added. -[/SIZE]
Casual Theme:
Battle Theme:
[SIZE=9pt]RANK:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Neutral Knight[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Anzat[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]AGE:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 26[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SEX:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 6’1”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]WEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 67 kg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Yellow[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]HAIR:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Jet Black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]SKIN:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Pale, smooth[/SIZE]
- "What's the point in ruling the world? You're not going to live long enough to see it through."
- "You have a really bad habit of being loud and annoying.."
- "Your laugh is so... Interesting."
-[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Luce was born with a retinal condition: leaving his left eye to be permanently off-par with his right. Meaning in most cases an object or creature’s distance would be uncertain for him. Straining his eyes can also lead to temporary blindness in his less than functional eye.[/SIZE]
-[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]A key weakness in Luce’s person is his inability to feel or understand the concepts of emotion, sarcasm, or even common decency, due to an abusive, mind breaking past. This leads to him having very flimsy relationships with others, and even more terrible social capabilities. His honesty is one of his biggest flaws. Peaceful communication could be immediately hostile just with a simple slip of his tongue. [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=9pt]Aside from being blunt; Luce is also known to be a pessimist. Always over analyzing situations, and taking even the most subtle spark of hope out of the equation, leaving any of his companions and acquaintances demoralized in pulse pounding situations. Which he never seems to be affected by himself. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Due to Luce being unable to express emotion, he has a very tough time in commanding the dark side of the force when in situations that deem an iron fist necessary. His severed connection between his anger and his blood lust is also a very big hurdle towards learning any new techniques, or even bringing his abilities into fruition.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is capable of controlling both sides of the force, even if his control over both may be limited. His power is mainly piloted by his locked up emotions; which rarely show themselves if not given the proper push.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is manipulative, and very intelligent about it. Although he is desensitized to his own emotional capabilities: he has still studied people enough to know what makes them tick. He could read you like an open book with a single blink. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]+[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Luce is naturally a very determined man. He has trained this quality to the point of stubbornness[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]. Luce will never give up on even the [/SIZE]simplest[SIZE=9pt] of tasks. Even [/SIZE]mind breaking challenges are barely enough to stop him! He's already broken anyways.
[SIZE=9pt]Luce boasts a broad upper-body, and smooth handsome facial features: complimenting his unnaturally white skin. Luce is also riddled with various piercings all over his face and ears, and has Dathomirian tattoos all the way from the neck down; which gives off a rather hostile presence to most. His hair is jet black, and his eyes are partnered with deep orange irises. When Luce isn’t almost completely nude: he is seen in baggy blue slacks tailored similar to those on Coruscant. Otherwise, he’s fitted with his signature brown hooded robes, which have unintelligible sentences scrawled out onto them, laid out in scroll like patterns down the sleeves. Although he owns a very stoic body, he's still prone to constantly slouching as he walks, almost as if he is in a deep brooding session with himself as he stares into the ground. His slow shambling and his athletic appearance are very contradicting things. Luce will almost always find a nice flat patch of ground to sit on if he’s not in a hustle, or moving to his destination. But in the heat of a battle, his body miraculously springs to life like a sporadic puppet; keeping complete and utter focus on his enemy, and keeping them on edge.[/SIZE]
Mannequin -
A home-brew style developed by Luce in the desperate outskirts of Taris. A mix of the basics of traditional Ataru, and a variant of Zui Quan (Drunken Fist). The user is constantly juggling between swordplay, and low sweeps and kicks, to keep the target on a lower guard, and to surprise them with high cuts to the jugular, and shoulders. This stance also requires a lot of acrobatic technique, and quick reflexes to avoid any limbs from being cut in the process of a move. The user also uses the force to keep themselves balanced, mobile, and to trick the target into taking single and subtle movements that could be fatal for them.
[SIZE=9pt]Unpredictable and always nonchalant: Luce is usually advertised as cold and unforgiving; blunt and never subtle. Uncaring, and unmotivated to do anything. But in actuality, he’s a broken mess that has yet to be fixed. But amidst all the chaos in his brain is a temple of peace. Leading along a tightrope that balances him between the forces of the light, and the dark sides of the force. An occasional ripple in the firm rope will take him off balance, revealing a semblance of humanity in him from time to time. Most of these sudden outbursts of power stem from the dark side, due to his terrible past experiences. Although, he will open himself up, and show respect to those who take their time and patience with him. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]To be added. -[/SIZE]
Introduction Theme: Casual Theme:
Battle Theme: