Lucia Fett
Lucia Fett
Lucia Fett
NAME: Lucia Fett
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Neutral
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4' 8" (Non armored)
WEIGHT: 178.9 lbs (Cybernetics)
EYES: Grey (Cybernetic)
HAIR: White punk cut/ varies
SKIN: Pale white with + facial tattoo under right eye and many body tattoos
CYBERNETICS: Both arms, legs, eyes, spinal cord, and many enhancements
STRENGTHS: Stealth, sharpshooting, slicing, technology, agility, and speed
WEAKNESSES: self kept, trust issues, weighs a lot, hardly any emotion or empathy, and short
Credit to: leee666jack
Credit to: Mitch Mohrhauser
Lucia was born in Millian, Kal'Shebbol. Both of her parents were slicers and worked for a local gang. Both overdosed on narcotics and left Lucia orphaned when she was 4. In her juvenile she grew up on the streets stealing, running, and hurting people to make it by in the world. At the age of 11 she was a renowned slicer being hired by gangs and mercenaries. This is how she met her adopted father to be [member="Kango Fett"].
When she met Kango he was just another bounty hunter hiring her for her skills. Apon meeting him she was very fascinated by his mechno arm. She'd sceen cybernetics before but nothing like his. After the first few jobs with him and a little bit of stalking she decided she'd ask for a permanent job with the man. When she asked he immediately let her join him. He treeted her not as a co worker but more as a daughter. He trained, taught, and even cooked for her and his wife.
It came as to no surprise to her when he asked her if she'd like for him and his wife to be her parents. So at the age of 15 she became a daughter once more. To celebrate it she got her left arm cyberneticly replaced to match her fathers. After only a few weeks with the arm she decided that she loved ut so much that she had her other one done as well. This started addiction to cyberizing.
All through her adolescent years she cyberized her body. Now almost everything about her has ether been cyberized or enhanced but at the cost of her "soul", essence. She is virtually emotionless, no inhibition, and comes across often as impertinent. The only things that she ever seems to have any inclination of emotion for are her parents, sex, and cyberation.
Droids: N/A
Armory (Link will be added)
Active Threads: (Will be added later)
NAME: Lucia Fett
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Neutral
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4' 8" (Non armored)
WEIGHT: 178.9 lbs (Cybernetics)
EYES: Grey (Cybernetic)
HAIR: White punk cut/ varies
SKIN: Pale white with + facial tattoo under right eye and many body tattoos
CYBERNETICS: Both arms, legs, eyes, spinal cord, and many enhancements
STRENGTHS: Stealth, sharpshooting, slicing, technology, agility, and speed
WEAKNESSES: self kept, trust issues, weighs a lot, hardly any emotion or empathy, and short

Credit to: leee666jack

Credit to: Mitch Mohrhauser
Lucia was born in Millian, Kal'Shebbol. Both of her parents were slicers and worked for a local gang. Both overdosed on narcotics and left Lucia orphaned when she was 4. In her juvenile she grew up on the streets stealing, running, and hurting people to make it by in the world. At the age of 11 she was a renowned slicer being hired by gangs and mercenaries. This is how she met her adopted father to be [member="Kango Fett"].
When she met Kango he was just another bounty hunter hiring her for her skills. Apon meeting him she was very fascinated by his mechno arm. She'd sceen cybernetics before but nothing like his. After the first few jobs with him and a little bit of stalking she decided she'd ask for a permanent job with the man. When she asked he immediately let her join him. He treeted her not as a co worker but more as a daughter. He trained, taught, and even cooked for her and his wife.
It came as to no surprise to her when he asked her if she'd like for him and his wife to be her parents. So at the age of 15 she became a daughter once more. To celebrate it she got her left arm cyberneticly replaced to match her fathers. After only a few weeks with the arm she decided that she loved ut so much that she had her other one done as well. This started addiction to cyberizing.
All through her adolescent years she cyberized her body. Now almost everything about her has ether been cyberized or enhanced but at the cost of her "soul", essence. She is virtually emotionless, no inhibition, and comes across often as impertinent. The only things that she ever seems to have any inclination of emotion for are her parents, sex, and cyberation.
Droids: N/A
Armory (Link will be added)
Active Threads: (Will be added later)