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Approved NPC Lucky

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Intent: To sub a canine droid companion for Joury Syhn for use in future RP.
Image Credit(s): [X]
Role: Personal companion; service / working / hunting dog
Joury Syhn
Visanj T’shkali
P.I.R.S.O.C. Droid


Age: New, as of 856 A.B.Y.
Model: Protection, Infiltration, Reconnaissance and Special Operations Canine (P.I.R.S.O.C.) Droid
Appearance: Varies with buyer’s desires, however this unit enjoys a dense dark reddish-brown sythfur, akin to that commonly seen in working / sporting breeds of canine, with lighter highlights and black masking, which is water repellant. Unlike biological canines, it doesn’t shed its fur, retaining the same appearance regardless of seasons. Eye color remains brown until the droid becomes aggressive or senses danger, at which point the eyes begin to softly glow red.


Name: “Lucky”
Loyalties: Single-Handler, in this case Joury Syhn.
Notable Equipment: P.I.R.S.O.C. Droid Collar
Skills: Lucky is capable of performing all normal duties and tasks regularly capable by any P.I.R.S.O.C. Droid.
Personality: Will, like all P.I.R.S.O.C. Droids, develop personality over time due to its experiences and heuristic programming. Baseline programming requires the droid to function in behavior and kind such as a real canine would, being extremely vigilant and protective towards its designated handler, i.e. remaining close, staying between he or she and potential threats, wary of strangers, etc. Furthermore it is loyal to a fault, playful, and affectionate with its handler, though more stoically aloof towards others. It will not become aggressive until commanded to do so. Pre-programmed or self-programmed ‘friends’ will receive warmer treatment and more friendly interactions.


Weapon(s) of Choice: Uses its teeth and claws in the same manner as an actual canine, but can also deliver a powerful stun charge via biting, capable of rendering a very large adult humanoid incapacitated and unconscious. Finally, the unit can also create a ‘sonic bark’ which is a directed sonic energy weapon having an approximately 20m range, capable of temporarily disorienting a living being and causing great pain.
Combat Function: Programmed for protection, law enforcement, and military use, its combat programming mimics the abilities of an actual canine, i.e. displaying fierce aggression, biting, clawing, violently shaking an enemy or pinning it down in an effort to incapacitate or kill the subject, a decision made only by duration of the attack and the handler’s choice to allow the unit to kill its foe or else command it to cease and move back defensively. Like all P.I.R.S.O.C. Droids, it will attack any threat it perceives as directly endangering or attacking its handler, and is programmed to identify friend or foe. Often, units will be pre-programmed with ‘lists’ of friends and foes, including identifying their handler’s family, close friends and associates, crew-mates as friends and maybe being programmed to identify a certain species or even specific individual as foe, causing the unit to attack those enemies whenever they are encountered. This programming can be deleted or changed by the handler at will.

  • Faithful Companion - intensely loyal and absolutely obedient to Joury, Lucky is almost ever-present with her, unless specifically commanded to go and be elsewhere.
  • (Wo)Man’s Best Friend – as a P.I.R.S.O.C. Droid, Lucky can perform a variety of tasks and roles, and is well-versed in his Master’s needs and personality, able to understand her commands, anticipate dangers and needs, and act accordingly.
  • One Master Only – A P.I.R.S.O.C. Droid will not obey commands given to it by anyone, even ‘friends’, other than its Master/Handler. If Joury isn’t available, becomes incapacitated, or dies, the droid will respond to no one else and will continue to function based upon the last commands received until deactivated.
  • Bark Bigger Than Bite – Lucky was designed to mimic regular canines, and won’t be much help – given his size or armaments – against large beasts, groups of foes, or significant threats such as a heavy tank, for example. He’ll try, but he’s not indestructible and he’s not super-powered, unless you count his cute little doggie-like heart!

Sensing her sister’s apprehension and noting her social awkwardness, Visanj sought to give Joury a present that would make her long stay and studies on Kashyyyk among the Silver Jedi Order easier to bear. Designed as a faithful friend and companion, with a wide variety of useful abilities, this droid was just what the doctor ordered. Following the Handler Orientation Program session, Joury dubbed her new pet “Lucky”, when Visanj informed her that she might shoot them both if Joury went with the original designation of “Mr. Snuggle-Butt Von Cuddly-Pants” and the two just seemed to click almost from the first moment. Now her ever-present and steadfast friend shares her bed each night, always on alert and ready to protect and serve his new Master.
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