Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: "Lucky" (Real name: Mizor)
RANK: None
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5 foot, 10 inches (~1.8 meters)
WEIGHT: 170 pounds (~77 kilograms)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Techie: A life of tinkering has made him able to fix weapons, computer systems, and select other technologies with relative ease. Also has some moderate slicing abilities.
+ Sharpshooter: Reliance on technology has made the ability to wield a blaster his primary form of defense, and he does so well.
+ Explosives expert: Always better to destroy enemies from afar before they can train their weapons on you, so Lucky uses explosives to his full advantage when given the opportunity.

- In a bad place: Lucky doesn't take very good care of himself. Addicted to all kinds of spices and booze, doesn't eat well, rarely exercises, and just generally has poor hygiene - he can't be bothered with such mundane things when there is money to be made and his own hide to keep out of danger.
- Physically undaunting: Not a big man by any means, he poses almost no threat at all when unarmed. Melee combat is an almost certain defeat.
- Ignorance: Lucky didn't do so well in school, his knowledge of the galaxy is severely lacking beyond what he needs to know to complete a job or make some extra scratch. He knows very little about the worlds and species around him.

A pale, somewhat thin and undersized human Male. Long black bangs usually cover the majority of his face, but a large scar is quite noticeable across his left eye. Crystal blue eyes can be mesmerizing if you can ever get a clear glimpse of them.

He wears a heavy cloak which covers almost his entire body, perfect for concealment and also useful for making him appear bigger and more threatening than he would otherwise. Underneath, he can carry an assortment of weapons - a DL-22 blaster pistol never leaves his side holster. When needed, he would carry a number of sonic detonators on his belt, but his prized possession was a Czerka Adventurer slugthrower sniper rifle - easily disassembled for concealment and smuggling and far more discreet than a blaster.

Born to a wealthy family on Coruscant, Lucky never really fit in as a kid and always had the image of a loner - preferring to keep to himself, hardly ever socializing with others, and avoiding schoolwork in favor of tinkering with various gadgets and droids in his father's workshop. It wasn't long before he fell into the wrong crowd and began stealing or committing other petty crimes. As a teenager he had a few run-ins with local authorities and although they were easily bought off he still felt he had outgrown the confines of Coruscant's skyscrapers.

After stealing one of his father's space yachts, he flew to the planet Makeb with a cohort with contacts in the illegal black market trade of the highly valuable isotope-5. During his years smuggling on Makeb, he had received the nickname "Lucky" because of his habit of getting into incredible sticky situations due to his bull-headedness that couldn't see beyond the trail of money he was following and often put himself at incredible risk. Many times he barely escaped with his life, and those he worked with were constantly in awe of the positive fates we was always blessed with - as impossible as they seemed.

Following the years of service to the traders on Makeb whom allowed him to carve out a nice living for himself, he felt he had set a good enough financial foundation to begin his career as a freelancer. His two personal droids would make up the first members of his crew aboard the newly pirated "Medessi" that he decided to claim as his own on a hunch after a night of drinking in a spaceport.

Droid Companion NPC Sheets:

The "Medessi" is a Corellian Engineering Corp VCX-350 light freighter - perfect for hauling the goods and providing adequate space for his crew, though definitely not the deadliest ship in the galaxy.

Armament: 2 fire-linked laser cannons and 3 partial turrets (front, right, left)
Shields: Yes
Navigation system: Yes
Minimum crew: 2
Passengers: 8
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0








Well-Known Member
[member="Julian Solo"] correct, but there is a tendency to class eu and cannon ships as antiques. As we are at 835 aby
sabrina said:
[member="Julian Solo"] correct, but there is a tendency to class eu and cannon ships as antiques. As we are at 835 aby
you can *technically* run it off as a modern version. Only things that are specifically classed as antiques by description are auto-classed by the judges.

If you hover over the bottom of your post a bat will appear wit the report and quote. There's an edit button if the post and poster match. (Best way for me to explain it)

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