Cloud City was the perfect place to a raise a family. At least, that's Lucian Lanzinger's position some eight hundred years on. Born the son of gas miners; Lucian's early life was nothing to write home about. In fact; it was quite terrible. The now Jedi Master was passed from level to level; friends and adopted family taking care of the young toddler until his parents evolved a sense of care and put in effort. Unfortunately; that hope never came to be as the pair continued to splurge paycheque after paycheque on the upper casino's of Cloud City. hoping to make it big. It wasn't until the Jedi Order finally came to recognize the potential that was within the young boy that his parents finally began grow a keen sense of resolve, and grow they did. Instead of passing along their child like most any other would, the Lanzinger's adopted a much more business-savy approach: arguing that the Jedi Order should buy their son instead of adopting him.
That position lasted none too long as friends quickly convinced the wealth-strapped couple to give into the Jedi's requests and let their only son go. From that point on - Lucian was no longer someone to be passed around; as quickly he found a permanent home as a Jedi Youngling on Corucant. Initially the toddler was nothing more than trouble: but as more obedience and morality was introduced into the youngling's training, the faster he began to become an exemplary student.
Lucian's studies and growth prior to the Clone Wars were none to special; and it wasn't until his Master Trials in 21 BBY that Lucian Lanzinger began to put his life on the map. Immediately following commission as a Jedi General, Lanzinger was assigned command of the 92nd Reconnaissance Corps whose duties included identifying and disabling critical Separatist infrastructure in border sectors. Master Lanzinger himself led numerous amounts of these missions, preferring to take matters into his own hands rather than stratagizing from afar.
Whether for good or bad; Lanzinger was never given the oppertunity to witness the execution of Order 66 in 19 BBY. Just prior to the turning of the war; in a highly confidential mission in Hutt Space with the ultimate goal of disrupting alliances between he Underworld and Trade Federation leadership, Lucian was ambushed and taken captive by a group of bounty hunters under the name "The Red Hand". Unbeknownst to himself or the 92nd in turn; a leak within the Grand Army of the Republic gave enough warning to the Hutt's for to neuter the problem before it even began to manifest. A Jedi General was a sufficient prize for anyone: but an even more astounding display for the Hutt Empire. They chose to carbon freeze him, and from that point on wards until 851 ABY, Lanzinger and his light saber was kept in a carbonated cage.
850 years seemed to prove too long; even for the Hutts, to maintain their control over an assumed dead body. Republican Intelligence had enough information from inside contacts to presume that the ancient Jedi was still very much alive; if not just driven mad by the years encapsulated. They hatched a plan to rescue his carbonated body and thaw him in secret as to prevent any other members of the Galactic community from catching wind of their plan.
In surprise for many the plan actually worked, and in a few months time Lucian was sufficiently antiquated with the world: just completely confused to all hell. It took a number of weeks for the Jedi to understand the state of the Community and not much longer before he resolved himself to finishing a war he never saw finished in the first place.