Directorate Officer

NOTICE: All members of the Silver Jedi have my permission to use any product listed here with the affiliations of "closed market" and "Silver Jedi" for their characters, factory submissions, codex submissions, or other Silver Jedi-related activities.
Medicine & other medical consumables
AntiPathoSer: An anti-viral and parasite medicine that uses viruses of its own to mutate intruders into a less malignant form
AntiTox: A broad spectrum antidote that inactivates most poisons, toxins, and environmental contaminants
Bio-Bacta Max: A synthetic version of bacta designed to be useful in healing injuries created in unclean environments
FastClot Spray: Sprayed onto a wound, this medicine rapidly clots an area to prevent blood loss
Micro AntiRad: This drug provides protection against radiation from natural and artificial causes
NeoDerm Grafting Bandage: A biodegradable bandage that also includes a full skin graft and automatic chemical debridement
PlasVol: A liquid volume expander based on using genetically engineered proteins that can temporarily take the place of blood in organic in cases of traumatic/hypovolemic shock.
QuickClose series AutoSuture: A memory-plastic based suture that partially automates the process of getting stitches - ideal for unskilled field use.
ThyssTac: A combatant stimulant that is noticeable for its consistent performance and ability to partially counteract some mental-based Force powers.
Vaynai Emergency Ration: This ration bar not only provides complete nutrition for most users, but also acts as a mild euphorant and powerful healing agent.
Vinchaine Spray: An easy to apply painkiller spray that can also be used as a knockout gas to subdue foes.
AntiTox: A broad spectrum antidote that inactivates most poisons, toxins, and environmental contaminants
Bio-Bacta Max: A synthetic version of bacta designed to be useful in healing injuries created in unclean environments
FastClot Spray: Sprayed onto a wound, this medicine rapidly clots an area to prevent blood loss
Micro AntiRad: This drug provides protection against radiation from natural and artificial causes
NeoDerm Grafting Bandage: A biodegradable bandage that also includes a full skin graft and automatic chemical debridement
PlasVol: A liquid volume expander based on using genetically engineered proteins that can temporarily take the place of blood in organic in cases of traumatic/hypovolemic shock.
QuickClose series AutoSuture: A memory-plastic based suture that partially automates the process of getting stitches - ideal for unskilled field use.
ThyssTac: A combatant stimulant that is noticeable for its consistent performance and ability to partially counteract some mental-based Force powers.
Vaynai Emergency Ration: This ration bar not only provides complete nutrition for most users, but also acts as a mild euphorant and powerful healing agent.
Vinchaine Spray: An easy to apply painkiller spray that can also be used as a knockout gas to subdue foes.
FastMed Emergency Medpac: This highly compact individual medpac contains a selection of LBS advanced medications as well as a Haven series Health Regenerator.
Paean-series Medical Backpack: An advanced medkit designed to be carried by emergency response personnel or stashed away in small ships
Galen series MediSensor: a handheld medisensor that combines multiple diagnostic testing technologies with a diagnostic and treatment databank.
Haven series Health Regenerator: A small and convenient electrical device that can act as a health regenerator, healing field generator, or automatic defibrillator.
Mediflux Field Replicator: This device can transform random materials into needed nutrients, proteins, or antidotes
Chronos MedSurge Capsule: A suspended animation casket that act as a bank tank and/or robotic surgery suite - ideal for small ships.
Paean-series Medical Backpack: An advanced medkit designed to be carried by emergency response personnel or stashed away in small ships
Galen series MediSensor: a handheld medisensor that combines multiple diagnostic testing technologies with a diagnostic and treatment databank.
Haven series Health Regenerator: A small and convenient electrical device that can act as a health regenerator, healing field generator, or automatic defibrillator.
Mediflux Field Replicator: This device can transform random materials into needed nutrients, proteins, or antidotes
Chronos MedSurge Capsule: A suspended animation casket that act as a bank tank and/or robotic surgery suite - ideal for small ships.
Fractal Garral: A powerfully built canine with color-shifting properties bred to be a guard or attack animal.
Hunter Mynock: An mynock genetically engineered to act as a spaceborne guard animal or attack creature
Emerald Speckled Eel Shark: A venomous, hybrid Svaper-shark hybrid genetically engineered to act as a sea-going guard or attack creature
Hunter Mynock: An mynock genetically engineered to act as a spaceborne guard animal or attack creature
Emerald Speckled Eel Shark: A venomous, hybrid Svaper-shark hybrid genetically engineered to act as a sea-going guard or attack creature
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