Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lunara Ochenta


NAME: Lunara Ochenta

RANK: Chief Financial Officer, Shareholder

SPECIES: Vorzydiak

AGE: 34

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.89 meters

WEIGHT: 140lb

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Green



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Savvy
  • Ruthless
  • Practically useless in combat
  • Boring

As with most Vorzydiaks, she had yellow/greenish skin with very large green pupils. Clothing wise, she has a number of different styles, the formal, the casual, oh wait, she's never casual. Most of the time, she is wearing a suit, and rarely anything but. Infact, if you caught her out of it, you should take a picture. Likely thing is she's already on the way back to the wardrobe. Style isn't her best attribute, beauty doesn't equal business in her mind, though for most standards she is fairly beautiful, though definitely not a supermodel.

Lunara was originally born to a poor family on Vorzyd, but the aspiring entrepreneur inside of her, and a lot of education enabled her to grow from near nothing to the best water bottle producer on the planet, not only because of their pristine quality, fantastic aesthetics and large carrying capacity for a particularly arid part of her community, but the designs depicted a young girl with neon blue hair and were soon the biggest export of the world. Serenity, being self centered as she was, soon discovered and assumed that this woman was a fan of her, and in typical narcissistic fashion funded the production of the hydration stationators.

In typical fashion, the market value went down when they became much less of a priceless good, and now a manufactured phenomenon. She was in debt to Serenity for some 3 million credits, the total amount that was eventually invested in factories with the sole purpose of producing the bottles, but was easily paid back thanks to innovations on her part and a lot of tech design meetings.

When another company investor attempted to pull out and got himself placed in cryo-stasis for the foreseeable future, she snatched the opportunity and added an additional 20% to her share, now making it 33%.





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