Lunn Menarev
The Broken Oracle 

NAME: Lunn Menarev
RANK: Not Known
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown and puffy
SKIN: Tanned
+ Expert Slicer: Lunn has grown up around computers and is self taught, she knows how to crack most systems.
+ Seer: Gifted in the ways of the force, Lunn possesses the power to see snippets of the future. She possesses psychometry, visions, and precognition.
+ Diplomatic: Excellent in making deals and trades, she has a way with words.
+ Lie Detector: Using the force she can sense who is lying or telling the truth.
- Spice Addiction: As a way to stop the bombardment of visions or seeing the past Lunn has dulled her powers with spice, this however has brought on a severe addiction that hinders her in her daily life.
- Uncontrolled Force Powers: Lunn cannot control the force abilities she was born with, she is rendered useless when her visions strike and has been forced to wear gloves to keep from having skin on skin contact with objects and people.

The amnesiac girl won't be able to tell you about her past. The only things she could even remotely tell you was that the sun was hot and it beat down on her. She wandered for days on Tattooine before a roving trading group of Jawa found her. She gave them what she had, if only for a place to stay within their trade camp. There was one thing she kept however, a broken lightsaber hilt that she believed was her parents, but she could never be sure and her gifts never worked on it when she touched it. Soon her force powers began to spiral out of control, her dreams were full of nightmares of things to come, anything she touched left an imprint upon her mind, giving her days to even years of the past in her mind. Slowly these visions grew stronger and more frequent until she was bed ridden.
Lunn soon found there was only one thing that eased her visions. Spice was easy to find on the planet and she started using it to dull her senses and her powers. Due to her self medicating she soon grew a severe addiction, where her visions crippled her it was now Spice that ruled her life. In the times when she could function she taught herself how to use computer systems, and became a sort of expert in Slicing. She's gotten herself in trouble for it, but she always seems to get out of it one way or another (some say it's her fancy talking that does it, others just claim she's a witch).
Lunn loans herself out for hire. No questions asked. Anyone in need of a Slicer can easily find her and if the pay is good, she might take you up on your job.
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