Lucienne Sinclair
"I am of a long line of nobility."

Name - Lucienne Sinclair
Age - 35
Sex - Female
Height - 5’10
Weight - 149lb
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Long Black
Skin - Light (Caucasian)
Homeworld - Hapes
Force Sensitive - Yes (though does not utilizes it in combat, rather influence.)
Accent - High English Accent with a mixture of French.
Faction - Hapes Consortium
Sexuality - Bisexual.
Strengths and Weaknesses
(+) Tactical Mastermind
The reason why she even is a relevant figure is due to her mind. Lucienne can see out an enemy’s weakness, and attempt to exploit it for her own gain. She can pinpoint where the enemy is, and can take the full advantage of the situation. She isn’t a person who’d be super rash and indecisive.
(+) Resourceful
Lucienne is quite resourceful. She can maintain a large squadron of fleets with much needed supplies, and find ways to have morale remained high. She is quite good at that sort of thing, and can expend resources that is of a surplus without issue.
(+) Silver-tongued
As a noble, it’s always needed to have a tongue that can get you away with many things. Lucienne is a rather well council person, and can maintain a poltiical position, despite sounding like an arrogant hothead. She can get what she wants with a few words, and can end someone’s career with words. She doesn’t have to fight someone physically to get what she wants.
(+) Charismatic
A noble always has a way of making people believe you. Lucienne makes no difference, as she uses her words to convince the people around her to bend to her, and follow her examples. She always had the shining words of a noble who doesn’t seem to back down, and has a rather bold, inspirational voice when she speaks.
(-) Extremely Prideful
Lucienne does not give a poodoo about what other people think. It’s all her work, and all done by her. She does not like being told otherwise, and blocks out the truth. If anything, she dodges many questions, and sticks to her own guns. She doesn’t also take advice from other people, as she finds that information rather worthless to her own grand scheme of things.
(-) Snobby
Why should she listen to a commoner who doesn’t share the same opinion as she does? Lucienne is extremely snobby when it comes to certain subjects, and sees her own splendor as a reminder that the world will owe her one day, and is quite proud of who she is. She isn’t a person who loves listeining to the “truth” that is presented to her and just dismisses it as some form of peasantry being blabbered in her face.
(-) Conservative
The Hapans are a Matriarchal Society, and shall always remain one! The fact that Lucienne is opposed to having men do any form of work for the Consortium, she is strongly against the rather “progressive” women of the government. She thinks the Queen Mother should always be a strong, firm believer of matriarchy, and that no man shall ever be within the more prominent positions, and it should be the woman who works, not the man.
(-) Misandrist
Men belong where they always belonged, at home catering for their family. Lucienne does not think that men are in anyway a worth of time to talk to about more serious things. She thinks all men are “useless”, even if their talents are high. She does not care what a man thinks, nor she wants to talk with one. Though it's a bit different when handling with people outside of the cluster. She’d rather her a woman speak first, namely if she’s Hapan.
(-) Horrible Night Vision
What? What do you mean there's something there? I can't even see it! Like all other Hapans, Lucienne has rather bad night vision, due to the fact that the cluster itself is pretty light all the time. She would be blinded, and with guided light, it's still rather hard to see things. She would require help from non-Hapan servants to help guide her through rather dark areas.
Lucienne is a rather tall woman at the height of 5’10. She wears different types of dresses, mostly of Tyrian Purple and Gold as a symbol of her status as a noble, and the colours of her proud family. When she is in service, she wears the standard conduct code of a Hapan Admiral Uniform, and wears a minister uniform which has her house crest on it. She is well known for changing her dress and her clothing on a rather regular basis. But her pride does not really allow her to have her dresses nor other clothes to be anything but Tyrian Purple nor Gold.
She of course has a outfit for other activities that would involve her. But never, the colour schemes would seem to change. Her outfit for fencing still has the Tyrian Purple and Gold look to it, even her helmet for it. Lucienne's house symbol is that of a bird of gold, a bar of gold that is below, and a background of Tyrian Purple. People could tell that the colour means allot to her, as it symbolizes the House of Sinclair. She even has a symbol of this tattooed to her on her upper left breast.
Lucienne is the first left-handed woman in her honourable family, not that it matters or anything to her family, but it's a rather unique trait about her, thus, she uses things with her left hand.
