Lucien Atika
Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien- The Slave
Lucien- The Hunter
NAME: Lucien Atika
FACTION: Beast Hunter's Guild
RANK: Initiate Hunter
AGE: 20ish (His exact age is unknown)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11”ft.
WEIGHT: 173lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but he is unaware
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Optimistic: Despite one hell of a childhood, Lucien's optimism drives him forward against all odds. There is power through hope.
+Tech Save/ Mechanical know-how: His time as Neamon's assistant allowed Lucien to commit all of his time to becoming an adequate handyman. There are those far better than he in the galaxy, but his generalized know how could be the difference in life and death.
+Charismatic: Thanks to customer interaction and sales involving Neamon's mountains of junk, Lucien has developed decent people skills.
+Martial Weapon Proficiency: Years fighting in Mitts's games has had a massive impact of Lucien's skills.
+Hand-to-hand Proficiency: Years fighting in Mitts's games has had a massive impact of Lucien's skills.
+Marksmanship: Thanks to extensive training from Mrrew, Lucien has become rather adept with rifles.
=Ambitious: Both a blessing and a curse in it's own right. Anything Lucien sticks his mind to, he will stop at nothing to achieve. Factions love it, but it has been the death of so many. Ambition costed the great Ceaser his life after all...
- Stubborn: Speaks for itself, and quite an undesirable characteristic of a slave
-Scarred: Luckily the bulk of his scars are out of plain sight. Between Neamon's drunken beatings, and the slew of mortal combat situations Mitts threw his way, the man carries his share of medals.
-Claustrophobic: Mitts would punish Lucien by locking him in a cage kept in a dark storage locker. Sometimes he was locked away for days without food or water. In extreme CQ conditions Lucien grows incredibly uneasy. He begins to sweat and sometime becomes sick to his stomach.
Lucien carries many scars, physical and emotional. Due to his experiences in Mitts's barbaric gladiatorial games, he is quite the adversary with many martial weapons, and as such often carries a bladed weapon of some sorts to aid in hunting. His garb varies depending on the environment, but he prefers synthetic, lighter armors, and for leisure he enjoys dressing presentably and in nice garments as he was unable to do so as a slave. Even when on a job he is well kept and presentable. He is fond of a bantha-hide vest he was given by Mrrew and wears it in most situations. Also a gift from Mrrew, is his chiru rifle. The rifle often hangs from it's sling around his shoulder.
Lucien grew up gutter trash on the slimy streets of Nar Shaddaa. Never meeting his father, and being sold as an indentured servant by his mother to support her habits, Lucien grew up alone. He was purchased by a salvager and droid mechanic. His master, Neamon Silve, despite being an abusive drunk, was a positive impact of the young boy. Teaching him technical and mechanical know-how, basic astrogation, as well as planetary and space piloting. Lucien was quite the mechanic and a steady source of income for the junk dealing drunk, and for much of his youth, Lucien was content with being off of the smuggler's moon as the life of a salvager guaranteed travel. And it was travel that kept the boy pressing forward. With an immense curiosity of the universe at large, and a child’s imagination, Lucien imagined exploring uninhabited systems and battling Sith.
Alas, his internship came to a crashing end with Neamon's losses in a fatal sabaac game. Losing his ship, Lucien, and his shop Neamon Silve took his own life after finding the courage in the bottom of a Correlian Whiskey bottle. Lucien soon made the acquaintance of a cartel dog known as Mitts. His name came from his skills at hand-to-hand. Mitts ran an underground cage fighting racket, and Lucien soon found himself tossed to the wolves. It wasn't long before the boy had learned to defend himself. And tackling the task headstrong like all those before he soon found himself winning. Mitts, ever the businessman, discovered a higher potential for profit in sicking the most vicious beasts the galaxy had to offer against unfortunate defenders in his ever expanding gladiatorial grudge matches. Lucien, of course was again a victim of Mitts's games. Evolve, adapt, and survive, this was the code Lucien had adopted. And so he did.
Mitts's dogfights were ever growing in popularity, and keeping a kennel of beasts was beginning to become quite the task. Through much pleading Lucien was appointed to “acquire” exotic contenders for his masters games, but not before being outfitted with a loyalty enforcing slave chip and ankle locked tracking device. Mitts arranged for Lucien to meet with the head of a guild specializing in the capture of such creatures...
On a job for Mitts, Lucien met a Togorian named Mrrew. Mrrew, once a slave himself, freed the boy. Mrrew saw potential for the boy to become a decent hunter and immediately offered to employ the boy. Lucien leapt at the proposition, and soon found himself the apprentice of Mrrew. Lucien learned many skills from the experienced Togorian including proper marksmanship and tracking. Mrrew also helped the boy in becoming more stealth while on the job. Lucien had soon earned enough experience and trust to handle jobs on his own. He still hunted with his mentor every chance he got,but when business became demanding for the guild he was able to attribute to the work load.
On a mission to Korriban, Lucien found himself fond of the runt of a Tuk'ata litter, and took the pup on as his companion. A bond was soon formed between the hunter and his new found friend he named Ajokoira. Lucien and Ajok would together face any challenge the galaxy had to offer...
Ajokoira (Ajok): Lucien's Tuk'ata.
Lucien- The Slave
Feline on Feline Violence... Sorta...
Lucien- The Hunter Initiate
Lucien- The Hunter
All According to Plan
Cradle Robbing
Lucien- Temporary Guild Master
The Swing of Things