Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lucius Scipio


NAME: Lucius Scipio
RANK: Politician
SPECIES: Ruferalahuín
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
EYES: yellow
HAIR: brown
SKIN: Peach


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+: Due to his race he has fire retardant fur/skin
+: Has a high body temperature
+: Has a Force Affinity for pyrokinesis
-: Frail in cold environments
-: Prone to high blood pressure
-: poor vision at night


Born on Ulúk Tgalieh to the Oólb Rudle tribe, Lucius was the son of a lowly hunter and a mother he had never had a chance to meet. Life at first was always a constant struggle for Lucius and his father. Nights spent sleeping outside on the ground with no protection from the cold that the night brought. Others of the tribe actually looked down upon the two not only because of their social standing but because of the difficulty that Lucius and his father had with pyrokinesis, which was a major staple when it came to their tribe. Lucius and his father were outcasts up till Lucius' ninth birthday where his intellect and demeanor had shocked even the chieftan. Lucius had always been a intelligent being taking his chance to learn from what others did and spoke of, he had the makings of a great political leader. After that day he had redeemed the Scipio clan. Him and his father were no longer looked down as outcasts but were given everything and anything that their tribe had at hand. They planned to use Lucius and craft him into the perfect politician for their people. One that would fight for them and bring them to prominence.

However Lucius had other plans. HE took their gifts and made promises he had no plans to keep to his people. They had looked down upon him and his father but the moment they saw a use to him everything had changed. He couldn't even think to try and defend the race in senate much less to a random stranger. On his fifteenth birthday the young Ruferalahuín made his escape from the planet. Hopping aboard a space shuttle outbound to the main political planet Coruscant with his father where they used all the gifts that the tribe had offered them to get Lucius into a Apprentice Legislature program which he'd then move on doing all he could to climb the ladder to actually becoming a politician. On his twentieth birthday Lucius had to watch as his father died saving Lucius from a sniper that was hoping to take out the young potential.






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