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Lunabelle Belltranova

S u p e r i o r
I've learned from experience that the place to save lives is in the field, not an office.
General Information

Name | Lunabelle Belltranova
Aliases | Luna, Doctor Belltranova
Species | Human
Home Planet | Coruscant
Age | 34

Gender | Female
Vocal Sample | Lunara
Force Sensitive | No
Occupation | Combat Medic/Doctor

Physical Appearance

Height | 5'11"
Weight | 155 lbs
Build | Athletic

Hair Color | Blonde
Skin Tone | Pale
Eye Color | Light Blue
Notable Features |
Lunabelle lacks any distinguishing features apart from her hairstyle not being a very common one seen in the galaxy.

Psychological Information

Sexuality | Homosexual
Relationship Status | Single [For Professional Reasons]
Personality |

Calm | Capable | Professional | Empathetic | Eloquent

Lunabelle Belltranova is a well educated, well-versed individual who typically puts her professional career before any personal matters. She has a surgeon's calm both in an operating room and in the heat of battle, always ensuring the safety of those under her care. She generally doesn't allow for personal matters to interfere with her work, and some may even characterize her as a cold and distant individual who will prioritize her work overall. Despite this, Lunabelle is quite a warm and easygoing individual when she is off duty despite coming off blunt and to the point a lot of the times.

Lunabelle will always put the safety of her comrades over that of herself, seeing it as her duty to ensure the survival of her peers. She will work tirelessly through the odds and see things through to the end. Lunabelle will be the individual who will remain headstrong despite odds being shifted drastically against her. She is a trusted individual that can get the job done, and be trusted to keep a cool head in even the most heated situations.
S u p e r i o r
Abilities and Traits

Lunabelle was a former emergency trauma surgeon back when she was a simple doctor working out of a hospital. As a result, she is well capable of performing operations in environments despite the pressure. She is able to retain a calm and professional atmosphere when otherwise engaged in treating a wounded individual. Since her transition into a more militaristic background, Lunabelle has learned to make full use of whatever medical equipment is assigned to her when operating on the battlefield, and is more than capable of wielding a blaster accurately and efficiently. Her medical expertise extends to the field of synthesization as well, always testing a number of different compounds and creating new ones. She is classifed as a special forces operative due to her affiliation with Task Force Aurek and has been trained to handle a variety of situations, both medical and combat.
+ Lunabelle's skills as a surgeon and medic were second to none in her former unit, this is a skill that has not been weathered despite being flung into the future.
+ Lunabelle possesses a photographic memory, capable of retaining whatever information she even briefly looks over.
- Despite her background in the military, she is not a very capable fighter on her own.
- Generally lets her own hubris and confidence in her own skill overshadow her foresight. While she is capable of keeping herself calm and composed, there is still the possibility of her becoming emotionally compromised.

S u p e r i o r

The following information regarding the individual known as Lunabelle Belltranova, was born prior to the Clone Wars, thrown centuries into the future as a result of a freak hyperspace accident.

Lunabelle Belltranova was the daughter of high ranking political figures within the Senate on Coruscant. She was the eldest of three daughters and also the one with the strangest upbringing. However, rather than follow in the footsteps of her parents to become a politician, she sought to help others, seeing the pain that the war wrought across the galaxy in addition to the passing of her youngest sister to a rare illness. Belltranova would grow up studying medicine and was considered a young medical protege. She would travel the galaxy to treat people as a wandering doctor after being disowned by her parents for not following the path they desired.

She would volunteer her services at medical stations across the galaxy during the Clone Wars, expanding upon her medical knowledge and experience along the way. She would also pick up some combat experience such as learning how to pick up and fire a weapon on the field for self-defense purposes after serving as a medic for wounded clones on the field during the war. During the time she spent with clones during the war, Belltranova gained a particular interest in the battlefield, slowly pushing her away from the idea of running an office at a hospital on a populated planet.

Belltranova would later start up her own medical clinic on Coruscant, enjoying the smaller work environment compared to a larger hospital. However, she disagreed with the New Order after it took rise following Order 66 and fled Coruscant. While adrift and traveling through the galaxy she came across a Republic vessel found adrift as well as a patient who required dire medical attention. This patient would be none other than Korvan Toldreyn, a Jedi Knight who had been grievously wounded during the Jedi slaughter. She treated his wounds as well as prepared/applied the cybernetics that he wore, nursing him back to health from the brink of death. She resumed her travels after treating Korvan, unaware that their paths would soon cross once more in the future.

A few months following Order 66, Belltranova opened up a new clinic along the edges of the Inner Rim, having taken residence on a small colonized planet. Her new clinic took in a number of volunteers that she taught to become doctors, serving as her interns that treated patients while she was off-world cleaning up major war zones. Shortly after her return from the planet Utapau, Belltranova encountered Korvan Toldreyn who offered her a place in the newly formed Task Force Aurek, to which she gladly accepted.

While serving in Task Force Aurek, Lunabelle was involved in a number of operations against the Empire, participating in a number of guerrilla operations while serving as one of two chief medical officers that were a part of Task Force Aurek, though Lunabelle was the one that actively accompanied the Task Force during their missions as a combat medic. One of her last operations resulted in her and her squad being caught in a malfunctioning ship that transitioned into hyperspace. Due to the malfunction, the ship somehow had torn itself through space and time, resulting in them having been thrown onto a Galactic Alliance held planet that crashed.

There were few survivors, but those that had survived, though reluctant to accept that their past lives were over, had joined with the Galactic Alliance. Lunabelle chief among them was very quick to accept this result and move on past it. Though she considered opening a book store once the war of the past had finished, she found herself in a new galaxy filled with just as much strife, and as a doctor, could not let up her sworn duty to care for the sick and injured. Though she tries to stray away from the militaristic life she once led, she will join the Galactic Alliance's forces as a combat medic to keep the mortality rates on the field low.

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