Lucienne has that type of stereotypical noblelady vibe about her... "Begone you vile peasants!" This nature alone makes her a rather nasty person when she is spoken to for idle chatter. She usually does not really care about what a person has to say, unless its something she wants to hear. She is not the person who'd make friends so easily should they disagree with her ideals. And when she goes on about her conservative values, she gets quite pushy and persistant. She does something similar to the nobleman mustache twirl, only, it's her long hair that she does it to. Her appearance is most important to her, especially when it comes to the fact that she is a noble. And as a noble, it is her responsibility to show off her status, and make sure that people get the idea, whether it be by her being a total sasslord, or by force should the situation come to a rather... dangerous one, especially when it involves assassination attempts.
Even though she is quite the snobby person, she covers that image during the face of politics, usually asserting to the honourable and dignified noble that she is. She is a rather good, convincing person that can use her charismatic skill to win people over to her side, and get what she wants. And of course, when it comes to combat, Lucienne is quite honourable. Even with her pride, she still shows some sympathies of mercy when she faces her enemy. She boasts honour as a tool for her own advantage, and of course, would gladly take apart of more... honourable gentlewomanly activities such as fencing.
The biggest thing she would hate from a person is their lack of respect towards her. How dare a peasant would badmouth the name "Sinclair" infront of her face? She will get quite aggressive towards the insolent fools who dare would show such impudence, and would od anything to ensure they fall back into line, and know their place. Another thing that would be so outlandish to her, are the progressive ideals of peoples such as Relina Zhan's ideals of a more progressive Hapan government. The ideal of allowing outsiders to interfere with Hapan culture is among the many things she is strongly against. If anything, anything that would prevent Hapan culture from spreading is considered heretical to the noble Lucienne Sinclair.
The honourable Sinclair family has been one of the many noble houses of Hapan, in which, they had a reputation of being one of the more silver tongued houses, as they involved themselves more with the political insights rather than outer affairs. For decades, the Sinclairs had been involved with numerous of political affairs from it’s foundings as a dynasty 650 Years Before the Battle of Yavin. Since the Hapan reforms and progressiveness taking over the government, the Sinclairs had became one of the more active, and advocative voice against the society’s opening up towards more equality roots, thinking it is ruining the matriarchy, and the foundations of what the Hapans stand for. The Sinclairs had been involved in many political opposition against Progressive noble houses, and even assassinated notable members of some of the more powerful houses to show an example of their conservatism. They believe that the Hapans should keep to the quote of Prince Isolder, “No man can rule the Hapes”.
Lucienne was born over 816 Years After the Battle of Yavin to this proud noble house. The young Sinclair was born to two siblings, a younger brother and an older sister, in which would die early on in her life from Lorell pirates. Her mother was a former politician in the Hapan Royal Court, in which she became pretty popular among many conservatives within the Consortium. Her father was the one who mainly raised her at home as his wife was always out at work, trying to maintain their family’s position within the council. Her father was your typical Hapan father in which Lucienne would later model him as an example for how a man should be like within the Consortium. He would be the one who taught young Lucienne how to read and write, and how to use several things.
Lucienne had been an aspiring person to join the military, as she felt that her service was needed to help keep the Matriarchy protected from outsiders and namely from the Jedi, whom she felt that every day, they are taking over. She was a strong opponent of the progressive movement that was mustering within the Consortium and hoped to one day change it. Seeing these firey opinions spew out at the dinner table, namely after she turned fourteen, her mother had decided to instead, send her to a school on how to become a minister, going against Lucienne’s dream to serve her people.
Even though she had graduated a politician, Lucienne didn’t felt she had done enough. She had went into the service at the age of 18, as soon as she got out, and begun to serve within the Hapan military. Her political views would get more radical as time got on, and felt the increasing tension between the conservatives and progressives of the current state of the Consortium. Lucienne felt as if she had to get involved much more, and decided to also have a return to politics. One of the driving factors was the murder of her mother and her older sister, both killed by Lorell pirates when she was only 26 year old. This had drven her point of how things are beginning to weaken under. She would also rise in the ranks of the Hapan military to become a admiral in her military career.
Lucienne would not really understand that she had the force until recently, where she had discovered how to use the power of the force to get people to see her point of view. It's a rather hard thing to do, but she still is learning how to use it much more better. She doesn't understand the force itself, but atleast she knows of it... somewhat. Her disgust of the Jedi however, is still present within her, as it always had been in her house for thousands of years.