Daughter of the Dreaming River

Name: Lucindi Kinswi; please just call me Luce, though.
Faction: None.
Rank: None.
Species: Hapan, she’s hard to miss, unfortunately...
Age: Twenty-four.
Sex: Female.
Height: 5'8”.
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Pale, emerald green.
Hair: Peachy-pink.
Skin: Moderately tan.
Force Sensitive: Yes, though she likes thinking of different ways to channel it than most people.
Weapons: Beads that channel her Force energy, which she developed herself. They are seen hanging in her hair, as if they are merely accessories. Miscellaneous blasters and other technology. Currently working on gauntlet style blasters, because why not?
Language(s): Basic, Hapan.
Occupation: Engineer. Plucky go-getter. Adventurer. The most annoying person in the room.
Home Planet: Hapes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weapons: Beads that channel her Force energy, which she developed herself. They are seen hanging in her hair, as if they are merely accessories. Miscellaneous blasters and other technology. Currently working on gauntlet style blasters, because why not?
Language(s): Basic, Hapan.
Occupation: Engineer. Plucky go-getter. Adventurer. The most annoying person in the room.
Home Planet: Hapes.
+Intelligence. Due to her high social standing in the matriarchal culture of Hapan and the fact that she is female, Luce had any and all access she wanted to books and knowledge. Luce loved learning and embraced it wholeheartedly. Because of this, she is an extremely intelligent individual and uses that to create and design new weapons and technology. She always pushing herself to learn new things, making it a habit to learn something new everyday.
+ Engineer. Due to her intense amount of knowledge, Luce has become quite skilled at creating different things, mostly gadgets and gizmos use to help her on her adventures or, on the off chance she’s found, in battle. Her favorite creation was a version of stun gauntlets that are powered by her own Force.
+ Melee Combat. Despite being a girl of high standing, Luce’s parents knew that a hit could be put on her at any moment, as was the way of the Hapans. She was a stunning child, so they decided that the best way to protect her was to teach Luce hand-to-hand combat. Due to this, she is rather skilled in close range combat, especially if she has her beads and gauntlets. While she can fight with other means, she prefers melee combat, which might have something to do with her cocky personality.
- Night blindness. Due to growing up on the main planet of the Hapes Cluster, Luce is basically blind in even the dimmest of lighting. She’s used a somewhat dorky looking night vision visor to aid her in dim surrounds, but she still clumsy and… Rather screwed, honestly.
- Cocky. When she has her gauntlets and beads, she is down for fighting anything. She usually wins in a hand-to-hand combat situation and lets that get to her head way too often. This leads to pointless battles with stronger individuals and a week to get over the injuries, yet somehow, she’s still just as cocky as ever, no matter how bad a loss...
- Force. Luce has never been properly trained in the way of the Force, because most all of Hapes’ Jedis were purged. Due to this, despite the fact she is Force sensitive, she is incapable of wielding it properly. She wishes to broaden her horizons in the way of the Force, but since she keeps to herself, this is nearly impossible. She has managed to wrangle in some of her abilities in order to use her weapons of choice, but that’s about it.
+- Beauty. Due to the fact that she is Hapan, Luce is a gorgeous individual. To her, however, this is not a positive. The only time she cares to be as attractive as she is is when it helps her get her way. Otherwise, she hates it, because no one takes her seriously in the engineering world or… Well, just about anywhere.
Tall, athletically built, and curvy, Luce is pretty much what you’d expect of a Hapan. She’s extremely beautiful with peachy-pink hair that hits just below her shoulder blades on her back. Her eyes are a pale green that shine brightly in the sun, which probably has something to do with the fact that she’s grown up with seven suns and endless days. Her ears are pierced and she wears green earrings that match the beads that flow through her hair. Luce has various outfits she will donn depending the situation that she has engineered to assist her in battle. The outfit she wears on a normal day to day bases is a body suit that is white, navy, and green in color with a simple bomber jacket with her signature blue star on it. She tends to keep her flowing hair in a short ponytail when she is working and fighting. Luce usually goes for comfort over looking nice, because she prefers not attracting attention to her looks. She wants to be known for her mind.
