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Lucian Trell: Occult Scholar

Lucian Trell


NAME: Lucian Trell

FACTION: Galactic Alliance

RANK: Dean of the Caridian Peoples University overseeing anthropology and religion.


AGE: 42

SEX: Male



EYES: Slate grey and somewhat watery in constitution Lucian has developed a squint that tells of far too much time spent reading old texts in dim light.

HAIR: Jet black though thinning in many places. By the time Lucian hits fifty it will be doubtful that he shall have any left.

SKIN: Pallid white from lack of exposure to sunlight.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes Lucian though as of yet untrained has great latent potential to be tapped into.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Pinnacle of Academia (Strength) : Though lacking somewhat in practical and first hand knowledge Lucian is immensely well read. His lectures and books are considered invaluable by both student and teacher alike and it is not uncommon for others to fly in from off planet in order to take a seat at one of his lessons.

Undiscovered Brilliance (Strength) : Lucian has a deep though as of yet untapped connection with the force. The depth of which would almost certainly shock those who know him.

Gone to Seed (Weakness) : Lucian has spent much of his time within the confines of an establishment of learning. Thus he has neglected physical fitness to a large degree. While not overweight he is certainly far from the peak of human physical condition. Needless to say Lucian will not be winning any fist fights with Mandalorians anytime in the conceivable future.

All for Knowledge (Weakness) : Knowledge is the most important thing in Lucians life. This takes presidence over even his wife and daughter though Lucian hates himself for the fact. Having finally given into his obsession Lucian is about to throw himself into the maw of the beast. His future is almost certainly going to end poorly one way or another.

Lucian's appearance could best be described as non-remarkable. Signs of aging are beginning to set in and the comforts of an easy life have started to pack on a few extra pounds. Average height and a generally pleasant demeanor do not leave much of an impression on those he meets. This changes drastically when Lucian begins a lecture. Gone are the reserved mannerisms and in there place are sweeping gestures and a voice ready to extol the virtues of whatever academic subject he is dwelling on at the time. Many after having witnessed this transformation find it difficult to reconcile the two seemingly different personas as the same person.


To my dearest wife Amelia and my beloved daughter Annette.

As you both already know I have for some time been absent in spirit if not in flesh. Following the events of the last several weeks I have reached a crux that must be faced head on. In my research I have come across certain questions that weigh heavily on my mind. The untimely and quite frankly horrifying appearance of animated corpses who had once been several professors and ground keepers has finally shocked me into action. Were a young Togrutan student not possessed with the good sense of taking down one of the more dangerous pieces of abstract art that were hung for decoration and dismembering the hungry cadavers I and other members of my class would likely have been devoured.

What has this to do with my departure you ask?

I must answer this question:

What is the true nature of magic ?

This is clearly tied deeply into the force. The essence of it flows through Sith teachings and in the practices of the Nightsisters of Dathomir. The accepted answer among the Jedi seems to be that it is simply a perversion of the true nature of the force. Merely superstition that is an hangover from ancient and primitive times.

It would be much easier to accept this answer. This explanation would allow the universe we live in to be one where reason rules but that is simply not the case.

Why can the Sith raise the dead? Why can they defy the very ravages of time? How can the Nightsisters and the Sorcerers of Tund shift their form into that of another being entirely? How can alchemists create and warp life more successfully than any biologist? What gives the terrible rituals used by the great Dark Lords of old their atrocious power and finally what is the nature of the mysterious beings that some consider to be gods and demons...

In comparison to this the talents of the Jedi seem meager.

Perhaps the truth is that they fear the occult arts. A bitter irony if there ever was one.

And so I must leave you both to discover for myself the ever elusive mysteries that lurk beyond the darkened walls of reason.

Know that I love you both and if I am to perish upon my journey then all my worldly possessions are yours along with the credits from insurance and my bank account.

Yours Sincerely


PS: What follows is an overview of my journey - please do not attempt to contact me. I hold no illusions as to how dangerous this venture will be and seeing you put in harms way would destroy me utterly.

1: Contact member of the Jedi and interview them on the official stance towards the matters of sorcery and the occult.

2: Venture to Endor in order to study the frequently bizarre arcane phenomenon and attempt to get in contact with Ewok shamans. Also search out and attempt dialogue with Tulgah (A race that seems naturally proficient with magic)

3: Search out planet of Tund for existing information on the Sorcerers of Tund (A group of mystics that were said to be annihilated by an electromagnetic torpedo but wielded considerable power in illusions as well as the art of shape-shifting). Acquisition of grimiores and inquires as to rumored descendants take top priority.

4: Track down Dathomerian witch/ nightsister and attempt to make favorable contact through giving of gifts. Inquire as to the nature of Spirits and their ichor as well as talismans and charms.

5: Hire mercenaries (Mandalorian?) to track down and capture a sithspawn. Hire doctor for private dissection while both recording and taking notes on the beasts composition.

6: Pilgrimage to Korriban in order to study both Sith necromancy and ritualism. Attempt to find passage into one of the tombs of the ancient lords to witness a manifestation of a dark side spirit first hand.

7: Venture into the Unknown regions in order to learn more about force based entities. (Special focus on : Sel-Makor , Bedlam Spirits , Force Demons.)






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