Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lui Karns

Lui Karns - Troublemaker


NAME: Lui Karns

RANK: Pickpocket


AGE: 18

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'9"

WEIGHT: 135lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Pale



Nimble - Lui has a small frame. He's naturally light-footed and quick moving. He can make easy mad dash escapes when necessary.
Hot Shot Pilot - He's been piloting from a very young age, even only at age 18 he's developed quite the natural talent.
Cunning - Being a lowlife pick-pocketing scoundrel develops a cunning, devious and often manipulative personality.
Foolhardy - Lui will often get himself into situations before taking into account how he'll get out of them alive.

Attachment Issues - Never staying in one place for a while as a child, Lui has trouble making genuine and long-lasting attachments.
Troublemaker - Lui gets easily bored. There's no better way to have fun than to start a fight... This makes it difficult for him to
Pathological Liar - What's the point in telling the truth right? When people know you, they know your weaknesses. But when caught in a web of lies, it's never easy to escape.
Overly Sympathetic - Although he seems rash and uncaring on the outside, Lui is too caring for those with a similar unfortunate upbringing to him. Even as a pickpocket, he'll never steal from those he sees less fortunate than himself.

Lui is a handsome lad, looking slightly older than his age. His height is average for male humans, if not slightly below, but his figure is skinny and and primate like - with slightly longer arms and legs in proportion to his short torso. His hair is brown and and flowing, shaven underneath with a tight, ponytail emerging from the back of his head. He has piercing blue eyes, hidden under a thick brow and sitting above thin lips. A silver hoop rests, pierced through his left earlobe.

One would commonly find Lui attired in baggy flight clothes; smugglers jackets, mechanic's belts and cargo pants. He carries not a blaster or any type of armament.

Lui isn't sure himself which planet he was grew up on - he'd visited dozens by the time he was five. But he does know that he was born on Nar Shaddaa. His parents were smugglers, he spent his childhood in-between systems in the outer rim, accompanying them on small yet highly illegal spice runs. There was nowhere else for him to be. He holds true that his parents were fantastic people, strong and kind hearted, they did what they did because they had no other option on the outer rim.

From a very young, his mother had always involved him in piloting of their small cargo freighter, he was quite a competent pilot by the time he was eleven. That was the age when, on a spice run, his freighter was halted by Imperial Authorities, and both his parents were convicted and incarcerated. Lui himself, too young to be imprisoned was put in an orphanage on Telos. Lui wasn't used to staying in one place for a while, so he ran away. On Telos, he moved from crowd to crowd, gang to gang. He learned how to steal and pickpocket, how to brawl and gamble, to lie and deceive. It was less than two years before he stowed away on a cargo ship, a practice that he'd get used to over the next few years. He hopped from system to system, causing petty trouble, stealing from the pockets of drunk folk at bars etcetera.

By the time he'd turned nineteen, he was daring as ever. One night he saw an opportunity and took it, he followed a drunk man to a his landing pad on Nar Shaddaa, hit him over the head with a metal pole, robbed him and stole his ship. Now Lui wanders in search of adventure.

An ugly, comprised from the parts of different ships. It has the wings of a Nssis Class Clawcraft and the body of an A-9 Vigilance Starfighter, fitted with a Class 5 Civilian Standard Hyperdrive installed. It has little in the way of armament.




Ophelia in progress

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