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Orphen had been having a good ol' time on ossus recently, it had come to his attention that since the leaving of the deep core and moving out into the universe that there had been a concentrated effort with the civilian population to attempt to reintegrate some of the notable species of Tython, onto the new worlds in which the Jedi were now settling, while some of the togrutan tribes did not wish to leave their own sacred planet, some of the less sentient species were finally being released into their own eco-systems, the likes of the Deep=Core sunbird among them. The magnificent creatures would thrive on a planet which was bathed in the radiance of the light side of the force which made choice to place them on this planet all the more natural. Offering his hand when he could, the Jedi knight who handled the animals instructed Orphen in the proper means to take care of them... The days working with the aviary were long ones, and rough, Orphen had underestimated the pride within the birds, and they had not exactly liked him either... The falconer had mentioned something about the birds being able to sense the alignment and doubt within a Jedi, able to read people with something like an empathic link... the thought of that, in Orphen's head struck a chord, he didn't want to think he was falling to the dark side, though, that being said, he was one of the only Jedi padawan in the order whom the masters were completely unable to sense the mental state of...not to mention the people he had been associating with recently...
and the experiments which had been performed on him in his earlier life...
perhaps he was tainted? And the birds picked up on it...
But before the Jedi padawan was able to dwell on the thoughts any further, he was assured by the head falconer that, while the birds were smart, they found it hard to discern human emotions, and that it could be anything which was causing them to shy away from him, they had, after all, just been moved from their home in order to be moved here. A move which must have been difficult and stressful for the birds, they also no doubt could feel the apprehension in their tamers, being the day they finally moved from captivity into the wild. The forests which surrounded this area and training temple were ideal for perches of the birds... It wasn't long after the morning when finally they small group of jedi watched the mating pairs fly off into the distance, radiating like stars in the morning sky that they took their leave and moved onto their own deeds for the day. Orphens being particularly lax, he had finally finished all of the work on his AI and his other computer work, his weapons had been made and everything seemed to be going fine for the young inventor, though, now he was beginning to feel a little bored, he had no projects to work on, and he was slowly but surely beginning to run out of materials, one of which just so happened to be particularly rare.
So, he wandered the tropical area, looking at the dogs playing in the open park in front of the temple, the botanical gardens hanging from the ledges of the ziggaraut while unique trees and flora peppered the landscape.
it was a good day.