Tall, athletically built, and curvy, Luce is pretty much what you’d expect of a Hapan. She’s extremely beautiful with peachy-pink hair that hits just below her shoulder blades on her back. Her eyes are a pale green that shine brightly in the sun, which probably has something to do with the fact that she’s grown up with seven suns and endless days. Her ears are pierced and she wears green earrings that match the beads that flow through her hair. Luce has various outfits she will donn depending the situation that she has engineered to assist her in battle. The outfit she wears on a normal day to day bases is a body suit that is white, navy, and green in color with a simple bomber jacket with her signature blue star on it. She tends to keep her flowing hair in a short ponytail when she is working and fighting. Luce usually goes for comfort over looking nice, because she prefers not attracting attention to her looks. She wants to be known for her mind.
Lucindi Kinswi was born to a mother and father on the planet of Hapes. Her mother was a part of the Hapes Consortium, but other than that, they lived normal lives for Hapans of high social standing - at least on the outside. Due to the fact that the Hapes are a firm matriarchy, Luce’s parents decided to hide the fact that Luce’s father did show signs of the Force within him. They feared the rest of the Consortium, known for placing out hits on others just because they were more attractive than someone else, would do the same to both him and Luce, for fear she may one day use her Force to overthrow the Queen Mother. Because of their fear of losing their precious daughter, they kept Luce in the dark about the possible Force powers she may one day obtain. To keep her from focusing within her, they gave her other means of existing. From a very young age, Luce was highly encouraged by her parents to seek out knowledge and learn anything and everything she could. They felt this was the way to keep her from learning about what powers were dormant within her.
Due to her hunger for knowledge, Luce became known as a child prodigy amount the Consortium. She designed different technologies, learning how to engineer from some of the best and the brightest in the Hapes, soaking up every book she could find. She was particularly fond of learning about different types of weapons, as well as secretly reading texts about the Force. She was not aware of the fact that one day she might too be able to use the Force, but she was intrigued by it. It was not like the weapons she designs or the other scientific facts in her books and its existence excited her and baffled her all at once. Since Luce could not understand the Force, however, she focused on building bodysuits to aid one in battle for fun and just reading books behind her parents back about the Force. She didn’t know why, but her parents weren’t happy with her whenever they found her reading them, always forbidding her from reading more. But, Luce’s personality wouldn’t let her, she’d rather defy them, if it meant learning more.
When Luce was about 14 years old though… something changed. She begin having weird dreams that would actually happen within a few days. If she got mad, things would move or react to her. She didn’t know what was happening, but her parents did. And so did the Queen Mother…
Ten years later and Luce is traveling the galaxy all alone. Her parents sent her off after two failed attempts on Luce’s life. The Hapans are known for setting out hits on people they feel threatened by, its just their nature. No one could ever prove it, but they all knew the Queen Mother was behind it. The thing that Luce’s parents thought would keep her safe only made things worse. All the Queen Mother saw was a beautiful, highly intelligent, Force sensitive woman completely capable of over throwing her rule. Luce hasn’t seen her parents in five years and she’s only been somewhat able to figure out this who “Force” thing. She mostly keeps to her ship, the Faulty Starlight, and just travels wherever looks interesting. She still desires any and all knowledge that she can get a hold of. Luce also works on honing her Force, as well as building weapons and bodysuits to use in combat, since that’s a thing she has to do now. The only thing Luce focuses on doing nowadays is making sure the Queen Mother’s assassins don’t find her. And kill her.
Ship:YT-1250 Light Freighter. It is blue and white in color and haphazardly decorated with emerald green to match her beads and eyes. There is a large, signature blue star on it signifying that this is the Faulty Starlight. It does not have any other special modifications other than its paint job.
Kills: None.
Bounties: None.
Role-play(s): None currently.
Lucindi's Looks