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Lucius Varad


Name: Lucius Varad
Pronunciation: [ Loo-Sh-Us ] [ Vah-rad ]
Alias(es): Rogue Twelve
Titles: Slave (Former.) Flight Officer (Current.)
Marital Status: Single
Significant Other: Not Applicable
Faction Allegiance: The Galactic Alliance

Species: Human (Pamarthen.)
Sex: Male
Age: Twenty-Three Galactic Standard
Height: 1.8 Meters (Five Foot Eleven.)
Weight: 86 Kilograms (190 Lbs.)
Physique: Athletic, Muscular.
Eye Colour: Violet
Complexion: Pallid Caucasian (Albinoid.)
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde/ Silvery Gold (Albinoid.)
Homeworld: Pamarthe
Voice Sample: Jago Sevatarion - The Horus Heresy; The Long Night. [Source]

Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Initiate (Sorcerer of Rhand.)
Alignment: The Darkside (Unknowingly Subservient.)

Personality: To surmise his very being, Lucius is a man of few words. He is a quiet and reserved individual that rarely seeks out the company of others, often preferring to ensconce himself within the sanctity of his quarters or the various archives littered throughout the myriad of Alliance bases on the Outer Rim. The Cursed Pilot has an incredible hunger for knowledge, something that as by his admission, was severely lacking during his enforced tenure as a Slave, and will do whatever it takes to learn what he was previously denied. While the pallid corpse of a man is seemingly reticent when not on active duty, Lucius becomes another beast entirely when he's on the battlefield. His deep-seeded aggression and hatred boil to the surface when allowed to slip the leash, and if caught outside of his Starfighter; Flight Officer Varad would engage the enemy in close quarters - secretly wishing them to relieve him of his agony with the sweetest release of death. Lucius believes that enacting the Blood Price is the only thing he could do to repay the Alliance for what they had done for him. Rebuilding his life after he had been broken was not an easy feat. Varad is loyal to his fellow squadmates, seeking to bloody his hands so that they wouldn't have to, and obeys his superiors without question - unless the order was the contradict with his flash-trained indoctrination. That being said, there are times that his reconditioning slips. He fears the lash and is frightened by failure, as both go hand in hand. There have been many times throughout his time at the Flight Academy of Sullust that Lucius had broken down and started to mewl like a whimpering wretch when his instructors had been far too harsh with him. His flaws were writ large for all to see, and it drives him to become better through personal trials and tribulations.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
  • By Rod and Lash; Having spent much of his youth enslaved to a wandering Sorcerer of Rhand, Lucius had experienced the very worst that Humanity had to offer and had grown to dread the sight of whips and chains. His restless nights are haunted by the horrors that he endured, and the pain that marred his flesh. The man, if not armed with either the tools of his trade or mounted within the cockpit of his Starfighter, cowers in the face of Slavers and their ilk, fearing a return to his previous life. The Alliance had done what they could to bleach his mind of such frightening memories, but as they are so deeply ingrained into his psyche, they are forever a blemish on his introverted personality.
  • Albinoid; Due to the genetic inheritance bequeathed to him by birth, Lucius suffers from a partial lack of pigmentation in his hair and flesh. The diminished reservoir of melanin in his body increases his chances to falling prey to a myriad of skin cancers and a high risk of burning under the kiss of alien suns. Had he not been cursed with this hereditary congenital disorder, Lucius would've been crowned with golden blonde hair and coated in the taut radiation-scarred flesh of a Sun-dweller.
  • Born to Soar; Like those that were birthed on Pamarthe, Lucius was born to fly, either amongst the stars or in the skies of some alien world. He possesses an uncanny ability to bond with whatever metallic steed he deigns to mount, allowing it to become an extension of his Will through the connection of his fingertips. With his raw talent honed by the training and guidance of the Alliance Starfighter Corps, Flight Officer Varad has become the bane of all that fly in opposition to Rogue Squadron, and the Galactic Alliance thereafter.
Appearance: Borne aloft upon an athletic frame and wrought by the tensile fibers of muscle flowing smoothly underneath his creamy porcelain skin, Lucius Varad embodied the stylized perfection of Humanity in all forms. Maned with hair that was spun from silvered gold, and born with eyes the hue of refined amethyst, he was a vision - marred only by the echoing scars of his past. Angry red bands inked the flesh around his wrists, whilst his back had become a patchwork of jagged lesions. In the center of his breast laid the greatest of all his distinguishing marks, one that was seared into his very being, the Symbol of the Black Sun. Puncture scarring and serialized tattoos adorn the remainder of his body, finalizing his newly bequeathed form and fashioning him into an Angel fallen into Sin. To hide his shame, the Cursed Pilot shrouds himself in thick traveling leathers when not on duty. They cover his body from head to toe in boiled sections of animal flesh and hide the imperfections that assail his sculpted beauty. When on duty, the Pamarthen clad himself in the various uniforms of the Alliance Starfighter Corps. Be they the customary brilliant orange flight suits, or the standard dress fatigues - slightly altered to mask his shameful flaws.

  • T-70 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter - Unchristened. [X]
  • DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Refurbished and Brought up to Modern Blaster Standards. [X]
  • MF-9 Maser Scattergun, Recently Assigned to his Personal Arsenal. [X]

Teaser: Former Slave rebuilt into a Cursed Pilot.

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